function hook_advise_build_screen_elements

7.x advise.module hook_advise_build_screen_elements(&$screen)
6.x advise.module hook_advise_build_screen_elements(&$screen)
4.x advise.module hook_advise_build_screen_elements(&$screen)
5.x advise.module hook_advise_build_screen_elements(&$screen)

This is a hook which developers may use to add custom blocks (or perform other operations) onto the advising View or What If screen.

This is called AFTER the AdvisingScreen class has called it's build_screen_elements() function, which draws the various semester blocks, footnotes, etc, onto the screen.

This gives other modules a chance to alter the screen, or to add a custom block to the bottom of the screen. Note that the $screen element is sent by reference. Any changes you make to it will be instant; there is no need to return anything.

To see how these blocks are best set up, look at AdvisingScreen->build_excess_credit(), or AdvisingScreen->displaySemester() for inspiration.


AdvisingScreen &$screen:


modules/advise/advise.module, line 2812


function hook_advise_build_screen_elements(&$screen) {

  $html = "";
  $html .= $screen->draw_semester_box_top("Sample", TRUE); // pass TRUE to hide the "headers" 
  $html .= "<tr><td colspan='8'>"; // required after the top!

  // The content...
  $html .= "<b>Hello World!</b>";


  // All done, time to tidy up...
  $html .= "</td></tr>"; // required before the bottom!
  $html .= $screen->draw_semester_box_bottom();

  // Add to the screen as a "semester block".
