34 calls to fp_add_css()

admin_display_courses in modules/admin/admin.courses.inc
This function displays all of our courses for us to edit.
admin_display_degrees in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
admin_display_edit_degree in modules/admin/admin.degrees.inc
This screen displays the form which allows the user to actually edit a degree.
admin_display_groups in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This function will display a list of all our groups.
admin_display_groups_popup_edit_definition in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
admin_display_groups_popup_select_icon in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This popup is called from the edit group page. It lets the user select an icon to assign to a group.
admin_display_main in modules/admin/admin.module
This is the "main" page for the admin module. It's what the user first sees when the click to go to the Admin page.
admin_display_watchdog in modules/admin/admin.module
Displays recent watchdog entries, from the watchdog table
admin_display_watchdog_entry in modules/admin/admin.module
Display the details of a particular watchdog entry, specified by its table id.
admin_edit_course_form in modules/admin/admin.courses.inc
This form lets the user edit details about a course.
admin_edit_group_form in modules/admin/admin.groups.inc
This function lets the user edit a group.
advise_display_history in modules/advise/advise.history.inc
Displays the history tab on screen.
announcements_render_block in modules/announcements/announcements.module
Called when it is time to render the block in question. Expected to return an array which looks like this: array( "title" => "Some title goes here.", "body" => "this is the primary body of the block", );
blank_degrees_select_degree_form in modules/blank_degrees/blank_degrees.module
This form lets the user select which degree they wish to view.
blocks_manage_blocks_form in modules/blocks/blocks.module
This form lets the user manage the various blocks in the system.
comments_display_main in modules/comments/comments.module
This displays the primary Comments tab, where we see past comments and can enter a new one (with the right permissions).
comments_popup_display_all_comments in modules/comments/comments.module
Displays all comments for a student in a popup window, meant for printing.
comments_popup_display_comment in modules/comments/comments.module
content_edit_content_form in modules/content/content.module
This form lets the user edit some piece of content
content_render_block in modules/content/content.module
Called when it is time to render the block in question. Expected to return an array which looks like this: array( "title" => "Some title goes here.", "body" => "this is the primary body of the block", );
course_search_display_courses in modules/course_search/course_search.module
Show the user their select of courses.
course_search_display_search in modules/course_search/course_search.module
Displays the search pulldown for the user to use to find courses.
course_search_edit_course_details_form in modules/course_search/course_search.edit.inc
This form lets the user edit the course's syllabus or rotation schedule
student_search_display_majors_search in modules/student_search/student_search.module
Display the majors search sub-tab, where we can select a major and see the students assigned to it.
system_display_login_page in modules/system/system.module
Display the "login" page. This is the default page displayed to the user, at /login, if they have not logged in yet.
system_display_main_page in modules/system/system.module
Display the "main" tab-page for FlightPath. Displays announcements as well as the Tools menu, and the "special administrative tools" menu.
system_display_status_page in modules/system/system.module
This page displayes the results of each module's hook_status.
system_modules_form in modules/system/system.module
This is the form which an admin may use to manage the modules in the system.
tinymce_form_alter in modules/tinymce/tinymce.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter
update_status_status in modules/update_status/update_status.module
Implementation of hook_status.
user_display_student_users in modules/user/user.module
Similar to user_display_users, except only for student users.
user_display_users in modules/user/user.module
Display our list of faculty/staff users in the system.
user_permissions_form in modules/user/user.module
This is the permissions form, where users can set which roles have which permissions.
user_user_roles_form in modules/user/user.module
This form allows the user to manage the roles in the system.