"LDAP settings", "page_callback" => "fp_render_form", "page_arguments" => array("ldap_settings_form", "system_settings"), "access_arguments" => array("administer_ldap"), "page_settings" => array( "page_has_search" => FALSE, "page_banner_is_link" => TRUE, "page_hide_report_error" => TRUE, "menu_links" => array( 0 => array( "text" => "Back to main menu", "path" => "admin-tools/admin", ), ), ), "type" => MENU_TYPE_NORMAL_ITEM, "tab_parent" => "admin-tools/admin", ); return $items; } function ldap_perm() { return array( "administer_ldap" => array( "title" => t("Administer LDAP"), "description" => t("Configure LDAP settings."), ), ); } /** * Authenticate the user with the ldap server. * * Checks the username and password in the ldap server, and returns * back the result. * */ function ldap_auth_connect($username, $password) { $rtn = FALSE; // First, connect to the LDAP server and see that this is // a valid login. $server = variable_get("ldap_server_ip", ""); $server2 = variable_get("ldap_server_ip2", ""); // If we have a second server specified, then try to randomly select between the two, for // load balancing purposes. if (trim($server2) != "") { $r = rand(1, 2); if ($r == 2) { $server = $server2; } } $port = variable_get("ldap_server_port", "389"); if (in_array("yes", variable_get("ldap_connect_secure", array()))) { // This should be a secure connection. $server = "ldaps://" . $server; } $ldapconn = ldap_connect($server, $port); if (!$ldapconn) { fp_add_message(t("Could not connect to ldap server at %server. Please consult with your system administrator.", array("%server" => "$server:$port"))); return FALSE; } $uid_attr = variable_get("ldap_uid_attr", "uid"); // First, let's try to connect using the search dn, to try and find the user and get our results. $search_dn = variable_get("ldap_search_dn", ""); $search_password = variable_get("ldap_search_password", ""); // Attempt the non-anonymous search bind first. $x = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $search_dn, $search_password); if (!$x) { watchdog("ldap", "Could not bind to search DN, using the search DN and password."); fp_add_message(t("Could not authenticate to LDAP server for a non-anonymous search. Please inform your technical support, as this may indicate a configuration error."), "error"); return FALSE; } $base_dns = variable_get("ldap_base_dns", ""); $lines = explode("\n", $base_dns); foreach($lines as $base_dn) { // Try out all of our base_dns $base_dn = trim($base_dn); $r = ldap_search($ldapconn, $base_dn, "$uid_attr=$username"); if ($r) { $result = ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $r); if (is_array($result) && intval($result["count"]) > 0) { $result = $result[0]; // Okay, it was successful! Let's store the results about this user. $rtn = $result; // Okay, now we need this individual user's DN, so we can authenticate. $user_dn_field = variable_get("ldap_user_dn_field_name", "dn"); $user_base_dn = ldap_get_field_value_from_result($user_dn_field, $result); // Continuing, let's now bind for the individual user, using their full DN and supplied password. // Attempt to authenticate... $bind_successful = FALSE; $bind_successful = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, $user_base_dn, $password); if ($bind_successful) break; } } } //foreach // Tidy up... ldap_close($ldapconn); // If we were never able to authenticate, then $rtn still equals "FALSE" return $rtn; } function z__old__ldap_auth_connect($username, $password) { $rtn = FALSE; // First, connect to the LDAP server and see that this is // a valid login. $server = variable_get("ldap_server_ip", ""); $server2 = variable_get("ldap_server_ip2", ""); // If we have a second server specified, then try to randomly select between the two, for // load balancing purposes. if (trim($server2) != "") { $r = rand(1, 2); if ($r == 2) { $server = $server2; } } $port = variable_get("ldap_server_port", "389"); if (in_array("yes", variable_get("ldap_connect_secure", array()))) { // This should be a secure connection. $server = "ldaps://" . $server; } $ldapconn = ldap_connect($server, $port); if (!$ldapconn) { fp_add_message(t("Could not connect to ldap server at %server. Please consult with your system administrator.", array("%server" => "$server:$port"))); return; } // Attempt to authenticate... $uid_attr = variable_get("ldap_uid_attr", "uid"); $base_dns = variable_get("ldap_base_dns", ""); $lines = explode("\n", $base_dns); $bind_successful = FALSE; foreach($lines as $base_dn) { // Try out all of our base_dns $base_dn = trim($base_dn); $bind_successful = @ldap_bind($ldapconn, "$uid_attr=$username,$base_dn", $password); if ($bind_successful) break; } // If the bind was successful, it means we got a valid username and password // from the user. Now, let's bind with our search DN and search password // to get more information about the user. if ($bind_successful) { $search_dn = variable_get("ldap_search_dn", ""); $search_password = variable_get("ldap_search_password", ""); $x = ldap_bind($ldapconn, $search_dn, $search_password); $r = ldap_search($ldapconn, $base_dn, "$uid_attr=$username"); if ($r) { $result = ldap_get_entries($ldapconn, $r); if (is_array($result)) { $result = $result[0]; // Okay, it was successful! We can now return a success // message with our result. $rtn = $result; } } } ldap_close($ldapconn); return $rtn; } /** * This is the config form for the ldap module. * */ function ldap_settings_form() { $form = array(); fp_add_css(fp_get_module_path("ldap") . "/css/ldap.css"); $form["ldap_server_ip"] = array( "label" => t("Primary LDAP server name or IP address:"), "type" => "text", "value" => variable_get("ldap_server_ip", ""), "description" => t("Ex: or ldap.example.com"), ); $form["ldap_server_ip2"] = array( "label" => t("(Optional) Secondary LDAP server name or IP address:"), "type" => "text", "value" => variable_get("ldap_server_ip2", ""), "description" => t("This is for the purposes of load balancing ONLY! If you have enter a second LDAP server address, this module will randomly select between your two addresses when a user logs on. If you do not have a second LDAP server, or are unsure what to do, then LEAVE THIS FIELD BLANK."), ); $form["ldap_server_port"] = array( "label" => t("LDAP server port:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 10, "value" => variable_get("ldap_server_port", "389"), "description" => t("Ex: 389"), ); $form["ldap_connect_secure"] = array( "label" => t("Security:"), "type" => "checkboxes", "options" => array("yes" => t("Connect to LDAP server securely")), "value" => variable_get("ldap_connect_secure", array()), "description" => t("If checked, the LDAP connection will be conducted securely, using the ldaps:// protocol. If your LDAP server does not use a security certificate, or if you have problems, leave this unchecked."), ); $form["ldap_search_dn"] = array( "label" => t("DN for non-anonymous search:"), "type" => "text", "value" => variable_get("ldap_search_dn", ""), "description" => t("Ex: cn=ldapFPuser,ou=profile,dc=example,dc=edu"), ); $form["ldap_search_password"] = array( "label" => t("Password for non-anonymous search:"), "type" => "password", "value" => variable_get("ldap_search_password", ""), ); $form["ldap_base_dns"] = array( "label" => t("Base DNs for LDAP user entries:"), "type" => "textarea", "value" => variable_get("ldap_base_dns", ""), "description" => t("Enter one DN per line.
Ex: ou=Students,ou=People,dc=example,dc=edu
  ou=Employees,ou=People,dc=example,dc=edu"), ); $form["ldap_uid_attr"] = array( "label" => t("Username attribute:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 20, "value" => variable_get("ldap_uid_attr", "uid"), "description" => t("Ex: uid or cn, etc.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $form["ldap_user_dn_field"] = array( "label" => t("User base DN field name in LDAP entry:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 20, "value" => variable_get("ldap_user_dn_field_name", "dn"), "description" => t("Ex: dn. This is the field name, returned by LDAP, which contains the user's full DN. In most cases, it is simply dn, though it might be name or something similar, depending on your set up. If you are not sure what to do, leave this as dn.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $form["ldap_no_cwid_msg"] = array( "label" => t("Message to display if the CWID cannot be found:"), "type" => "textarea", "rows" => 2, "value" => variable_get("ldap_no_cwid_msg", t("The user's CWID cannot be found in the LDAP result. Please consult the system administrator.")), "description" => t("Ex: This user's CWID cannot be found in the LDAP result. Please consult the system administrator."), ); /////////////////// $form["ldap_cwid_field"] = array( "label" => t("User CWID field:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 30, "prefix" => "
", "value" => variable_get("ldap_cwid_field", "employeenumber"), "description" => t("In the result set of a user's lookup in LDAP, what field contains the user's CWID? Ex: employeenumber, userid, etc.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $form["ldap_f_name_field"] = array( "label" => t("User first name field:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 30, "value" => variable_get("ldap_f_name_field", ""), "description" => t("In the result set of a user's lookup in LDAP, what field contains the user's first name? Leave blank if not set.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $form["ldap_l_name_field"] = array( "label" => t("User last name field:"), "type" => "text", "size" => 30, "value" => variable_get("ldap_l_name_field", ""), "description" => t("In the result set of a user's lookup in LDAP, what field contains the user's last name? Leave blank if not set.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $op_options = array( "contains" => t("contains"), "does not contain" => t("does not contain"), "is numeric" => t("is numeric (value field ignored)"), "is not numeric" => t("is not numeric (value field ignored)"), "is blank" => t("is blank (value field ignored)"), "is not blank" => t("is not blank (value field ignored)"), "invoke hook" => t("invoke hook (for developers, see README.txt)"), ); $form["ldap_is_student_field"] = array( "type" => "text", "size" => 10, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_student_field", "usertype"), "prefix" => "

" . t("How to determine if the user is a student:") . "

" . t("If field name:") . " ", ); $form["ldap_is_student_op"] = array( "type" => "select", "options" => $op_options, "no_please_select" => TRUE, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_student_op", array()), ); $form["ldap_is_student_op_value"] = array( "type" => "text", "size" => 15, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_student_op_value", "student"), "prefix" => " " . t("value:"), "description" => t("This will determine if the user logging in should have their is_student flag set in the database.
Ex: if usertype contains student. Case insensitive. You may also use the user's dn as a field name.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "", ); $form["ldap_is_faculty_field"] = array( "type" => "text", "size" => 10, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_faculty_field", "usertype"), "prefix" => "

" . t("How to determine if the user is a faculty:") . "

" . t("If field name:") . " ", ); $form["ldap_is_faculty_op"] = array( "type" => "select", "options" => $op_options, "no_please_select" => TRUE, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_faculty_op", array()), ); $form["ldap_is_faculty_op_value"] = array( "type" => "text", "size" => 15, "value" => variable_get("ldap_is_faculty_op_value", "faculty"), "prefix" => " " . t("value:"), "description" => t("This will determine if the user logging in should have their is_faculty flag set in the database.
Ex: if usertype contains faculty. Case insensitive. You may also use the user's dn as a field name.") . "
" . t("Note that your field names may need to be all-lowercase, regardless of how it is represented in LDAP.") . "

", ); $form["ldap_user_type_binary"] = array( "label" => t("Limit user type options?"), "type" => "radios", "options" => array("only_one" => t("User may be either student or faculty, not both. (Select for best compatibility)"), "both" => t("User may be both student and faculty. (Experimental support)")), "value" => variable_get("ldap_user_type_binary", "only_one"), ); $form["mark" . $m++] = array( "value" => "
", ); return $form; } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter * * @param unknown_type $form * @param unknown_type $form_id */ function ldap_form_alter(&$form, $form_id) { // The primary thing we want to do here is add OUR validate handler // to the login form. We want to overwrite the default one that's there. if ($form_id == "system_login_form") { $form["#validate_handlers"] = array("ldap_login_form_validate"); } } /** * Custom validate handler for the login form. * * We will check in both FlightPath's regular user table, as well as establish * our LDAP connection and try to authenticate there. * * @param unknown_type $form * @param unknown_type $form_state */ function ldap_login_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state) { $username = $form_state["values"]["user"]; $password = $form_state["values"]["password"]; // If the GRANT_FULL_ACCESS is turned on, skip trying to validate if ($GLOBALS["fp_system_settings"]["GRANT_FULL_ACCESS"] == TRUE) { $username = "admin"; $form_state["passed_authentication"] = TRUE; $form_state["db_row"]["user_id"] = 1; $form_state["db_row"]["user_name"] = "FULL ACCESS USER"; return; } // Let's check in the usual way first: $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_name = '?' AND password = '?' AND is_disabled = '0' ", $username, md5($password)); if (db_num_rows($res) > 0) { // Okay, we found a match. Let's just use that. $cur = db_fetch_array($res); $form_state["db_row"] = $cur; $form_state["passed_authentication"] = TRUE; return; } // Okay, we made it here. Let's connect to LDAP and check there. $result = ldap_auth_connect($username, $password); if ($result) { // Save in the form_state for other users. $form_state["ldap_result"] = $result; $cwid_field = trim(variable_get("ldap_cwid_field", "employeenumber")); $cwid = $result[$cwid_field][0]; if ($cwid == "" || !is_numeric($cwid)) { fp_add_message(variable_get("ldap_no_cwid_msg", "")); return; } $f_name_field = trim(variable_get("ldap_f_name_field", "")); $l_name_field = trim(variable_get("ldap_l_name_field", "")); $f_name = ucwords(strtolower($result[$f_name_field][0])); $l_name = ucwords(strtolower($result[$l_name_field][0])); $is_student = ldap_get_user_is_type_from_result("student", $result); $is_faculty = ldap_get_user_is_type_from_result("faculty", $result); // Can the user be only one type? Either student or faculty? if (variable_get("ldap_user_type_binary", "only_one") == "only_one") { // If this is the case, we want to give precidence to faculty if ($if_faculty) $is_student = FALSE; } // Let's update the users table with this new information for this user. //$user_id = db_get_user_id($username); if ($is_student) $test_type = "student"; if ($is_faculty) $test_type = "faculty"; $user_id = db_get_user_id_from_cwid($cwid, $test_type); if ($user_id) { $res = db_query("UPDATE users SET password = 'LDAP user', is_student = '?', is_faculty = '?', f_name = '?', l_name = '?', cwid = '?', user_name = '?' WHERE user_id = '?' ", intval($is_student), intval($is_faculty), $f_name, $l_name, $cwid, $username, $user_id); } else { // Add this as a new user to the table. db_query("INSERT INTO users (cwid, user_name, password, is_student, is_faculty, f_name, l_name) VALUES ('?', '?', 'LDAP user', '?', '?', '?', '?') ", $cwid, $username, intval($is_student), intval($is_faculty), $f_name, $l_name); $user_id = db_get_user_id($username); // Also, add this user to either the students and/or faculty table. if ($is_student) { db_query("INSERT INTO students (cwid, is_active) VALUES ('?', '1') ", $cwid); } if ($is_faculty) { db_query("INSERT INTO faculty (cwid) VALUES ('?') ", $cwid); } } // Okay, so that this user may be logged in correctly, // we need to add values to $form_state["db_row"] $res = db_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id = '?' ", $user_id); $cur = db_fetch_array($res); $form_state["db_row"] = $cur; $form_state["passed_authentication"] = TRUE; return; } // If we are here, then we couldn't log in. Let's display a form_error. form_error("password", t("Sorry, but that username and password combination could not be found. Please check your spelling and try again.")); } /** * This will find the field value in the ldap result set, whether it is at $result["field_name"] * or $result["field_name"][0]. * * @param unknown_type $field * @param unknown_type $result */ function ldap_get_field_value_from_result($field, $result) { $res = FALSE; if (isset($result[$field]) && !is_array($result[$field])) { $res = $result[$field]; } else if (isset($result[$field][0])) { $res = $result[$field][0]; } return $res; } /** * Looks at the ldap result to determine if this person's is_{type} flag should be set in the db. * * @param unknown_type $type * @param unknown_type $result */ function ldap_get_user_is_type_from_result($type, $result) { $field = variable_get("ldap_is_{$type}_field", ""); $op = variable_get("ldap_is_{$type}_op", ""); $op_value = variable_get("ldap_is_{$type}_op_value", ""); // Get the field's value, if it is set, at either the field, or field[0], as is more often the case. $res = ldap_get_field_value_from_result($field, $result); if ($op == "contains") { if (stristr($res, $op_value)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "does not contain") { if (!stristr($res, $op_value)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "is numeric") { if (is_numeric($res)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "is not numeric") { if (!is_numeric($res)) { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "is blank") { if ($res == "") { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "is not blank") { if ($res != "") { return TRUE; } } if ($op == "invoke hook") { // We should check to see if any other modules use the hook_ldap_determine_user_type, // and if so, invoke them. $arr = invoke_hook("ldap_determine_user_type", array($type, $result)); if (count($arr) > 0) { // use the last result. $r = FALSE; foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { $r = $v; } return $r; } } return FALSE; }