7 calls to fp_get_js_confirm_link()

advise_display_popup_change_term in modules/advise/advise.module
This popup allows the advisor to change the advising term.
advise_display_popup_change_track in modules/advise/advise.module
advise_display_popup_change_track_non_dynamic_degree in modules/advise/advise.module
This is the "change track" popup we will display if the degree cannot be combined with anything else (non-dynamic).
content_render_content in modules/content/content.module
Return the HTML rendering the content we have in the database.
system_modules_form in modules/system/system.module
This is the form which an admin may use to manage the modules in the system.
user_user_roles_form in modules/user/user.module
This form allows the user to manage the roles in the system.
z__old__advise_display_popup_change_track in modules/advise/advise.module