function _DegreePlan::find_placeholder_group

4.x _DegreePlan.php _DegreePlan::find_placeholder_group($group_id, $semester_num)
5.x _DegreePlan.php _DegreePlan::find_placeholder_group($group_id, $semester_num)


classes/_DegreePlan.php, line 1208




function find_placeholder_group($group_id, $semester_num) 
  // Locate the group within the semesters that matches
  // this group_id and semesterNum.  The assumption here
  // is that no one semester will list the same
  // group twice.  In other words, Core Fine Arts
  // can only have 1 entry for Freshman Year.

  // Create a dummy semester with the correct semesterNum...
  $new_semester = new Semester($semester_num);
  // Create dummy group as well... don't use the constructor, just
  // set the group_id manually to same time. (no DB calls)
  $new_group = new Group();
  $new_group->group_id = $group_id;

  // Find the semester in the list of semesters with this same semesterNum...
  if (!$semester = $this->list_semesters->find_match($new_semester)) 
    // The semester wasn't found!
    return false;

  // Okay, now go through $semester and find the group_id...
  if (!$group = $semester->list_groups->find_match($new_group)) 
    // It wasn't found in the top-level groups.  Look one deeper...
    if (!$semester->list_groups->is_empty) 
      while ($semester->list_groups->has_more()) 
        $group = $semester->list_groups->get_next();
        if ($g = $group->list_groups->find_match($new_group)) 
          return $g;
  else {
    // Meaning, we found it!
    return $group;

  return false;
