function _AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_substitutions

4.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_substitutions()
5.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::display_toolbox_substitutions()

Used in the Toolbox popup, this will display content of the tab which shows a student's substututions

Return value



classes/_AdvisingScreen.php, line 921




function display_toolbox_substitutions() 
  $pC = "";
  // This will display the substitution management screen.

  $pC .= fp_render_curved_line(t("Manage Substitutions"));

  $pC .= "<div class='tenpt'>
				" . t("The following substitutions have been made for this student:") . "
  $is_empty = true;


  while ($this->student->list_substitutions->has_more()) 
    $substitution = $this->student->list_substitutions->get_next();

    $db_substitution_id = $substitution->db_substitution_id;

    $course_requirement = $substitution->course_requirement;
    $subbed_course = $substitution->course_list_substitutions->get_first();

    $assigned_to_degree_id = $substitution->assigned_to_degree_id;

    $sub_s_i = $subbed_course->subject_id;
    $sub_c_n = $subbed_course->course_num;

    $cr_s_i = $course_requirement->subject_id;
    $cr_c_n = $course_requirement->course_num;
    $cr_hrs = $course_requirement->get_hours();

    $in_group = ".";
    //if ($subbed_course->assigned_to_group_id > 0)
    //if ($subbed_course->get_first_assigned_to_group_id() != "")
    if ($substitution->db_required_group_id != "") 
      $new_group = new Group();
      //$new_group->group_id = $subbed_course->assigned_to_group_id;
      //$new_group->group_id = $subbed_course->get_first_assigned_to_group_id();
      $new_group->group_id = $substitution->db_required_group_id;

      $in_group = " in $new_group->title.";

    $sub_action = t("was substituted for");
    $sub_trans_notice = "";
    if ($substitution->bool_group_addition == true) 
      $sub_action = t("was added to");
      $cr_s_i = $cr_c_n = "";
      $in_group = str_replace("in", "", $in_group);

    if ($subbed_course->bool_transfer == true && is_object($subbed_course->course_transfer)) 
      $sub_s_i = $subbed_course->course_transfer->subject_id;
      $sub_c_n = $subbed_course->course_transfer->course_num;
      $sub_trans_notice = "[" . t("transfer") . "]";

    $extra = $by = $remarks = "";
    $temp = $this->db->get_substitution_details($db_substitution_id);
    $by = $this->db->get_faculty_name($temp ["faculty_id"], false);
    $remarks = $temp ["remarks"];
    $ondate = format_date($temp ["posted"]);

    if ($by != "") 
      $by = " <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; " . t("Substitutor:") . " $by. 
						<br>&nbsp; &nbsp; <i>$ondate.</i>";

    if ($remarks != "") 
      $remarks = " <br>&nbsp; &nbsp; " . t("Remarks:") . " <i>$remarks</i>.";

    // If the sub'd course had ghost hours, make a note of that.
    if ($subbed_course->bool_ghost_hour) {
      $subbed_course->substitution_hours = "0 (1 ghost) ";

    if ($substitution->bool_outdated) 
      $extra .= " <span style='color:red'>[OUTDATED: ";
      $extra .= $substitution->outdated_note;
      $extra .= "]</span>";

    $substitution_hours = $subbed_course->get_substitution_hours($assigned_to_degree_id);

    $pC .= "<div class='tenpt' style='margin-bottom: 20px;'>
						$sub_s_i $sub_c_n $sub_trans_notice ($substitution_hours hrs) $sub_action
						$cr_s_i $cr_c_n$in_group $by$remarks $extra
							<a href='javascript: popupRemoveSubstitution(\"$db_substitution_id\");'>" . t("Remove substitution?") . "</a>

    $is_empty = false;

  if ($is_empty == true) 
    $pC .= "<div align='center'>" . t("No substitutions have been made for this student.") . "</div>";

  $pC .= "</div>";

  watchdog("toolbox", "substitutions", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

  return $pC;