function Course::load_course_from_data_string

7.x Course.php Course::load_course_from_data_string($str)
6.x Course.php Course::load_course_from_data_string($str)

This will take a data string, as created by the function to_data_string(), and make $this object match the original object. It is a poor man's unserialize. See to_data_string()'s description for a fuller picture of what is going on.

To use:

  • $newCourse = new Course();
  • $newCourse->load_course_from_data_string($data);


string $str:

1 call to Course::load_course_from_data_string()
Course::load_course_from_data_string_for_requirement_clone in classes/Course.php
This function uses load_course_from_data_string, but it removes any elements which might interfere with the course object then being used as a requirement. This is used specifically by the FlightPath object, when creating a clone of a repeatable course.


classes/Course.php, line 720




function load_course_from_data_string($str) 
  $temp = explode("~", $str);

  $this->course_id = $temp [0];


  $this->assigned_to_semester_num = $temp [1];
  $this->assigned_to_group_ids_array = fp_explode_assoc($temp [2]);

  $this->bool_advised_to_take = (bool) $temp [3];
  $this->specified_repeats = $temp [4];
  $this->bool_specified_repeat = (bool) $temp [5];
  $this->grade = $temp [6];

  if (strstr($this->grade, "_pls_")) {
    $this->grade = str_replace("_pls_", "+", $this->grade);

  $this->set_hours_awarded(0, floatval($temp [7]) * 1); // *1 to force numeric, and trim extra zeros.
  $this->term_id = $temp [8];
  $this->advised_hours = $temp [9] * 1;

  $this->bool_transfer = (bool) $temp [10];

  // Was this a transfer course?
  if ($this->bool_transfer == true) 
    $t_course = new Course($temp [11], true);
    $t_course->term_id = $this->term_id;
    $this->course_transfer = $t_course;

  $this->bool_added_course = (bool) $temp [12];
  $this->db_advised_courses_id = $temp [13];
  $this->random_id = $temp [14];

  //$this->bool_substitution_by_degree_array    =   fp_explode_assoc($temp[15]);
  $this->set_degree_details_from_data_array(fp_explode_assoc($temp [15]), "bool_substitution");

  // Was this a substitution course?
  if (trim($temp [16]) != "") 
    $arr = fp_explode_assoc($temp [16]);

    foreach ($arr as $did => $cid) {
      $t_course = new Course($cid); // original course requirement.
      $t_course->req_by_degree_id = $did;

      $this->set_course_substitution($did, $t_course);

      $temp2 = explode(",", $temp[16]);  // contains course_id,req_by_degree_id.  Need to split the values up.
      $t_course = new Course($temp2[0]); // original course requirement.
      $t_course->req_by_degree_id = $temp2[1];  
      $this->course_substitution = $t_course;

  $this->db_substitution_id_array = fp_explode_assoc($temp [17]);

  $this->min_hours = $temp [18] * 1;
  $this->max_hours = $temp [19] * 1;

  //$this->bool_substitution_new_from_split =   (bool) $temp[20];
  $this->set_degree_details_from_data_array(fp_explode_assoc($temp [20]), "bool_substitution_new_from_split");

  //$this->bool_substitution_split  =   (bool) $temp[21];
  $this->set_degree_details_from_data_array(fp_explode_assoc($temp [21]), "bool_substitution_split");

  // No longer used.  Using assigned_to_degree_ids instead.
  //$this->bool_has_been_assigned =   (bool) $temp[22];
  $throw_away = $temp [22]; // throw-away value.  Can probably just remove entirely.

  $this->display_status = $temp [23];

  $this->bool_ghost_hour = (bool) $temp [24];

  $this->assigned_to_degree_ids_array = fp_explode_assoc($temp [25]);

  $this->req_by_degree_id = intval($temp [26]);

  $this->disp_for_group_id = trim($temp [27]);
  $this->school_id = trim($temp [28]);
  $this->db_grade = trim($temp [29]);
  $this->extra_attribs = trim($temp [30]);
  $this->unique_id = trim($temp [31]);
