function AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select

7.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select(Group $place_group, $group_hours_remaining = 0, $req_by_degree_id = 0)
6.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::display_popup_group_select(Group $place_group, $group_hours_remaining = 0, $req_by_degree_id = 0)

This function displays the popup which lets a user select a course to be advised into a group.


Group $place_group:

int $group_hours_remaining:

Return value



classes/AdvisingScreen.php, line 5614




function display_popup_group_select(Group $place_group, $group_hours_remaining = 0, $req_by_degree_id = 0) 
  $pC = "";

  $advising_term_id = $GLOBALS ["fp_advising"]["advising_term_id"];
  if ($req_by_degree_id == 0) {
    $req_by_degree_id = $place_group->req_by_degree_id;

  $bool_no_courses = FALSE;

  if ($place_group->group_id != DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED) 
    // This is NOT the Add a Course group.

    if (!$group = $this->degree_plan->find_group($place_group->group_id)) 
      fpm("Group not found.");
    else {
      // Found the group... we don't need to do anything.
  else {
    // This is the Add a Course group.      
    $group = $place_group;


  $group_id = $group->group_id;

  // So now we have a group object, $group, which is most likely
  // missing courses.  This is because when we loaded & cached it
  // earlier, we did not load any course which wasn't a "significant course,"
  // meaning, the student didn't have credit for it or the like.
  // So what we need to do now is reload the group, being careful
  // to preserve the existing courses / sub groups in the group.


  if ($group_hours_remaining == 0) 
    // Attempt to figure out the remaining hours (NOT WORKING IN ALL CASES!)
    // This specifically messes up when trying to get fulfilled hours in groups
    // with branches.
    $group_fulfilled_hours = $group->get_fulfilled_hours(true, true, false, $place_group->assigned_to_semester_num);
    $group_hours_remaining = $place_group->hours_required - $group_fulfilled_hours;


  $display_semesterNum = $place_group->assigned_to_semester_num;
  $pC .= "<!--MSG--><!--MSG2--><!--BOXTOP-->";
  $bool_display_submit = true;
  $bool_display_back_to_subject_select = false;
  $bool_subject_select = false;
  $bool_unselectableCourses = false;
  $final_course_list = new CourseList();

  $public_note = fp_trim($group->public_note);
  if ($public_note) {
    $pC .= "<tr><td colspan='8'><div class='group-public-note'>" . $public_note . "</div></td></tr>";

  $group_sort_policy = variable_get_for_school("group_requirement_sort_policy", "alpha", $this->student->school_id);

  if (!($group->list_courses->is_empty)) 


    $new_course_list = $group->list_courses;
    // Is this list so long that we first need to ask the user to
    // select a subject?
    if ($new_course_list->get_size() > 30) 

      // First, we are only going to do this if there are more
      // than 30 courses, AND more than 2 subjects in the list.
      $subject_array = $new_course_list->get_course_subjects();
      if (count($subject_array) > 2) 
        // First, check to see if the user has already
        // selected a subject.
        $selected_subject = addslashes(fp_trim(@$_GET ["selected_subject"]));
        if ($selected_subject == "") 
          // Prompt them to select a subject first.
          $pC .= $this->draw_popup_group_subject_select($subject_array, $group->group_id, $display_semesterNum, $group_hours_remaining, $req_by_degree_id);
          $new_course_list = new CourseList(); // empty it
          $bool_display_submit = false;
          $bool_subject_select = true;
        else {
          // Reduce the newCourseList to only contain the
          // subjects selected.
          $bool_display_back_to_subject_select = true;

    if ($group_sort_policy == 'database') {
    else {
      // By default, sort alphabetical      



  if (!($group->list_groups->is_empty)) 
    // Basically, this means that this group
    // has multiple subgroups.  We need to find out
    // which branches the student may select from
    // (based on what they have already taken, or been
    // advised to take), and display it (excluding duplicates).
    // The first thing we need to do, is find the subgroup
    // or subgroups with the most # of matches.
    $new_course_list = new CourseList();
    $all_zero = true;

    // Okay, this is a little squirely.  What I need to do
    // first is get a course list of all the courses which
    // are currently either fulfilling or advised for all branches
    // of this group.
    $fa_course_list = new CourseList();
    while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
      $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
    // Alright, now we create a fake student and set their
    // list_courses_taken, so that we can use this student
    // to recalculate the count_of_matches in just a moment.
    $new_student = new Student();
    $new_student->list_courses_taken = $fa_course_list;

    // Okay, now we need to go through and re-calculate our
    // count_of_matches for each branch.  This is because we
    // have cached this value, and after some advisings, it may
    // not be true any longer.

    $highest_match_count = 0;
    while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
      $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
      // recalculate count_of_matches here.
      $clone_branch = new Group();
      $clone_branch->list_courses = $branch->list_courses->get_clone(true);
      $matches_count = $this->flightpath->get_count_of_matches($clone_branch, $new_student, $group);
      $branch->count_of_matches = $matches_count;
      if ($matches_count >= $highest_match_count) 
       { // Has more than one match on this branch. 

        $highest_match_count = $matches_count;

    // If highestMatchCount > 0, then get all the branches
    // which have that same match count.
    if ($highest_match_count > 0) 

      while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
        $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();

        if ($branch->count_of_matches == $highest_match_count) 
         { // This branch has the right number of matches.  Add it.

          $all_zero = false;



    if ($all_zero == true) 
      // Meaning, all of the branches had 0 matches,
      // so we should add all the branches to the
      // newCourseList.

      while ($group->list_groups->has_more()) 
        $branch = $group->list_groups->get_next();
    else {
      // Meaning that at at least one branch is favored.
      // This also means that a user's course
      // selections have been restricted as a result.
      // Replace the MSG at the top saying so.
      $msg = "<div class=' '>" . t("Your selection of courses has been
              restricted based on previous course selections.") . "</div>";
      $pC = str_replace("<!--MSG-->", $msg, $pC);

    // Okay, in the newCourseList object, we should
    // now have a list of all the courses the student is
    // allowed to take, but there are probably duplicates.




  // Remove courses which have been marked as "exclude" in the database.

  $final_course_list->assign_group_id($group->group_id); // make sure everyone is in THIS group.

  // Here's a fun one:  We need to remove courses for which the student
  // already has credit that *don't* have repeating hours.
  // For example, if a student took MATH 113, and it fills in to
  // Core Math, then we should not see it as a choice for advising
  // in Free Electives (or any other group except Add a Course).
  // We also should not see it in other instances of Core Math.
  if ($group->group_id != DegreePlan::SEMESTER_NUM_FOR_COURSES_ADDED && $this->bool_blank != TRUE) 

    // Only do this if NOT in Add a Course group...
    // also, don't do it if we're looking at a "blank" degree.      
    $final_course_list->remove_previously_fulfilled($this->student->list_courses_taken, $group->group_id, true, $this->student->list_substitutions, $req_by_degree_id);


  if ($group_sort_policy == 'database') {
  else {
    // By default, sort alphabetical      

  // flag any courses with more hours than are available for this group.
  if ($final_course_list->assign_unselectable_courses_with_hours_greater_than($group_hours_remaining)) 

    $bool_unselectableCourses = true;

  // Make sure all the courses in our final list have the same req_by_degree_id.

  $pC .= $this->display_popup_group_select_course_list($final_course_list, $group_hours_remaining);

  // If there were no courses in the finalCourseList, display a message.
  if (count($final_course_list->array_list) < 1 && !$bool_subject_select) 
    $pC .= "<tr>
          <td colspan='8'>
            <div class=' '>
            <b>Please Note:</b> 
            " . t("FlightPath could not find any eligible
            courses to display for this list.  Ask your advisor
            if you have completed courses, or may enroll in
            courses, which can be
            displayed here.");

    if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
      // This is an advisor, so put in a little more
      // information.
      $pC .= "
                  <div class=' ' style='padding-top: 5px;'><b>" . t("Special note to advisors:") . "</b> " . t("You may still
                      advise a student to take a course, even if it is unselectable
                      in this list.  Use the \"add an additional course\" link at
                      the bottom of the page.") . "</div>";
    $pC .= "            </div>
    $bool_no_courses = true;

  $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

  $s = "s";

  $unselectable_notice = "";

  if ($group_hours_remaining == 1) {
    $s = "";
  if ($bool_unselectableCourses == true) {
    $unselectable_notice = " <div class=' '><i>(" . t("Courses worth more than %hrs hour$s
                may not be selected.", array("%hrs" => $group_hours_remaining)) . ")</i></div>";
    if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
      // This is an advisor, so put in a little more
      // information.
      $unselectable_notice .= "
                  <div class=' ' style='padding-top: 5px;'><b>" . t("Special note to advisors:") . "</b> " . t("You may still
                      advise a student to take a course, even if it is unselectable
                      in this list.  Use the \"add an additional course\" link at
                      the bottom of the page.") . "</div>";

  if ($group_hours_remaining < 200 && $bool_no_courses != true) {
    $disp_group_hours_remaining = $group_hours_remaining;
    // If we have min_hours, display that information.
    if ($place_group->has_min_hours_allowed()) {
      // Make sure the "real" group has the same min hours set.
      $group->min_hours_allowed = $place_group->min_hours_allowed;

    if ($group->has_min_hours_allowed()) {

      $g_fulfilled_hours = $group->hours_required - $group_hours_remaining; // How many have we actually used?

      $d_min_hours = $group->min_hours_allowed - $g_fulfilled_hours; // min hours must be reduced by the number already assigned
      $disp_group_hours_remaining = $d_min_hours . "-" . $group_hours_remaining;

    // Don't show for huge groups (like add-a-course)
    $pC .= "<div class=' ' style='margin-top:5px;'>
          " . t("You may select <b>@hrs</b>
            hour$s from this list.", array("@hrs" => $disp_group_hours_remaining)) . "$unselectable_notice</div>";

  // TODO:  Conditions on which this will even appear?  Like only if the student has more than one degree selected?
  // What degrees is this group req by?    

  $t_degree_plan = new DegreePlan();
  $t_degree_plan->degree_id = $req_by_degree_id;
  $t = $t_degree_plan->get_title2(FALSE, TRUE);
  if (trim($t) != "") {

    $pC .= "<div class='  group-select-req-by-degree'>
                " . t("This group is required by ");
    $html = "";
    $html .= "<span class='group-req-by-degree-title'>" . $t . "</span>";

    $pC .= "$html</div>";



  if ($bool_display_submit == true && !$this->bool_blank && $bool_no_courses != true) 
    if (user_has_permission("can_advise_students")) {
      $pC .= "<input type='hidden' name='varHours' id='varHours' value=''>
          <div style='margin-top: 20px;'>
        " . fp_render_button(t("Select Course"), "popupAssignSelectedCourseToGroup(\"$place_group->assigned_to_semester_num\", \"$group->group_id\",\"$advising_term_id\",\"-1\");", true, "style='font-size: 10pt;'") . "


  // Substitutors get extra information:
  if (user_has_permission("can_substitute") && $group->group_id != DegreePlan::GROUP_ID_FOR_COURSES_ADDED) 
    $pC .= "<div class=' ' style='margin-top: 20px;'>
          <b>" . t("Special administrative information:") . "</b>
        <span id='viewinfolink'
        onClick='document.getElementById(\"admin_info\").style.display=\"\";\"none\"; '
        class='hand' style='color: blue;'
        > - " . t("Click to show") . " -</span>         
          <div style='padding-left: 20px; display:none;' id='admin_info'>
          " . t("Information about this group:") . "<br>
          &nbsp; " . t("Group ID:") . " $group->group_id<br>
          &nbsp; " . t("Title:") . " $group->title<br>";
    $pC .= "&nbsp; <i>" . t("Internal name:") . " $group->group_name</i><br>";

    $pC .= "&nbsp; " . t("Catalog year:") . " $group->catalog_year

  if ($bool_display_back_to_subject_select == true) {
    $csid = $GLOBALS ["current_student_id"];
    $blank_degree_id = "";
    if ($this->bool_blank) 
      $blank_degree_id = $this->degree_plan->degree_id;
    $back_link = "<span class=' '>
            <a href='" . fp_url("advise/popup-group-select", "window_mode=popup&group_id=$group->group_id&semester_num=$display_semesterNum&group_hours_remaining=$group_hours_remaining&current_student_id=$csid&blank_degree_id=$blank_degree_id") . "' 
            class='nounderline'>&laquo; " . t("return to subject selection") . "</a></span>";
    $pC = str_replace("<!--MSG2-->", $back_link, $pC);

  $box_top = $this->draw_semester_box_top("$group->title", !$bool_display_submit);
  $pC = str_replace("<!--BOXTOP-->", $box_top, $pC);

  watchdog("advise", "popup_group_select id:$group->group_id, name:$group->group_name, semester_num:$display_semesterNum", array(), WATCHDOG_DEBUG);

  return $pC;