11 functions implement hook_validate()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

admin_add_degree_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
Validate handler for add_degree_form
admin_copy_degree_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
Validate handler. Make sure our allow_overwrite setting is working. Check for existing major code.
admin_edit_group_form_validate in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
Validate handler for edit group form.
advise_what_if_selection_form_validate in modules/advise/advise.module
Validate handler for the what_if selection form. This is where we might, for example, make sure that if a non-dynamic degree was selected, that they can't proceed.
form_basic_validate in includes/render.inc
This is a very basic valiator for form API submission. All I really care about is making sure required fields have a value in them. If they do not, we will file a form_error.
system_login_form_validate in modules/system/system.module
Validate function for the login form. This is where we will do all of the lookups to verify username and password. If you want to write your own login handler (like for LDAP) this is the function you would duplicate in a custom module, then use…
system_school_data_form_validate in modules/system/system.module
Validate handler for the school_data_form.
user_edit_student_user_form_validate in modules/user/user.student.inc
Validate handler for editing student users.
user_edit_user_advisees_form_validate in modules/user/user.module
Check to see if we entered a CWID which doesn't exist in students table.
user_edit_user_form_validate in modules/user/user.module
Validate handler for editing faculty users.
user_student_edit_student_courses_form_validate in modules/user/user.student.inc