function system_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id

7.x system.module system_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id($degree_id, Course $course)
6.x system.module system_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id($degree_id, Course $course)
5.x system.module system_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id($degree_id, Course $course)

Implements hook flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id


modules/system/system.module, line 80


function system_flightpath_can_assign_course_to_degree_id($degree_id, Course $course) {

  // If this course has already been assigned to another degree, should we allow it to be assigned to THIS degree?

  $this_major_code = fp_get_degree_major_code($degree_id);
  $temp = explode("|", $this_major_code);
  $this_first_part = trim($temp [0]); // get just the first part. Ex, ENGL|_something => ENGL

  //fpm('here in system fp_can_assign.....');

  // If the configuration is such that a course cannot be assigned to a degree's tracks, then no.
  // Example:  if a course has been assigned to ENGL, then it can't also get assigned to ENGL|_track1

  if (variable_get("prevent_course_assignment_to_both_degree_and_track", "yes") == 'yes') {
    // Begin by checking to see what degrees the course has already been assigned to (if any)
    if (count($course->assigned_to_degree_ids_array)) {

      foreach ($course->assigned_to_degree_ids_array as $d_id) {
        $m_code = fp_get_degree_major_code($d_id);

        if ($m_code) {
          $temp = explode("|", $this_major_code);
          $m_code_first_part = trim($temp [0]); // get just the first part. Ex, ENGL|_something => ENGL

          // At this point, we have a major code for a degree which this course has already been assigned.
          // Ex:  ENGL or ENGL|minor
          // If this degree is a track, the variable $this_major_code should equal ENGL|_whatever or, ENGL|minor_whatever.
          // If that condition is true, then we must return FALSE. 

          // We will look for the presence of an underscore and a pipe symbol first, and see if this_first_part == m_code_first_part
          if (strstr($this_major_code, "_") && strstr($this_major_code, "|") && $this_first_part == $m_code_first_part) {
            // Now, if this_major_code CONTAINS m_code, then that means our condition
            // is true.
            if (strstr($this_major_code, $m_code)) {

              return FALSE; // meaning, no, we cannot assign this course!



    } //if count(assigned to degree ids array)

  } // if variable_get ...

  // Default, return TRUE
  return TRUE;
