14 calls to base_path()

fp_get_module_path in includes/misc.inc
Return the filepath to the module
fp_mobile_template.php in themes/basic/fp_mobile_template.php
fp_mobile_template.php in themes/classic/fp_mobile_template.php
fp_mobile_template.php in themes/fp5_clean/fp_mobile_template.php
fp_print_template.php in themes/basic/fp_print_template.php
fp_print_template.php in themes/classic/fp_print_template.php
fp_print_template.php in themes/fp5_clean/fp_print_template.php
fp_template.php in themes/basic/fp_template.php
fp_template.php in themes/classic/fp_template.php
fp_template.php in themes/fp5_clean/fp_template.php
fp_theme_location in includes/theme.inc
Return the theme location
fp_url in includes/misc.inc
This function will take a path, ex: "admin/config/module" and a query, ex: "nid=5&whatever=yes" And join them together, respecting whether or not clean URL's are enabled.
system_init in modules/system/system.module
Called on every page load.
_AdvisingScreen::draw_pie_chart_box in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function is used to draw an individual pie chart box. It accepts values of top/bottom in order to come up with a percentage.