function hook_content_load

6.x content.api.php hook_content_load(&$content)
4.x content.module hook_content_load(&$content)
5.x content.module hook_content_load(&$content)

Sample hook for hook_content_load

This hook lets modules act on content as it is being loaded. Notice the content is being passed by reference, so whatever changes you make to this array will be added in. Nothing needs to be returned.


unknown_type $content:

1 function implements hook_content_load()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

content_content_load in modules/content/content.module
Implementation of content's hook_content_load


modules/content/content.module, line 489


function hook_content_load(&$content) {
  $content ["new_field"] = "something something";