function _DegreePlan::load_degree_plan

4.x _DegreePlan.php _DegreePlan::load_degree_plan()
5.x _DegreePlan.php _DegreePlan::load_degree_plan()
1 call to _DegreePlan::load_degree_plan()


classes/_DegreePlan.php, line 235




function load_degree_plan() 
  // Load this degree plan from the database and fully
  // assemble it.
  $degree_id = $this->degree_id;

  $old_semester = "";
  $table_name1 = "degrees";
  $table_name2 = "degree_requirements";
  if ($this->bool_use_draft) {
    $table_name1 = "draft_$table_name1";
    $table_name2 = "draft_$table_name2";

  $res = $this->db->db_query("SELECT * FROM $table_name1 a, $table_name2 b
            							WHERE a.degree_id = '?'
            							AND a.degree_id = b.degree_id 
            							ORDER BY semester_num ", $this->degree_id);
  while ($cur = $this->db->db_fetch_array($res)) 
    $this->title = $cur ["title"];
    $this->major_code = $cur ["major_code"];
    $this->degree_class = strtoupper(trim($cur ["degree_class"]));

    $semester_num = $cur ["semester_num"];
    if ($semester_num != $old_semester) 
      // This is a new semester object we are dealing with.
      $old_semester = $semester_num;
      $obj_semester = new Semester($semester_num);
      $obj_semester->title = trim($this->array_semester_titles [$semester_num]);
      if ($obj_semester->title == "") {

    if ($cur ["course_id"] * 1 > 0) 
      // A course is the next degree requirement.

      //if ($this->bool_use_draft) $cat_year = $this->catalog_year;        
      $cat_year = $this->catalog_year;

      $course_c = new Course($cur ["course_id"], false, $this->db, false, $cat_year, $this->bool_use_draft);
      $course_c->assigned_to_semester_num = $semester_num;
      $course_c->min_grade = trim(strtoupper($cur ["course_min_grade"]));
      if ($course_c->min_grade == "") 
       { // By default, all courses have a
        // min grade requirement of D.
        $course_c->min_grade = "D";
      $course_c->requirement_type = trim($cur ["course_requirement_type"]);

      //adminDebug($course_c->to_string() . $course_c->getCatalogHours());



    if ($cur ["group_id"] * 1 > 0) 
      // A group is the next degree requirement.
      //$group_g = new Group($cur["group_id"], $this->db, $semester_num);

      $title = "";
      $icon_filename = "";
      // Add the real Group (with all the courses, branches, etc)
      // to the DegreePlan's group list!
      // First, see if this group alread exists.  If it does,
      // simply add the number of hours required to it.  If not,
      // create it fresh.
      if ($new_group = $this->find_group($cur ["group_id"])) 
        // Was already there (probably in another semester),
        // so, just increment the required hours.
        $new_group->hours_required = $new_group->hours_required + ($cur ["group_hours_required"] * 1);
        $new_group->hours_required_by_type [$cur ["group_requirement_type"]] += ($cur ["group_hours_required"] * 1);
        $title = $new_group->title;
        $icon_filename = $new_group->icon_filename;
      else {
        // Was not already there; insert it.
        $group_n = new Group($cur ["group_id"], $this->db, $semester_num, $this->student_array_significant_courses, $this->bool_use_draft);
        $group_n->hours_required = $cur ["group_hours_required"] * 1;
        $group_n->hours_required_by_type [$cur ["group_requirement_type"]] += $group_n->hours_required;
        if (trim($cur ["group_min_grade"]) != "") 
          $group_n->assign_min_grade(trim(strtoupper($cur ["group_min_grade"])));
        $group_n->requirement_type = $cur ["group_requirement_type"];
        $title = $group_n->title;
        $icon_filename = $group_n->icon_filename;

      // Add a placeholder to the Semester....
      $group_g = new Group();
      $group_g->bool_use_draft = $this->bool_use_draft;
      $group_g->group_id = $cur ["group_id"];
      $group_g->requirement_type = $cur ["group_requirement_type"];
      if (trim($cur ["group_min_grade"]) != "") 
        $group_g->assign_min_grade(trim(strtoupper($cur ["group_min_grade"])));
      $group_g->assigned_to_semester_num = $semester_num;
      $group_g->title = "$title";
      $group_g->icon_filename = $icon_filename;
      $group_g->hours_required = $cur ["group_hours_required"] * 1;
      $group_g->bool_placeholder = true;



