function DegreePlan::find_courses

7.x DegreePlan.php DegreePlan::find_courses($course_id, $group_id = 0, $semester_num, $degree_id = 0)
6.x DegreePlan.php DegreePlan::find_courses($course_id, $group_id = 0, $semester_num, $degree_id = 0)

If degree_id != 0, then we will remove any course from the finished list that is NOT in the degree plan. 0 means "give me all of matches back"


classes/DegreePlan.php, line 1282




function find_courses($course_id, $group_id = 0, $semester_num, $degree_id = 0) 
  // This will locate a course within the degree plan, and return
  // back either that course object, or FALSE.
  $new_course = new Course($course_id);
  $new_semester = new Semester($semester_num);
  $rtn_course_list = new CourseList();

  // Okay, if the course is within a group, then
  // we can first use the find_group method.
  if ($group_id != "" && $group_id != 0 && $group_id != NULL) 
    if ($group = $this->find_group($group_id)) 

      if (!($group->list_courses->is_empty)) 
        if ($cL = $group->find_courses($new_course)) 


      if (!($group->list_groups->is_empty)) 
        // Look within each sub group for the course...
        while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
          $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
          if (!$branch->list_courses->is_empty) 
            if ($cL = $branch->find_courses($new_course)) 
          // Here we can look for groups within groups...


    return $rtn_course_list;

  else if ($semester_num != -1) {
    // No group specified.  This course is on the
    // bare degree plan.  We were given a specific semester,
    // so try to find it there...
    if ($semester = $this->list_semesters->find_match($new_semester)) 

      if ($cL = $semester->list_courses->find_all_matches($new_course)) 

        if ($degree_id != 0) {
          // Trim $cL of any courses NOT in our supplied degree_id.
          if ($cL->get_size() == 0) {
            return FALSE; // we removed them all!

        return $rtn_course_list;

  else if ($semester_num == -1) 
    // Meaning, we do not know which semester it goes in, so
    // attempt all semesters, and return with the first instance.
    while ($this->list_semesters->has_more()) 
      $sem = $this->list_semesters->get_next();
      if ($cL = $sem->list_courses->find_all_matches($new_course)) 
        return $rtn_course_list;


  return FALSE;
