Interaction with mainframe

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Interaction with mainframe

How exactly does FlightPath interact with mainframes? Does the mainframe have to be running a particular OS, or be distributed by a particular company (ex: IBM)?

In general, FlightPath doesn't interact directly with mainframe systems (or any other external database system). Instead, it is assumed that when you set up FlightPath, you will need to do one of two things:

Either (1) create nightly data dumps from your data source (like a mainframe, Banner, etc) into FP's database, or (2) write custom code to access your database directly. For example, if you are using a MySQL or Oracle-based system, you should be able to access it directly.

The easiest and most straight forward to set up is probably option #1. You can always add in option #2 once you get going.

This situation is also explained in the documentation here:



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