8 calls to base_path()

content_public_files_form in modules/content/content.module
This screen lets the user upload/manage/delete "public files" stored at custom/files/content_uploads/public_uploads/
fp_get_module_path in includes/misc.inc
Return the filepath to the module
fp_theme_location in includes/theme.inc
Return the theme location
fp_url in includes/misc.inc
This function will take a path, ex: "admin/config/module" and a query, ex: "nid=5&whatever=yes" And join them together, respecting whether or not clean URL's are enabled.
head.tpl.php in themes/fp_clean/head.tpl.php
This file is meant to contain all of the common items which should appear in the <head></head> section of the page.
head.tpl.php in themes/how_to_customize/custom_fp_clean/head.tpl.php
This file is meant to contain all of the common items which should appear in the <head></head> section of the page.
system_init in modules/system/system.module
Called on every page load.
system_render_advising_snapshop_for_iframe in modules/system/system.module
This is meant to be a widget which shows in the dashboard of the advising user, within an iframe, since it can take a while to load.