function _CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order

4.x _CourseList.php _CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order($bool_reverse_order = false, $bool_only_transfers = false, $bool_set_array_index = false)
5.x _CourseList.php _CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order($bool_reverse_order = false, $bool_only_transfers = false, $bool_set_array_index = false, $subs_higher_prority_in_degree_id = 0, $bool_include_degree_sort = FALSE)

Sorts the course list into alphabetical order. If load_descriptive_data() has not already been called for each course, it will call it.


bool $bool_reverse_order:

  • If set to TRUE, the list will be in reverse order.

unknown_type $bool_only_transfers:

  • Only sort the transfer courses.

unknown_type $bool_set_array_index:

  • If set to true, it will set the $course->array_index value to the index value in $this's array_list array.
1 call to _CourseList::sort_alphabetical_order()
_CourseList::sort_reverse_alphabetical_order in classes/_CourseList.php
Convienence function. It simply calls sort_alphabetical_order(), but passes the boolean value to make it be reversed.


classes/_CourseList.php, line 911




function sort_alphabetical_order($bool_reverse_order = false, $bool_only_transfers = false, $bool_set_array_index = false) 
  // Sort the list into alphabetical order, based
  // on the subject_id and course_num.
  $tarray = array();
  // Since I need the indexes, I will have to go through the array
  // myself...
  for ($t = 0; $t < $this->count; $t++) 
    $c = $this->array_list [$t];
    if ($c->subject_id == "") 

    if ($bool_only_transfers == true) 
      // Rarer.  We only want to sort the transfer credits.  If the course doesn not
      // have transfers, don't skip, just put in the original.  Otherwise, we will be using
      // the transfer credit's SI and CN.
      if (is_object($c->course_transfer)) 
        $str = $c->course_transfer->subject_id . " ~~ " . $c->course_transfer->course_num . " ~~ $t";
      else {
        // There was no transfer!
        $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
    else {

      // This is the one which will be run most often.  Just sort the list
      // in alphabetical order.

      $str = "$c->subject_id ~~ $c->course_num ~~ $t";
    array_push($tarray, $str);

  // Now, sort the array...

  if ($bool_reverse_order == true) 
  else {

  // Now, convert the array back into a list of courses.
  $new_list = new CourseList();
  for ($t = 0; $t < count($tarray); $t++) 
    $temp = explode(" ~~ ", $tarray [$t]);
    $i = $temp [2];
    if ($bool_set_array_index == true) 
      $this->array_list [$i]->array_index = $i;
    $new_list->add($this->array_list [$i]);

  // Okay, now $new_list should contain the correct values.
  // We will transfer over the reference.
  $this->array_list = $new_list->array_list;
