function AdvisingScreenTypeView::build_semester_list

7.x AdvisingScreenTypeView.php AdvisingScreenTypeView::build_semester_list()
6.x AdvisingScreenTypeView.php AdvisingScreenTypeView::build_semester_list()

In __advising_screen, this method simply displays the degree plan's semesters to the screen. But here, we need to go through the type categories: ex: Core, Major, Supporting, and Electives, and only display courses and groups from each semester fitting that type.


classes/AdvisingScreenTypeView.php, line 27


This class is the View by Type view for FlightPath. As such, it inherits most of it's classes from __advising_screen.


function build_semester_list() 

  $list_semesters = $this->degree_plan->list_semesters;
  // Go through each semester and add it to the screen...

  // We want to go through our requirement types, and create a box for each one, if available.
  $types = fp_get_requirement_types($this->student->school_id);
  foreach ($types as $code => $desc) {
    $temp = $this->display_semester_list($list_semesters, $code, $desc, TRUE);
    if ($temp) {
      $this->add_to_screen($temp, "SEMESTER_TYPE_" . $code);

  $temp_d_s = new Semester(DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_DEVELOPMENTALS); // developmental requirements.
  if ($dev_sem = $list_semesters->find_match($temp_d_s)) 
    $this->add_to_screen($this->display_semester($dev_sem), "SEMESTER_" . DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_DEVELOPMENTALS);
