function CourseList::find_first_unfulfilled_match
Search API
7.x CourseList.php | CourseList::find_first_unfulfilled_match(Course $course_c) |
6.x CourseList.php | CourseList::find_first_unfulfilled_match(Course $course_c) |
Returns a match to the Course courseC which does not have any courses fulfilling it. Usefull for finding course requirement matches in a list which have not yet been assigned.
Course $course_c:
Return value
- classes/
CourseList.php, line 237
function find_first_unfulfilled_match(Course $course_c)
// Returns match to courseC which does not have
// any courses fulfilling it. Useful for finding
// course requirement matches in a list which have not
// yet been assigned.
for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++)
if ($this->array_list [$t]->equals($course_c) && $this->array_list [$t]->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == true)
return $this->array_list [$t];
return false;