function install_get_settings_file_template

6.x install.php install_get_settings_file_template()
4.x install.php install_get_settings_file_template()
5.x install.php install_get_settings_file_template()

Returns a template for a new settings file.

The only role of this function is to provide a settings template, with replacement patterns which we will use to create a new settings.php file.

1 call to install_get_settings_file_template()
install_perform_install in ./install.php
Actually performs the installation of FlightPath


./install.php, line 242
This is the initial installation file for FlightPath.


function install_get_settings_file_template() {
  return '

 * @file
 * The settings file for FlightPath, containing database and other settings.
 * Once you have made changes to this file, it would be best to change
 * the permissions to "read-only" to prevent unauthorized users
 * from altering it.
// Set the PHP error reporting level for FlightPath.  In this case,
// only show us errors and warnings. (Hide "notice" and "strict" messages)
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);
// Set the PHP max time limit which any one page is allowed to take up while
// running.  The default is 30 seconds.  Change this value (or remove it)
// as needed.
set_time_limit(300);  // 300 seconds = 5 minutes.

 * All system settings will be placed (at the end of this script)
 * into a $GLOBALS variable, but for now will be placed into an
 * array.
$system_settings = array();

// !!!  *** IMPORTANT !!!  ***    //
// If this variable is set to TRUE, then anyone who attempts to log in
// will have full, admin access.
// Only set this to TRUE if you have run into trouble, and cannot log into
// FlightPath normally!
// Otherwise, leave it set to FALSE!
$system_settings["GRANT_FULL_ACCESS"] = FALSE;

// This should be the actual filesystem path to the directory
// where FlightPath is installed.  Do NOT include a trailing slash!
// Ex: /var/www/public_html/flightpath  or, for Windows: C:/htdocs/flightpath
// ** Depending on your webserver, you may be required to use forward-slashes! **
// use the following line to help you figure out the fileSystemPath, by seeing
// what the path is to this file:
// print "<br>System path to settings.php: " . __FILE__ . "<br><br>";
$system_settings["file_system_path"] = "%FILE_SYSTEM_PATH%";

// The base URL is the actual URL a user would type to visit your site.
// Do NOT enter a trailing slash!
// Ex:  http://localhost/flightpath
$system_settings["base_url"] = "%BASE_URL%";

// The basePath is related to the baseURL.  It is the part of the URL which comes after
// your domain name.
// It MUST begin with a preceeding slash.
// Ex: If your site is, then you should
// enter  "/dev/flightpath".  If you are hosting on a bare domain name (
// then simply enter "/"
$system_settings["base_path"] = "%BASE_PATH%";

// *** Database-related settings ***
$system_settings["db_host"] = "%DB_HOST%"; // domain/ip address of the mysql host. ex: localhost or
$system_settings["db_port"] = "%DB_PORT%"; 
$system_settings["db_user"] = "%DB_USER%"; 
$system_settings["db_pass"] = "%DB_PASS%"; 
$system_settings["db_name"] = "%DB_NAME%"; // Name of the actual database where
                                              // flightpath\'s tables are located.
                                              // Usually just "flightpath"

// *** Defaults ***                //
// These default settings are for installation reasons only. 
// They will be overwritten in memory
// once the flightpath_system_settings table is read in at the end of the file.
// Do not alter them.
$system_settings["display_mysql_errors"] = TRUE;
$system_settings["theme"] = "themes/classic";

// *** Misc Settings ***
// To cut down on load times when the user loads a large elective group
// containing many courses, FlightPath can load some of the course inventory
// upon login.  Set the number of courses to load here.
$system_settings["load_course_inventory_on_login_number"] = 2000;

// *** Cron-related ***
// If you wish to use cron.php (which will call every module\'s
// hook_cron() function), you may set up a cron job like this:
//      php cron.php security_token_string
// SecurityToken:  This is something which
// must be the first argument passed to cron.php.  It can be any continuous
// string of *alpha-numeric* characters.
// This is a security measure to prevent unauthorized users (or web-users) from
// running cron.php, and is REQUIRED!
// For example, if the token is "qwss34frwquu" then to run the script you would need
// to use:   http://url/cron.php?t=CRON_TOKEN  (use wget to access from a system cron job.)
$system_settings["cron_security_token"] = "%CRON_SECURITY_TOKEN%";

// The end of the settings file!

// Do not alter or remove!!
// This will load the contents of the flightpath_system_settings
// table into the $system_settings variable.  These are extra settings
// which were set via the web using the system module.
$db_host = $system_settings["db_host"];
$db_port = $system_settings["db_port"];
$db_user = $system_settings["db_user"];
$db_pass = $system_settings["db_pass"];
$db_name = $system_settings["db_name"];

$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$db_host;port=$db_port;dbname=$db_name;charset=utf8", $db_user, $db_pass);     
if (!$pdo) die("Could not connect to database.");

$res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM variables");

while ($cur = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  if (@$val = unserialize($cur["value"])) {
    $system_settings[$cur["name"]] = $val;

$res = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM modules WHERE enabled = 1
              ORDER BY weight, name");
while ($cur = $res->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  $system_settings["modules"][$cur["name"]] = $cur;

// Close our pdo connection.
$pdo = NULL;

// We want to make sure the "system" module is enabled, so we will hard-code
// its values.
if ($system_settings["modules"]["system"]["enabled"] != 1) {
  $system_settings["modules"]["system"]["path"] = "modules/system";
  $system_settings["modules"]["system"]["enabled"] = 1;

// This must appear at the VERY end!  Nothing should come after it....
// Assign our systemSettings to the GLOBALS array so we can access it anywhere.
$GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"] = $system_settings;

