AdvisingScreen::build_added_courses in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
Constructs the HTML to show which courses have been added by an advisor.
AdvisingScreen::build_semester_list in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
Constructs the HTML to display the list of semesters for the student.
AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
This function displays the popup which lets a user select a course to be advised into a group.
AdvisingScreen::display_semester in classes/AdvisingScreen.php
Given a Semester object, this will generate the HTML to draw it out to the screen. We will take advantage of the render engine, so we can utilize hook_content_alter later on.
AdvisingScreenTypeView::display_semester_list in classes/AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
Display contents of a semester list as a single semester, only displaying courses matching the requirement_type. If the requirement_type is "e", then we will also look for anything not containing a defined requirement_type.
DegreePlan::add_semester_courses_added in classes/DegreePlan.php
FlightPath::assign_course_to_courses_added_list in classes/FlightPath.php
FlightPath::combine_degree_plans in classes/FlightPath.php
This function is responsible for combining multiple degree plans into a single unified degree plan, then returning it.
FlightPath::load_advising_session_from_database in classes/FlightPath.php
Student::init_semester_courses_added in classes/Student.php