FlightPath 4.x-4.1

Referenced project: 
Release core: 
Release version: 
Release ZIP file: 
Release type: 
New features and bug fixes
Release notes: 

Tweaked student_search.module to display "advanced search tips" on all sub tabs.

Changed schema of the faculty table, and updated the system.install file to make those
changes on update.

Fixed a bug in user module, where roles were not showing up. Also, added where is_faculty=1
to search queries, to reduce duplicate users who are both faculty and students.

Added new watchdog (log entry) viewer to admin module

Added warning message that displays on admin console if cron hasn't been run in over 7 days

Added new function fp_get_module_details to misc.inc

Modified system.install so that core modules get the version of "core" when first installed.

Changed maintenance mode message slightly in system.module

Tweaked update_status module to make it more clear, and added a "check now" url and link,
so users can check for new modules instead of waiting for cron.

Limited search results (student_search.module) to 300, and display message if 300 is reached.

Fixed bug in db.inc, function variable_get(). If what you were getting was boolean TRUE, then it would
show as FALSE! Kind of a nasty bug!

Added new "short" date format to format_date function, in theme.inc

Updated documentation in hook.api.php