6 functions implement hook_blocks()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

announcements_blocks in modules/announcements/announcements.module
hook_blocks. Returns an array of available blocks offered by this module in this format: array( delta => "This is the title of the block.", ), );
blocks_blocks in modules/blocks/blocks.module
Implementation of hook_blocks
blocks_get_available_blocks in modules/blocks/blocks.module
Return an array of blocks which we can assign and display, as defined by other modules' hook_blocks function.
blocks_render_blocks in modules/blocks/blocks.module
This function will actually render the HTML for the blocks requested for a particular section and region.
content_blocks in modules/content/content.module
hook_blocks. Returns an array of available blocks offered by this module in this format: array( delta => "This is the title of the block.", ), );
system_blocks in modules/system/system.module