Changing block default tiltes

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Changing block default tiltes

I would like to change the default titles of the block in degree plan. Ex. Freshman Year to Semester One

Sure thing. Keep in mind that you can change the "semester" titles on a per-degree basis when you are editing the degree.

This post is for if you want to change the default titles, system wide.  At the moment, this is something that needs to be done in code, though hopefully it will be fairly simple. We will need to take advantage of PHP's ability to override methods. Look at the file /classes/_Semester.php. In there, is a function called "assign_title()".

Copy this function into /custom/classes/Semester.php, and paste it within the class declaration.

Your end result should look something like this (in Semester.php):

(Code is from the 4.3.3 release of FlightPath, but other releases' code will work in a similar way)

By doing this, PHP (and FlightPath) will use your new function.  In THIS file, feel free to change the titles to be whatever you would like.

You may need to "clear the advising cache" of FlightPath (by selecting a new student to advise, or just log out and back in) before you will see your changes.

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