MySQL / MariaDB Settings
FlightPath uses MySQL / MariaDB for its backend database. For most servers, there are no additional changes needed to your database configuration. However, if you see error messages relating to sql_mode in FlightPath, please undertake the following steps on your server:
Edit Configuration File
If you are on a Linux/Unix machine, your my.cnf file is probably located at:
Edit this file, and under the [mysqld] section (notice the 'd' at the end), add the following line(s) (or edit the existing ones, if already there):
MySQL 8+ or MariaDB 10+
Please note that in MySQL 8, the "NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER" has been removed and is no longer recognized. So, if you are using 8+, simply enter:
sql_mode = STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION innodb_large_prefix=true innodb_file_format=barracuda innodb_file_per_table=true innodb_default_row_format = DYNAMIC
MySQL 5.7 and Older Versions of MariaDB
If you are using an older version for your database software, try these settings instead:
sql_mode=STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION innodb_large_prefix=true innodb_file_format=barracuda innodb_file_per_table=true innodb_default_row_format = DYNAMIC
Restarting MySQL
After this, you will need to restart your MySQL server, or the entire machine if that is easier. For Ubuntu, the restart command is:
sudo service mysql restart