function AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements

7.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements()
6.x AdvisingScreen.php AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements()

This function calls the other "build" functions to assemble the View or What If tabs in FlightPath.


classes/AdvisingScreen.php, line 1745




function build_screen_elements() 
  // This function will build & assemble all of the onscreen
  // elements for the advising screen.  It should be
  // called before display_screen();




  // Should we add the graduate credit block?

  if (variable_get("display_graduate_credits_block", "yes") == "yes") {

  if (!$this->bool_blank) 
   { // Don't show if this is a blank degree plan.

  // invoke a hook, to give custom modules the chance to perform actions 
  // (or add blocks) to the advise screen after we have run this function.
  invoke_hook("advise_build_screen_elements", array(&$this));
