class _CourseList

  1. 4.x classes/_CourseList.php _CourseList
  2. 5.x classes/_CourseList.php _CourseList


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classes/_CourseList.php, line 5

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class _CourseList extends ObjList
  // This inherits most of its classes from ObjList,
  // but, it has to be able to do special functions
  // specific to Courses.  Use parent:: to access
  // a parent function within ObjList.
  // Example: parent::indexOf();
  //public $arrayCourseIDList = array();

   * Used to cast a regular ObjList object into a CourseList.
   * @param ObjList $obj
   * @return CourseList
  static public function cast(ObjList $obj) 
   { // This can be used to cast a regular ObjList
    // into a CourseList object.
    // Use the syntax:  CourseList::cast($x);
    $new_c_l = new CourseList();
    $new_c_l->array_list = $obj->array_list;
    $new_c_l->is_empty = $obj->is_empty;

    return $new_c_l;


   * Give every course in the list a minimum grade.
   * @param string $min_grade
  function assign_min_grade($min_grade) 
    // Go through the list and give every course the specified
    // min grade.

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->min_grade = $min_grade;


   * Go through the list and find any course whose hours are greater
   * than $hours.  Make that course "unselectable."  Used in the groups.
   * For example, if a student may only select 3 hours from a group, we don't
   * want to give them the option of selecting a 5 hour course.  But we also
   * don't want to remove that course either.  We want to display it so they
   * know it was an option (and possibly need to substitute or move things
   * around if they need it).
   * Returns TRUE if anything got assigned, FALSE if nothing got assigned.
   * @param int $hours
   * @return bool
  function assign_unselectable_courses_with_hours_greater_than($hours) 
    // Go through the list and assign bool_unselectable courses whose minHour
    // is greater than $hours.
    // Returns TRUE if it did assign something,
    // false if it didn't.

    $bool_assigned = false;

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->subject_id == "") 

      if ($course->min_hours > $hours) 
        $course->bool_unselectable = true;
        $bool_assigned = true;

    return $bool_assigned;


   * Find and return a specific course from the list.
   * @param int $course_id
   *       - The course_id to look for.  Do not set if using
   *         $use_course.
   * @param int $term_id
   *       - The term_id for the course to look for.  Do not set if using
   *         $use_course.
   * @param bool $bool_transfer
   *       - Is the course we are looking for a transfer course?  Do not
   *         use if using $use_course.
   * @param bool $bool_exclude_substitutions
   *       - If TRUE, we will not consider courses which have been used
   *         in a substitution.
   * @param Course $use_course
   *       - Optional.  If you already have a course object which can be used
   *         as a template to search for, specify it here.  Otherwise, set to
   *         NULL.  If using this, then $course_id, $term_id, and $bool_transfer
   *         will be ignored.
   * @return Course
  function find_specific_course($course_id = 0, $term_id = 0, $bool_transfer = false, $bool_exclude_substitutions = true, Course $use_course = null) 
    if ($use_course != null && is_object($use_course)) 
      $course_id = $use_course->course_id;
      $term_id = $use_course->term_id;
      $bool_transfer = $use_course->bool_transfer;
    // Look through the array for a course with this id, termId, and
    // transfer credit status.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      $check_course_id = $course->course_id;
      if ($bool_transfer == true && is_object($course->course_transfer)) 
        $check_course_id = $course->course_transfer->course_id;

      if ($check_course_id == $course_id && $course->term_id == $term_id && $course->bool_transfer == $bool_transfer) 

        if ($bool_exclude_substitutions == true) 
          if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 


        return $course;

    return false;

   * Call the $course->load_course_descriptive_data() on
   * every course in the list.
  function load_course_descriptive_data() 
    // Call the load_descriptive_data() method
    // for every course in the list.

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

   * Using the parent's function of find_all_matches, this
   * will return a CourseList of all courses which match
   * the Course object.
   * @param Course $course_c
   * @return CourseList
  function find_all_matches(Course $course_c) 
    if (!$list_matches = parent::find_all_matches($course_c)) 
      return false;

    $list_matches = CourseList::cast($list_matches);
    return $list_matches;

   * Returns a match to the Course courseC which does
   * not have any courses fulfilling it.  Usefull for finding
   * course requirement matches in a list which have not
   * yet been assigned.
   * @param Course $course_c
   * @return Course
  function find_first_unfulfilled_match(Course $course_c) 
    // Returns match to courseC which does not have
    // any courses fulfilling it.  Useful for finding
    // course requirement matches in a list which have not
    // yet been assigned.

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      if ($this->array_list [$t]->equals($course_c) && $this->array_list [$t]->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == true) 
        return $this->array_list [$t];

    return false;

   * Go through the list and set the $bool_exclude_repeat flag to TRUE
   * for all matches of $course in this list.
   * Returns FALSE if no matches could be found.
   * @param Course $course
   * @return bool
  function mark_repeats_exclude(Course $course) 
    // Set the bool_exclude_repeat flag to TRUE for all
    // occurances of $course in THIS list.

    if (!$list_matches = parent::find_all_matches($course)) 
      return false;

    $list_matches = CourseList::cast($list_matches);
    while ($list_matches->has_more()) 
      $c = $list_matches->get_next();
      $c->bool_exclude_repeat = true;

    return true;


   * Find a list of matches to Course courseC, which fulfill
   * the min_grade requirement, ordered by most recently taken.
   * Returns FALSE if no matches were found, else it will
   * return the matched Course object.
   * @param Course $course_c
   * @param string $min_grade
   * @param bool $bool_mark_repeats_exclude
   * @return Course
  function find_most_recent_match(Course $course_c, $min_grade = "D", $bool_mark_repeats_exclude = false) 
    // Get a list of all matches to courseC, and
    // then order them by the most recently taken course
    // first.
    // We should, too, check for minimum grades here
    // as well.

    if (!$list_matches = parent::find_all_matches($course_c)) 
      return false;

    $list_matches = CourseList::cast($list_matches);

    // Don't just return if it's only got a size of 1,
    // so that it forces it to do the min grade checking.
    /*		if ($list_matches->getSize() == 1)
		return $list_matches->get_next();
    if ($list_matches->is_empty) 
      return false;

    // If we are here, then we have more than one match.
    // Meaning, we have more than one class which might fit
    // into this course requirement.

    // Sort the courses into most recently taken first.

    // So, now that it's sorted, we should look through the list,
    // checking the min grade requirements (if any).  When we find
    // a good one, we will select it.

    while ($list_matches->has_more()) 
      $c = $list_matches->get_next();

      if ($c->bool_exclude_repeat == true) 
      ///  Check for min grade, etc, here.
      if (!$c->meets_min_grade_requirement_of(null, $min_grade)) 
        if ($bool_mark_repeats_exclude == true) 
          // Since this course does not meet the min_grade,
          // check to see if it may be repeated.  If it can't,
          // then we must mark ALL previous attempts at this
          // course as being excluded from further consideration.
          // (ULM policy on repeats).
          // We don't do this consideration if they simply
          // withdrew from a course...
          if ($c->grade == "W") {

          if ($c->min_hours < 1 || $c->min_hours == "") {
            $c->load_descriptive_data(); // make sure we get hour data for this course.

          if ($c->repeat_hours <= $c->min_hours) 
            // No repeats.
            return false;

          else {
            // Repeats allowed, so just continue.

        else {

      // Has the course already been assigned?
      if ($c->bool_has_been_assigned) 
       { // Skip over it.  Now, this is an important part here, because actually, we should
        // only skip it (and look at the next one) if this course is allowed to be
        // repeated.  If it cannot be repeated, or if the student has taken the
        // maximum allowed hours, then we should return false right here.

      return $c;

    return false;


   * @todo implement this function.
  function sort_best_grade_first() 
    // This will look very similar to sort_most_recent_first
    // when I get a chance to fool with it.

	 * Remove courses from THIS list which appear in listCourses under
	 * these conditions:
	 *   - the listCourses->"assigned_to_group_id" != $group_id
	 * This function is being used primarily with $list_courses being the
	 * list of courses that students have taken.
	 * Also checking substitutions for courses substituted into groups.

	 * @param CourseList $list_courses
	 * @param int $group_id
	 * @param bool $bool_keep_repeatable_courses
	 * @param SubstitutionList $list_substitutions
  function remove_previously_fulfilled(CourseList $list_courses, $group_id, $bool_keep_repeatable_courses = true, $list_substitutions) 

    $rtn_list = new CourseList();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      if ($bool_keep_repeatable_courses == true) 
       { // We can always keep repeatable courses in the list.
        if ($course->repeat_hours > $course->min_hours) 

      // Has the course been substituted?
      if ($test_sub = $list_substitutions->find_requirement($course, false, -1)) 
        // it WAS substituted, so we should NOT add it to our
        // rtnList.

      // Okay, now check if $course is anywhere in $list_courses
      if ($test_course = $list_courses->find_match($course)) 
        // Yes, it found a match.
        // I am taking out this part where I say if it is in
        // this group then we can keep it.  I think that shouldn't
        // be in.
        // This course is in another group, so do nothing
        // and skip it.

        // perhaps the course is on the degreePlan in excess with a W
        // or F?
        if (!$test_course->meets_min_grade_requirement_of(null, "D")) 
          // Meaning, this was a failed attempt, so we can add
          // our original course back in.

        // perhaps this course was purposefully excluded from
        // this list because it did not meet the min grade
        // requirements?  If this is the case, $course should
        // still appear in THIS list.
        if (!$test_course->meets_min_grade_requirement_of($course)) 
          // Meaning, this was attempt did not meet the
          // min grade of the original requirement, so we can add
          // our original requirement back in.

      else {
        // The course was NOT found in the courseList,
        // so its safe to add it back in.


    $this->array_list = $rtn_list->array_list;


   * Returns an array containing the unique subject_id's of
   * the courses in this list.  Its assumed to be ordered
   * already!
   * @param bool $bool_ignore_excluded
   * @return array
  function get_course_subjects($bool_ignore_excluded = true) 
    // returns an array containing the unique subject_id's
    // of the courses in this list.

    // IMPORTANT:  The list is assumed to be ordered already!  Either
    // alphabetically or reverse alphabetically.
    $old_subject_id = "";
    $rtn_array = array();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->subject_id == "") 

      // Go through all valid names for this course.
      for ($x = 0; $x < count($course->array_valid_names); $x++) 
        $temp = explode("~", $course->array_valid_names [$x]);
        $subj = strtoupper($temp [0]);

        if (in_array($subj, $rtn_array)) 
         { // skip ones with subjects we have already looked at.

        if ($course->db_exclude == 1) 

        // We have a new subject.  Add it to the array.
        $rtn_array [] = $subj;


    return $rtn_array;

   * Go through the courseList and take out any course
   * which does not have the $subject as its subject_id.
   * @param string $subject
   * @param bool $bool_reassign_valid_name
   *     - If set to TRUE, we will look at other possible valid names
   *       for this course.  If we find one, we will reassign the course's
   *       subject_id and course_num to the new valid name.
  function exclude_all_subjects_except($subject, $bool_reassign_valid_name = true) 

    $new_course_list = new CourseList();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->subject_id == $subject) 

      // Not the right subject-- but perhaps the course has another
      // valid name with this subject?  Ex: CSCI 373 and MATH 373.

      if ($bool_reassign_valid_name == true && count($course->array_valid_names) > 1) 
        for ($x = 0; $x < count($course->array_valid_names); $x++) 
          if (strstr($course->array_valid_names [$x], $subject)) 
            $temp = explode("~", $course->array_valid_names [$x]);
            $course->subject_id = $temp [0];
            $course->course_num = $temp [1];




    // Now, transfer ownership of the arraylist.
    $this->array_list = $new_course_list->array_list;


   * This re-sorts the CourseList so that fulfilled courses
   * are first, in alphabetical order, followed by
   * unfulfilled courses, in alphabetical order.
   * This is most useful for making the groups
   * show up correctly.
  function sort_fulfilled_first_alphabetical() 

    $tarray = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      //if (!is_object($this->array_list[$t]->courseFulfilledBy))
      if ($this->array_list [$t]->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == true) 
       { // Skip if not fulfilled.

      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      array_push($tarray, $str);


    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
      $i = $temp [2];

      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Alright, now we do it again, but with unfulfilled courses.
    $tarray = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      //if (is_object($this->array_list[$t]->courseFulfilledBy))
      if ($this->array_list [$t]->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty != true) 
       { // Skip if fulfilled.

      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      array_push($tarray, $str);


    $new_list2 = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
      $i = $temp [2];

      $new_list2->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Now, combine the two lists.

    // And, transfer the newList into this list.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * This re-sorts the CourseList so that advised courses
   * are last, in alphabetical order, preceeded by
   * unfulfilled courses, in alphabetical order.
  function sort_advised_last_alphabetical() 

    $tarray = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      if ($this->array_list [$t]->bool_advised_to_take == true) 
       { // Skip if not fulfilled.

      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      array_push($tarray, $str);


    // Alright, now we do it again, but with advised courses.
    $t2array = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      if ($this->array_list [$t]->bool_advised_to_take == false) 
       { // Skip if not advised

      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      array_push($t2array, $str);


    $t3array = array_merge($tarray, $t2array);

    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($t3array); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $t3array [$t]);
      $i = $temp [2];

      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // And, transfer the newList into this list.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * This function will resort this courselist for which a substitution
   * has been made in listSubstitutions.
   * @param SubstitutionList $list_substitutions
   * @param int $group_id
  function sort_substitutions_first($list_substitutions, $group_id = 0) 
    // This will sort courses in a list for which
    // a substitution has been made in listSubstitutions.
    // It will place those courses at the top of the list.

    $top_array = array();

    // Since I need the indexes, I will have to go through the array
    // myself...
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      // So-- does this course have a substitution somewhere in
      // the list (for the supplied groupID) ?
      if ($substitution = $list_substitutions->find_requirement($c, true, $group_id)) 
        // yes, there is a sub for this group (or bare degree plan)
        $top_array [] = $t;


    // Okay, we now have, in the topArray, a list of indexes which should
    // appear at the top.
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($j = 0; $j < count($top_array); $j++) 
      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$top_array [$j]]);

    // Now, add everything else in the array (except indecies
    // appearing in topArray)

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      if (in_array($t, $top_array)) 
      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$t]);

    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * This will sort so that courses with the smallest hours
   * (first trying hours_awarded, then min_hours)
   * are at the top of the list.  If the list contains more
   * than one course with a set of hours (like there are 30
   * courses all worth 3 hours) then it orders those as
   * most-recently-taken first.
  function sort_smallest_hours_first() 

    $tarray = array();

    // Since I need the indexes, I will have to go through the array
    // myself...
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $hours = $c->hours_awarded * 1;
      if ($hours < 1) 
        $hours = $c->min_hours * 1;
      $str = "$hours ~~ $t";
      array_push($tarray, $str);

    // Now, sort the array...

    // Now, convert the array back into a list of courses.
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
      $i = $temp [1];

      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Okay, now $new_list should contain the correct values.
    // We will transfer over the reference.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * This method will sort by the most recently taken
   * courses (determined by the term_id).
   * The easiest way I can think to do this is to temporarily
   * put their term_id's and index#'s into an array, and then
   * have PHP sort the array itself.  PHP's sorting algorithm
   * is faster than anything I can program right now, anyway.
   * @param bool $bool_maintain_alpha_order
  function sort_most_recent_first($bool_maintain_alpha_order = true) 
    $tarray = array();

    // Since I need the indexes, I will have to go through the array
    // myself...
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      $cn = "";
      if ($bool_maintain_alpha_order == true) 
        // We say 1000- the course number in order to give
        // us the complement of the number.  That is so it will
        // reverse-sort in the correct order.  Strange, but it fixes
        // a small display issue where PHYS 207 and PHYS 209, taken at
        // the same time, causes PHYS 209 to be displayed first.
        // We also reverse the subject_id, again, so that
        // MATH will be sorted above ZOOL, when taken at the same time.
        // This might not work at all, though...

        $cn = strrev($c->subject_id) . "," . (1000 - $c->course_num);

      $str = "$c->term_id ~~ $cn ~~ $t";

      array_push($tarray, $str);

    // Now, sort the array...

    // Now, convert the array back into a list of courses.
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
      $i = $temp [2];

      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Okay, now $new_list should contain the correct values.
    // We will transfer over the reference.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * Convienence function.  It simply calls sort_alphabetical_order(), but
   * passes the boolean value to make it be reversed.
  function sort_reverse_alphabetical_order() 

   * Sorts the course list into alphabetical order.  If load_descriptive_data()
   * has not already been called for each course, it will call it.
   * @param bool $bool_reverse_order
   *         - If set to TRUE, the list will be in reverse order.
   * @param unknown_type $bool_only_transfers
   *         - Only sort the transfer courses.
   * @param unknown_type $bool_set_array_index
   *         - If set to true, it will set the $course->array_index value
   *           to the index value in $this's array_list array.
  function sort_alphabetical_order($bool_reverse_order = false, $bool_only_transfers = false, $bool_set_array_index = false) 
    // Sort the list into alphabetical order, based
    // on the subject_id and course_num.
    $tarray = array();
    // Since I need the indexes, I will have to go through the array
    // myself...
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $c = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($c->subject_id == "") 

      if ($bool_only_transfers == true) 
        // Rarer.  We only want to sort the transfer credits.  If the course doesn not
        // have transfers, don't skip, just put in the original.  Otherwise, we will be using
        // the transfer credit's SI and CN.
        if (is_object($c->course_transfer)) 
          $str = $c->course_transfer->subject_id . " ~~ " . $c->course_transfer->course_num . " ~~ $t";
        else {
          // There was no transfer!
          $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      else {

        // This is the one which will be run most often.  Just sort the list
        // in alphabetical order.

        $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
      array_push($tarray, $str);

    // Now, sort the array...

    if ($bool_reverse_order == true) 
    else {

    // Now, convert the array back into a list of courses.
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
      $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
      $i = $temp [2];
      if ($bool_set_array_index == true) 
        $this->array_list [$i]->array_index = $i;
      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Okay, now $new_list should contain the correct values.
    // We will transfer over the reference.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * Returns an array of db_group_requirement_id's from the courses
   * in this list.
   * @return array
  function get_group_requirement_id_array() 
    // Return an array of db_group_requirement_id's
    // from the courses in this list, indexed by the
    // id's.

    $rtn_array = array();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $rtn_array [$course->db_group_requirement_id] = true;

    return $rtn_array;

   * Returns TRUE if this list has a course which contains
   * $id for it's db_group_requirement_id property.
   * @param int $id
   *         - This is the id to test for.
   * @return bool
  function contains_group_requirement_id($id) 
    // Returns true if the list has a course
    // which contains $id for it's db_group_requirement_id.
    // False if it cannot be found.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->db_group_requirement_id == $id) 
        return true;

    return false;


   * Returns the first course in the list
   * which the user may select for advising.  This
   * method is used by the popup window to determine
   * what exactly is the first element of the course list.
   * (so it can make that radio button checked).
   * Returns FALSE if it cannot find a selectable course.
   * @return Course
  function find_first_selectable() 

    $temp_i = $this->i; // preserve the counter.

    while ($this->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->get_next();
      if ($c->bool_advised_to_take == true) 
      if (!$c->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) 
      if ($c->bool_unselectable == true) 

      // $c is our valid course...
      $this->i = $temp_i;
      return $c;


    $this->i = $temp_i;
    return false;


   * Returns TRUE if there is at least one course in this list which
   * is selected (for advising).
   * @return bool
  function has_any_course_selected() 
		Returns TRUE if there is at least one course
		in this list which is "selected."  FALSE, otherwise.
    $temp_i = $this->i; // preserve the counter.
    $rtn = false;
    while ($this->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->get_next();
      if ($c->bool_selected == true) 
        $rtn = true;

    $this->i = $temp_i;
    return $rtn;

   * Mark every course in this list as bool_has_been_displayed = true.
   * Used for making sure we don't display the same course twice on
   * screen.
   * Returns FALSE if we did not mark any courses.
   * @param int $semester_num
   *         - If > -1, we will first make sure the course
   *           falls into this semesterNum.  This way we can only
   *           perform this operation on a particular semester.
   * @return bool
  function mark_as_displayed($semester_num = -1) 

    $temp_i = $this->i; // preserve the counter.
    $rtn = false;
    while ($this->has_more()) 
      $c = $this->get_next();
      if ($semester_num != -1) 
       { // A semesterNum was specified.
        // Make sure the course is in the correct semester.
        if ($c->assigned_to_semester_num != $semester_num) 

      $c->bool_has_been_displayed = true;
      $rtn = true;


    $this->i = $temp_i;
    return $rtn;

   * Returns a CourseList of all the courses matching course_id
   * that has bool_has_been_assigned == TRUE.
   * @param int $course_id
   * @return CourseList
  function get_previous_assignments($course_id) 
    // Return a courseList of all the times a course matching
    // course_id has the bool_has_been_assigned set to TRUE.

    $rtn_list = new CourseList();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->course_id == $course_id && $course->bool_has_been_assigned == true) 

    return $rtn_list;


   * Find the "best" match for this course, based on what
   * the university considers a best match.
   * This largely has to do with repeats.
   * If the student has more than one credit, what is
   * the "best" match?
   * For example, at ULM we consider the best match to be the
   * most recent that meets the minimum requirements.
   * Other schools might simply take the best grade.
   * @param Course $course_c
   * @param string $min_grade
   * @param bool $bool_mark_repeats_exclude
   * @return Course
  function find_best_match(Course $course_c, $min_grade = "D", $bool_mark_repeats_exclude = false) 

    return $this->find_most_recent_match($course_c, $min_grade, $bool_mark_repeats_exclude);


   * Adds the supplied CourseList to the bottom of $this's list.
   * @param CourseList $course_l
  function add_list(CourseList $course_l) 
    for ($t = 0; $t < count($course_l->array_list); $t++) 
      $this->add($course_l->array_list [$t]);


   * Returns hour many hours are in $this CourseList.
   * @todo The ignore list should be database-based.  Should just get it
   *       from the settings.
   * @param string $requirement_type
   *         - If specified, we will only count courses which match this
   *           requirement_type.
   * @param bool $bool_use_ignore_list
   * @return int
  function count_hours($requirement_type = "", $bool_use_ignore_list = false, $bool_correct_ghost_hour = true, $bool_force_zero_hours_to_one_hour = false) 
    // Returns how many hours are being represented in this courseList.
    // A requirement type of "uc" is the same as "c"
    // (university capstone is a core requirement)

    $count = 0;
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      if ($bool_use_ignore_list == true) 
        // Do ignore some courses...
        $temp_course_name = $course->subject_id . " " . $course->course_num;
        // Check in our settings to see if we should ignore this course
        // (configured in /custom/settings.php)
        if (in_array($temp_course_name, csv_to_array($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["ignore_courses_from_hour_counts"]))) {


      if ($course->bool_substitution_new_from_split == true) 
        // Do not count the possible fragments that are created
        // from a new substitution split.  This is causing problems
        // in getting accurate numbers on the pie charts.

        // BUT-- only skip if this new fragment isn't also being
        // substituted somewhere else!
        if ($course->bool_substitution == false) 
         { // not being used in another sub, so skip it.				  

      $h_get_hours = $course->get_hours();

      if ($bool_correct_ghost_hour) {
        // If this course has a ghosthour, then use the
        // hours_awarded (probably 1).  However, if it was substituted,
        // then we actually want the 0 hour.  Confusing, isn't it?
        if ($course->bool_ghost_hour) {
          $h_get_hours = $course->hours_awarded;

      if ($bool_force_zero_hours_to_one_hour) {
        // We want to force anything with a 0 hour to be 1 hour.
        // Helps when selecting 0 hour courses from groups.
        if ($h_get_hours == 0) {
          $h_get_hours = 1;

      if ($requirement_type == "") 
        $count = $count + $h_get_hours;
      else {
        // Requirement Type not blank, so only count these hours
        // if it has the set requirement type.
        if ($course->requirement_type == $requirement_type) 
          $count = $count + $h_get_hours;

        // For specifically "university capstone" courses...
        if ($course->requirement_type == "uc" && $requirement_type == "c") 
          $count = $count + $h_get_hours;

        if ($course->requirement_type == "um" && $requirement_type == "m") 
          $count = $count + $h_get_hours;


    return $count;

   * Removes courses which have neither been fulfilled or advised.
  function remove_unfulfilled_and_unadvised_courses() 
    // remove courses from THIS list
    // which have not been fulfilled AND
    // are not currently advised.
    $rtn_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == false) 
        // something IS fulfilling it!

      else if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true) 
        // Was not being fulfilled, but, it was advised
        // to take.


    $this->array_list = $rtn_list->array_list;

   * Removes courses from this list which have not been fulfilled
   * (ther course_list_fulfilled_by is empty).
  function remove_unfulfilled_courses() 
    // remove courses in THIS list
    // which have nothing in their course_list_fulfilled_by
    // object.
    $rtn_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == false) 

    $this->array_list = $rtn_list->array_list;


   * Returns a clone CourseList of $this.
   * @param bool $bool_return_new_courses
   *         - If set to TRUE, it will create new Course objects
   *           based on the course_id's of the ones in $this's list.
   *           If set to FALSE, this will add the exact same Course
   *           objects by reference to the new list.
   * @return CourseList
  function get_clone($bool_return_new_courses = false) 
    // This will return a clone of this list.
    // If boolReturnNewCourses is true, then it will
    // return a new list of new instances of courses
    // from this list.
    $rtn_list = new CourseList();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      if ($bool_return_new_courses == true) 
        $new_course = new Course();
        $new_course->course_id = $course->course_id;
      else {


    return $rtn_list;


   * Returns a CourseList of all the fulfilled or advised courses
   * in $this's list.
   * @param bool $bool_return_new_courses
   *         - Works the same as get_clone()'s boolReturnNewCourses
   *           variable.
   * @return Course
  function get_fulfilled_or_advised($bool_return_new_courses = false) 

    $rtn_list = new CourseList();

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $add_course = $course;

      if ($bool_return_new_courses == true) 
        $add_course = new Course();
        $add_course->course_id = $course->course_id;

      if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true) 

      // Several ways to tell if a course is here by credit...
      if (!$course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) 
      else if ($course->grade != "") {
      else if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 

    return $rtn_list;


   * Returns the number of courses in this list which have either
   * been fulfilled or advised to take.  It does not count hours,
   * just the courses themselves.
   * @return int
  function count_fulfilled_or_advised() 
    // This function returns the number of courses in this
    // courseList which is either fulfilled or has been advised
    // to take.  It does care about hours, just the number of
    // courses themselves.
    $count = 0;
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true) 

      // Several ways to tell if a course is here by credit...
      if (!$course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) 
      else if ($course->grade != "") {
      else if ($course->bool_substitution == true) 

    return $count;


   * Returns a CourseList of courses which have bool_advised_to_take == true.
   * @return CourseList
  function get_advised_courses_list() 
    // Return a courseList object of courses in THIS
    // list which have bool_advised_to_take == true.
    $rtn_list = new CourseList();
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->bool_advised_to_take == true) 

    return $rtn_list;


   * Similar to count_hours, but this will only count courses
   * which have been taken and have a grade.
   * @todo ignore list should be db-based, in the settings.
   * @param string $requirement_type
   *         - If set, we will only look for courses matching this requirement_type.
   * @param bool $bool_use_ignore_list
   * @param bool $bool_ignore_enrolled
   * @return int
  function count_credit_hours($requirement_type = "", $bool_use_ignore_list = false, $bool_ignore_enrolled = false, $bool_qpts_grades_only = FALSE) 
    // Similar to count_hours, but this will only
    // count courses which have been taken (have a grade).

    $count = 0;

    // Let's find out what our quality point grades & values are...
    $qpts_grades = array();
    $tlines = explode("\n", variable_get("quality_points_grades", "A ~ 4\nB ~ 3\nC ~ 2\nD ~ 1\nF ~ 0\nI ~ 0"));
    foreach ($tlines as $tline) {
      $temp = explode("~", trim($tline));
      if (trim($temp [0]) != "") {
        $qpts_grades [trim($temp [0])] = trim($temp [1]);

    $enrolled_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["enrolled_grades"]);
    $retake_grades = csv_to_array($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["retake_grades"]);

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      if ($bool_use_ignore_list == true) 
        // Do ignore some courses...
        $temp_course_name = $course->subject_id . " " . $course->course_num;
        // Check in our settings to see if we should ignore this course
        // (configured in /custom/settings.php)
        if (in_array($temp_course_name, csv_to_array($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["ignore_courses_from_hour_counts"]))) {


      if ($bool_ignore_enrolled == true) 

        if (in_array($course->grade, $enrolled_grades)) {

				if ($course->is_completed() == false)
					if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty)
					} else {
						if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->is_completed() == false)

      // Only allowing grades which we have quality points for?
      if ($bool_qpts_grades_only) {
        if ($course->grade != "" && !isset($qpts_grades [$course->grade])) {
      else {
        // Is this grade a "retake" grade?  If so, skip it.
        if (in_array($course->grade, $retake_grades)) {

      if ($course->grade != "") // || !($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty))

        // If we require the grade to be a qpts_grade, then check that now.
        if ($bool_qpts_grades_only && !isset($qpts_grades [$course->grade])) {

        if ($requirement_type == "") 
          $h = $course->get_hours();
          $count = $count + $h;
        else {

          if ($course->requirement_type == $requirement_type) 
            $count = $count + $course->get_hours();

          // For specifically "university capstone" courses...
          if ($course->requirement_type == "uc" && $requirement_type == "c") 
            $count = $count + $course->get_hours();

          if ($course->requirement_type == "um" && $requirement_type == "m") 
            $count = $count + $course->get_hours();

      else {

        // maybe it's a substitution?
        if ($requirement_type == "" || ($requirement_type != "" && $requirement_type == $course->requirement_type)) 
          if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == false) 
            $cc = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first();
            if ($cc->bool_substitution) 

              // If we require the grade to be a qpts_grade, then check that now.
              if ($bool_qpts_grades_only && !isset($qpts_grades [$cc->grade])) {

              $h = $cc->substitution_hours;

              if ($cc->bool_ghost_hour) {
                $h = 0;

              $count = $count + $h;


    return $count;


   * Similar to count_credit_hours, but this will only count courses
   * which have been taken and have a grade.  We will return back
   * a sum of their quality points.
   * @todo ignore list should be db-based, in the settings.
   * @param string $requirement_type
   *         - If set, we will only look for courses matching this requirement_type.
   * @param bool $bool_use_ignore_list
   * @param bool $bool_ignore_enrolled
   * @return int
  function count_credit_quality_points($requirement_type = "", $bool_use_ignore_list = false, $bool_ignore_enrolled = false) 

    $points = 0;
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];

      if ($bool_use_ignore_list == true) 
        // Do ignore some courses...
        $temp_course_name = $course->subject_id . " " . $course->course_num;
        // Check in our settings to see if we should ignore this course
        // (configured in /custom/settings.php)
        if (in_array($temp_course_name, csv_to_array($GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["ignore_courses_from_hour_counts"]))) {


      if ($bool_ignore_enrolled == true) 
        if ($course->is_completed() == false) 
          if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty) 
          else {
            if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first()->is_completed() == false) 

      if ($course->grade != "") 
        if ($requirement_type == "") 
          $p = $course->get_quality_points();
          $points = $points + $p;
        else {
          if ($course->requirement_type == $requirement_type) 
            $p = $course->get_quality_points();
            $points = $points + $p;

          // For specifically "university capstone" courses...
          if ($course->requirement_type == "uc" && $requirement_type == "c") 
            $p = $course->get_quality_points();
            $points = $points + $p;

          if ($course->requirement_type == "um" && $requirement_type == "m") 
            $p = $course->get_quality_points();
            $points = $points + $p;

      else {

        // maybe it's a substitution?

        if (($requirement_type == "") || ($requirement_type != "" && $requirement_type == $course->requirement_type)) 
          if ($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty == false) 
            $cc = $course->course_list_fulfilled_by->get_first();
            if ($cc->bool_substitution) 

              //$h = $cc->substitution_hours;

              //if ($cc->bool_ghost_hour) {
              //  $h = 0;

              // What are the quality points for this course?						
              $p = $cc->get_quality_points();

              $points = $points + $p;


    return $points;


   * Assign a groupID to every course in the list.
   * @param int $group_id
  function assign_group_id($group_id) 
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->assigned_to_group_id = $group_id;

   * Assign a semesterNum to every course in the list.
   * @param int $semester_num
  function assign_semester_num($semester_num) 
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->assigned_to_semester_num = $semester_num;

   * Sets the bool_has_been_assigned property of every course in
   * the list.
   * @param bool $bool_has_been_assigned
   *         - What to set each course's->boolhasBeenAssigned property
   *           to.
  function set_has_been_assigned($bool_has_been_assigned = true) 
    // Set the bool_has_been_assigned for all items
    // in this list.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->bool_has_been_assigned = $bool_has_been_assigned;


   * Set's each course's bool_substitution value.
   * @param bool $bool_s
   *         - What to set each course's bool_substitution value to.
  function set_bool_substitution($bool_s = true) 
    // Set the bool_substitution for all items
    // in this list.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->bool_substitution = $bool_s;


   * Sets each course's $course_substitution value to the supplied
   * Course object.
   * @param Course $course_s
   * @param string $sub_remarks
  function set_course_substitution(Course $course_s, $sub_remarks = "") 
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      $course->course_substitution = $course_s;
      $course->sub_remarks = $sub_remarks;


   * Go through the list and decrement the specified_repeats
   * value for all instances of Course $course.
   * @param Course $course
  function dec_specified_repeats(Course $course) 
    // Go through the list, and decrement the specified_repeats
    // value for all instances of $course.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course2 = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course2->course_id == $course->course_id) 


   * Go through the list and set the specified_repeats value to $num
   * for all instances of $course.
   * @param Course $course
   * @param int $num
  function set_specified_repeats(Course $course, $num) 
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course2 = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course2->course_id == $course->course_id) 
        $course2->specified_repeats = $num;
        $course2->bool_specified_repeats = true;



   * Removes excluded courses from the list (courses that
   * have db_exclude == 1)
  function remove_excluded() 
    // Removes courses from the list that have a db_exclude == 1.
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    // Do this by adding elements to an array.
    // course_id => index in list.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course->subject_id == "") 
       { // load descriptive data (include exclude info)

      if ($course->db_exclude == 1) 



    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;


   * Removes null's and duplicate courses from the list.
  function remove_duplicates() 
    // Go through and remove duplicates from the list.
    // Also remove null's

    $tarray = array();
    $new_list = new CourseList();
    // Do this by adding elements to an array.
    // course_id => index in list.
    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course == null) 

      $tarray [$course->course_id] = -1;

    for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
      $course = $this->array_list [$t];
      if ($course == null) 

      //if (is_object($course->courseFulfilledBy))
      if (!($course->course_list_fulfilled_by->is_empty)) 
        $tarray [$course->course_id] = $t;

      if ($tarray [$course->course_id] * 1 < 0) 
        $tarray [$course->course_id] = $t;


    // Now, go through tarray and rebuild the newList.
    foreach ($tarray as $course_id => $i) 
      $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

    // Switch over the reference.
    $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;




Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Typesort ascending Description
_CourseList::count_credit_hours function Similar to count_hours, but this will only count courses which have been taken and have a grade.
_CourseList::mark_as_displayed function Mark every course in this list as bool_has_been_displayed = true. Used for making sure we don't display the same course twice on screen.
_CourseList::get_previous_assignments function Returns a CourseList of all the courses matching course_id that has bool_has_been_assigned == TRUE.
_CourseList::find_best_match function Find the "best" match for this course, based on what the university considers a best match. This largely has to do with repeats. If the student has more than one credit, what is the "best" match?
_CourseList::add_list function Adds the supplied CourseList to the bottom of $this's list.
_CourseList::count_hours function Returns hour many hours are in $this CourseList.
_CourseList::remove_unfulfilled_and_unadvised_courses function Removes courses which have neither been fulfilled or advised.
_CourseList::remove_unfulfilled_courses function Removes courses from this list which have not been fulfilled (ther course_list_fulfilled_by is empty).
_CourseList::get_clone function Returns a clone CourseList of $this.
_CourseList::get_fulfilled_or_advised function Returns a CourseList of all the fulfilled or advised courses in $this's list.
_CourseList::count_fulfilled_or_advised function Returns the number of courses in this list which have either been fulfilled or advised to take. It does not count hours, just the courses themselves.
_CourseList::get_advised_courses_list function Returns a CourseList of courses which have bool_advised_to_take == true.
_CourseList::has_any_course_selected function Returns TRUE if there is at least one course in this list which is selected (for advising).
_CourseList::assign_group_id function Assign a groupID to every course in the list.
_CourseList::assign_semester_num function Assign a semesterNum to every course in the list.
_CourseList::set_has_been_assigned function Sets the bool_has_been_assigned property of every course in the list.
_CourseList::set_bool_substitution function Set's each course's bool_substitution value.
_CourseList::set_course_substitution function Sets each course's $course_substitution value to the supplied Course object.
_CourseList::dec_specified_repeats function Go through the list and decrement the specified_repeats value for all instances of Course $course.
_CourseList::set_specified_repeats function Go through the list and set the specified_repeats value to $num for all instances of $course.
_CourseList::remove_excluded function Removes excluded courses from the list (courses that have db_exclude == 1)
_CourseList::remove_duplicates function Removes null's and duplicate courses from the list.
_CourseList::count_credit_quality_points function Similar to count_credit_hours, but this will only count courses which have been taken and have a grade. We will return back a sum of their quality points.
_CourseList::exclude_all_subjects_except function Go through the courseList and take out any course which does not have the $subject as its subject_id.
_CourseList::assign_min_grade function Give every course in the list a minimum grade.
_CourseList::assign_unselectable_courses_with_hours_greater_than function Go through the list and find any course whose hours are greater than $hours. Make that course "unselectable." Used in the groups.
_CourseList::find_specific_course function Find and return a specific course from the list.
_CourseList::load_course_descriptive_data function Call the $course->load_course_descriptive_data() on every course in the list.
_CourseList::find_all_matches function Using the parent's function of find_all_matches, this will return a CourseList of all courses which match the Course object.
_CourseList::find_first_unfulfilled_match function Returns a match to the Course courseC which does not have any courses fulfilling it. Usefull for finding course requirement matches in a list which have not yet been assigned.
_CourseList::mark_repeats_exclude function Go through the list and set the $bool_exclude_repeat flag to TRUE for all matches of $course in this list.
_CourseList::find_most_recent_match function Find a list of matches to Course courseC, which fulfill the min_grade requirement, ordered by most recently taken.
_CourseList::sort_best_grade_first function @todo implement this function.
_CourseList::remove_previously_fulfilled function Remove courses from THIS list which appear in listCourses under these conditions:
_CourseList::get_course_subjects function Returns an array containing the unique subject_id's of the courses in this list. Its assumed to be ordered already!
_CourseList::cast static public function Used to cast a regular ObjList object into a CourseList.
_CourseList::sort_fulfilled_first_alphabetical function This re-sorts the CourseList so that fulfilled courses are first, in alphabetical order, followed by unfulfilled courses, in alphabetical order. This is most useful for making the groups show up correctly.
_CourseList::sort_advised_last_alphabetical function This re-sorts the CourseList so that advised courses are last, in alphabetical order, preceeded by unfulfilled courses, in alphabetical order.
_CourseList::sort_substitutions_first function This function will resort this courselist for which a substitution has been made in listSubstitutions.
_CourseList::sort_smallest_hours_first function This will sort so that courses with the smallest hours (first trying hours_awarded, then min_hours) are at the top of the list. If the list contains more than one course with a set of hours (like there are 30 courses all worth 3 hours) then it…
_CourseList::sort_most_recent_first function This method will sort by the most recently taken courses (determined by the term_id). The easiest way I can think to do this is to temporarily put their term_id's and index#'s into an array, and then have PHP sort the array itself. …
_CourseList::sort_reverse_alphabetical_order function Convienence function. It simply calls sort_alphabetical_order(), but passes the boolean value to make it be reversed.
_CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order function Sorts the course list into alphabetical order. If load_descriptive_data() has not already been called for each course, it will call it.
_CourseList::get_group_requirement_id_array function Returns an array of db_group_requirement_id's from the courses in this list.
_CourseList::contains_group_requirement_id function Returns TRUE if this list has a course which contains $id for it's db_group_requirement_id property.
_CourseList::find_first_selectable function Returns the first course in the list which the user may select for advising. This method is used by the popup window to determine what exactly is the first element of the course list. (so it can make that radio button checked).