6 calls to fp_get_requirement_types()

admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_display_degrees_popup_add_group2 in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
_AdvisingScreenTypeView::build_semester_list in classes/_AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
In __advising_screen, this method simply displays the degree plan's semesters to the screen. But here, we need to go through the type categories: ex: Core, Major, Supporting, and Electives, and only display courses and groups from each semester…
_AdvisingScreenTypeView::match_requirement_type in classes/_AdvisingScreenTypeView.php
Does the testType match the reqType? This function is used to make sure that courses or groups with a certain requirement_type are placed in the correct semester blocks on screen.
_DegreePlan::calculate_progress_hours in classes/_DegreePlan.php
Calculate and store progress hour information. Stores in the $this->gpa_calculations array.
_DegreePlan::calculate_progress_quality_points in classes/_DegreePlan.php
Calculate the quality points of our completed courses, so we can use that to figure out GPA.