class pDraw


Expanded class hierarchy of pDraw


inc/pchart/pchart/class/pDraw.class.php, line 103

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class pDraw
  /* Returns the number of drawable series */
  function countDrawableSeries() 
    $Results = 0;
    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) {

    return ($Results);

  /* Fix box coordinates */
  function fixBoxCoordinates($Xa, $Ya, $Xb, $Yb) 
    $X1 = min($Xa, $Xb);
    $Y1 = min($Ya, $Yb);
    $X2 = max($Xa, $Xb);
    $Y2 = max($Ya, $Yb);

    return (array($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2));

  /* Draw a polygon */
  function drawPolygon($Points, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $NoFill = isset($Format ["NoFill"]) ? $Format ["NoFill"] : FALSE;
    $NoBorder = isset($Format ["NoBorder"]) ? $Format ["NoBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : $Alpha / 2;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $SkipX = isset($Format ["SkipX"]) ? $Format ["SkipX"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;
    $SkipY = isset($Format ["SkipY"]) ? $Format ["SkipY"] : OUT_OF_SIGHT;

    /* Calling the ImageFilledPolygon() function over the $Points array will round it */
    $Backup = $Points;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;

    if ($SkipX != OUT_OF_SIGHT) {
      $SkipX = floor($SkipX);
    if ($SkipY != OUT_OF_SIGHT) {
      $SkipY = floor($SkipY);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if (!$NoFill) 
      if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
        $this->Shadow = FALSE;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Points) -1; $i = $i + 2) 
          $Shadow [] = $Points [$i] + $this->ShadowX;
          $Shadow [] = $Points [$i + 1] + $this->ShadowY;
        $this->drawPolygon($Shadow, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "NoBorder" => TRUE));

      $FillColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);

      if (count($Points) >= 6) 
        ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture, $Points, count($Points) / 2, $FillColor);

    if (!$NoBorder) 
      $Points = $Backup;

      if ($NoFill) {
        $BorderSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
      else {
        $BorderSettings = array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha);

      for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Points) -1; $i = $i + 2) 
        if (isset($Points [$i + 2])) 
          if (!($Points [$i] == $Points [$i + 2] && $Points [$i] == $SkipX) && !($Points [$i + 1] == $Points [$i + 3] && $Points [$i + 1] == $SkipY)) {
            $this->drawLine($Points [$i], $Points [$i + 1], $Points [$i + 2], $Points [$i + 3], $BorderSettings);
          if (!($Points [$i] == $Points [0] && $Points [$i] == $SkipX) && !($Points [$i + 1] == $Points [1] && $Points [$i + 1] == $SkipY)) {
            $this->drawLine($Points [$i], $Points [$i + 1], $Points [0], $Points [1], $BorderSettings);

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Apply AALias correction to the rounded box boundaries */
  function offsetCorrection($Value, $Mode) 
    $Value = round($Value, 1);

    if ($Value == 0 && $Mode == 1) {
      return (.9);
    if ($Value == 0) {
      return (0);

    if ($Mode == 1) 
      if ($Value == 1) {
        return (.9);
      if ($Value == .1) {
        return (.9);
      if ($Value == .2) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .3) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .4) {
        return (.7);
      if ($Value == .5) {
        return (.5);
      if ($Value == .6) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .7) {
        return (.7);
      if ($Value == .8) {
        return (.6);
      if ($Value == .9) {
        return (.9);

    if ($Mode == 2) 
      if ($Value == 1) {
        return (.9);
      if ($Value == .1) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .2) {
        return (.2);
      if ($Value == .3) {
        return (.3);
      if ($Value == .4) {
        return (.4);
      if ($Value == .5) {
        return (.5);
      if ($Value == .6) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .7) {
        return (.7);
      if ($Value == .8) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .9) {
        return (.9);

    if ($Mode == 3) 
      if ($Value == 1) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .1) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .2) {
        return (.2);
      if ($Value == .3) {
        return (.3);
      if ($Value == .4) {
        return (.4);
      if ($Value == .5) {
        return (.9);
      if ($Value == .6) {
        return (.6);
      if ($Value == .7) {
        return (.7);
      if ($Value == .8) {
        return (.4);
      if ($Value == .9) {
        return (.5);

    if ($Mode == 4) 
      if ($Value == 1) {
        return (-1);
      if ($Value == .1) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .2) {
        return (.2);
      if ($Value == .3) {
        return (.3);
      if ($Value == .4) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .5) {
        return (-.1);
      if ($Value == .6) {
        return (.8);
      if ($Value == .7) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .8) {
        return (.1);
      if ($Value == .9) {
        return (.1);

  /* Draw a rectangle with rounded corners */
  function drawRoundedRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Radius, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;

    list($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);

    if ($X2 - $X1 < $Radius) {
      $Radius = floor((($X2 -$X1)) / 2);
    if ($Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius) {
      $Radius = floor((($Y2 -$Y1)) / 2);

    $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "NoBorder" => TRUE);

    if ($Radius <= 0) {
      $this->drawRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
      return (0);

    if ($this->Antialias) 
      $this->drawLine($X1 + $Radius, $Y1, $X2 -$Radius, $Y1, $Color);
      $this->drawLine($X2, $Y1 + $Radius, $X2, $Y2 -$Radius, $Color);
      $this->drawLine($X2 -$Radius, $Y2, $X1 + $Radius, $Y2, $Color);
      $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1 + $Radius, $X1, $Y2 -$Radius, $Color);
      $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
      imageline($this->Picture, $X1 + $Radius, $Y1, $X2 -$Radius, $Y1, $Color);
      imageline($this->Picture, $X2, $Y1 + $Radius, $X2, $Y2 -$Radius, $Color);
      imageline($this->Picture, $X2 -$Radius, $Y2, $X1 + $Radius, $Y2, $Color);
      imageline($this->Picture, $X1, $Y1 + $Radius, $X1, $Y2 -$Radius, $Color);

    $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 90; $i = $i + $Step) 
      $X = cos(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Y = sin(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $Y1 + $Radius;
      $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      $X = cos(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Y = sin(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $Y2 - $Radius;
      $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      $X = cos($i * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Y = sin($i * PI / 180) * $Radius + $Y2 - $Radius;
      $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      $X = cos(($i + 270) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Y = sin(($i + 270) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $Y1 + $Radius;
      $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

  /* Draw a rectangle with rounded corners */
  function drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Radius, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;

    /* Temporary fix for AA issue */
    $Y1 = floor($Y1);
    $Y2 = floor($Y2);
    $X1 = floor($X1);
    $X2 = floor($X2);

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
    if ($BorderR == -1) {
      $BorderR = $R;
      $BorderG = $G;
      $BorderB = $B;

    list($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);

    if ($X2 - $X1 < $Radius * 2) {
      $Radius = floor((($X2 -$X1)) / 4);
    if ($Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius * 2) {
      $Radius = floor((($Y2 -$Y1)) / 4);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1 + $this->ShadowX, $Y1 + $this->ShadowY, $X2 + $this->ShadowX, $Y2 + $this->ShadowY, $Radius, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));

    $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "NoBorder" => TRUE);

    if ($Radius <= 0) {
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
      return (0);

    $YTop = $Y1 + $Radius;
    $YBottom = $Y2 -$Radius;

    $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
    $Positions = "";
    $MinY = "";
    $MaxY = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 90; $i = $i + $Step) 
      $Xp1 = cos(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Xp2 = cos(((90 -$i) + 270) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Yp = floor(sin(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $YTop);
      if ($MinY == "" || $Yp > $MinY) {
        $MinY = $Yp;

      if ($Xp1 <= floor($X1)) {
      if ($Xp2 >= floor($X2)) {

      if (!isset($Positions [$Yp])) 
        $Positions [$Yp]["X1"] = $Xp1;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X2"] = $Xp2;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X1"] = ($Positions [$Yp]["X1"] + $Xp1) / 2;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X2"] = ($Positions [$Yp]["X2"] + $Xp2) / 2;

      $Xp1 = cos(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Xp2 = cos((90 -$i) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Yp = floor(sin(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $YBottom);
      if ($MaxY == "" || $Yp < $MaxY) {
        $MaxY = $Yp;

      if ($Xp1 <= floor($X1)) {
      if ($Xp2 >= floor($X2)) {

      if (!isset($Positions [$Yp])) 
        $Positions [$Yp]["X1"] = $Xp1;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X2"] = $Xp2;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X1"] = ($Positions [$Yp]["X1"] + $Xp1) / 2;
        $Positions [$Yp]["X2"] = ($Positions [$Yp]["X2"] + $Xp2) / 2;

    $ManualColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    foreach ($Positions as $Yp => $Bounds) 
      $X1 = $Bounds ["X1"];
      $X1Dec = $this->getFirstDecimal($X1);
      if ($X1Dec != 0) {
        $X1 = floor($X1) + 1;
      $X2 = $Bounds ["X2"];
      $X2Dec = $this->getFirstDecimal($X2);
      if ($X2Dec != 0) {
        $X2 = floor($X2) -1;
      imageline($this->Picture, $X1, $Yp, $X2, $Yp, $ManualColor);
    $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $MinY + 1, floor($X2), $MaxY -1, $Color);

    $this->drawRoundedRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2 + 1, $Y2 -1, $Radius, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a rectangle with rounded corners */
  function drawRoundedFilledRectangle_deprecated($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Radius, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
    if ($BorderR == -1) {
      $BorderR = $R;
      $BorderG = $G;
      $BorderB = $B;

    list($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2) = $this->fixBoxCoordinates($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);

    if ($X2 - $X1 < $Radius) {
      $Radius = floor((($X2 -$X1) + 2) / 2);
    if ($Y2 - $Y1 < $Radius) {
      $Radius = floor((($Y2 -$Y1) + 2) / 2);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1 + $this->ShadowX, $Y1 + $this->ShadowY, $X2 + $this->ShadowX, $Y2 + $this->ShadowY, $Radius, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));

    if ($this->getFirstDecimal($X2) >= 5) {
      $XOffset2 = 1;
    else {
      $XOffset2 = 0;
    if ($this->getFirstDecimal($X1) <= 5) {
      $XOffset1 = 1;
    else {
      $XOffset1 = 0;

    if (!$this->Antialias) {
      $XOffset1 = 1;
      $XOffset2 = 1;

    $YTop = floor($Y1 + $Radius);
    $YBottom = floor($Y2 -$Radius);

    $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1 -$XOffset1, $YTop, $X2 + $XOffset2, $YBottom, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "NoBorder" => TRUE));

    $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * $Radius);
    $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    $Color2 = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, 255, 0, 0, $Alpha);
    $Drawn = "";

    if ($Alpha < 100) {
      $Drawn [$YTop] = FALSE;
    if ($Alpha < 100) {
      $Drawn [$YBottom] = TRUE;

    for ($i = 0; $i <= 90; $i = $i + $Step) 
      $Xp1 = cos(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Xp2 = cos(((90 -$i) + 270) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Yp = sin(($i + 180) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $YTop;

      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Xp1) > 5) {
        $XOffset1 = 1;
      else {
        $XOffset1 = 0;
      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Xp2) > 5) {
        $XOffset2 = 1;
      else {
        $XOffset2 = 0;
      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Yp) > 5) {
        $YOffset = 1;
      else {
        $YOffset = 0;

      if (!isset($Drawn [$Yp + $YOffset]) || $Alpha == 100) {
        imageline($this->Picture, $Xp1 + $XOffset1, $Yp + $YOffset, $Xp2 + $XOffset2, $Yp + $YOffset, $Color);

      $Drawn [$Yp + $YOffset] = $Xp2;

      $Xp1 = cos(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X1 + $Radius;
      $Xp2 = cos((90 -$i) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $X2 - $Radius;
      $Yp = sin(($i + 90) * PI / 180) * $Radius + $YBottom;

      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Xp1) > 7) {
        $XOffset1 = 1;
      else {
        $XOffset1 = 0;
      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Xp2) > 7) {
        $XOffset2 = 1;
      else {
        $XOffset2 = 0;
      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Yp) > 5) {
        $YOffset = 1;
      else {
        $YOffset = 0;

      if (!isset($Drawn [$Yp + $YOffset]) || $Alpha == 100) {
        imageline($this->Picture, $Xp1 + $XOffset1, $Yp + $YOffset, $Xp2 + $XOffset2, $Yp + $YOffset, $Color);

      $Drawn [$Yp + $YOffset] = $Xp2;

    $this->drawRoundedRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Radius, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a rectangle */
  function drawRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $NoAngle = isset($Format ["NoAngle"]) ? $Format ["NoAngle"] : FALSE;

    if ($X1 > $X2) {
      list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1);
    if ($Y1 > $Y2) {
      list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1);

    if ($this->Antialias) 
      if ($NoAngle) 
        $this->drawLine($X1 + 1, $Y1, $X2 -1, $Y1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X2, $Y1 + 1, $X2, $Y2 -1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X2 -1, $Y2, $X1 + 1, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1 + 1, $X1, $Y2 -1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X1 + 1, $Y1, $X2 -1, $Y1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X2, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X2 -1, $Y2, $X1 + 1, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
        $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X1, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
      $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
      imagerectangle($this->Picture, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);

  /* Draw a filled rectangle */
  function drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $NoAngle = isset($Format ["NoAngle"]) ? $Format ["NoAngle"] : NULL;
    $Dash = isset($Format ["Dash"]) ? $Format ["Dash"] : FALSE;
    $DashStep = isset($Format ["DashStep"]) ? $Format ["DashStep"] : 4;
    $DashR = isset($Format ["DashR"]) ? $Format ["DashR"] : 0;
    $DashG = isset($Format ["DashG"]) ? $Format ["DashG"] : 0;
    $DashB = isset($Format ["DashB"]) ? $Format ["DashB"] : 0;
    $NoBorder = isset($Format ["NoBorder"]) ? $Format ["NoBorder"] : FALSE;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;

    if ($X1 > $X2) {
      list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1);
    if ($Y1 > $Y2) {
      list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1 + $this->ShadowX, $Y1 + $this->ShadowY, $X2 + $this->ShadowX, $Y2 + $this->ShadowY, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "NoAngle" => $NoAngle));

    $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    if ($NoAngle) 
      imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture, ceil($X1) + 1, ceil($Y1), floor($X2) -1, floor($Y2), $Color);
      imageline($this->Picture, ceil($X1), ceil($Y1) + 1, ceil($X1), floor($Y2) -1, $Color);
      imageline($this->Picture, floor($X2), ceil($Y1) + 1, floor($X2), floor($Y2) -1, $Color);
    else {
      imagefilledrectangle($this->Picture, ceil($X1), ceil($Y1), floor($X2), floor($Y2), $Color);

    if ($Dash) 
      if ($BorderR != -1) {
        $iX1 = $X1 + 1;
        $iY1 = $Y1 + 1;
        $iX2 = $X2 -1;
        $iY2 = $Y2 -1;
      else {
        $iX1 = $X1;
        $iY1 = $Y1;
        $iX2 = $X2;
        $iY2 = $Y2;

      $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $DashR, $DashG, $DashB, $Alpha);
      $Y = $iY1 -$DashStep;
      for ($X = $iX1; $X <= $iX2 + ($iY2 -$iY1); $X = $X + $DashStep) 
        $Y = $Y + $DashStep;
        if ($X > $iX2) {
          $Xa = $X -($X -$iX2);
          $Ya = $iY1 + ($X -$iX2);
        else {
          $Xa = $X;
          $Ya = $iY1;
        if ($Y > $iY2) {
          $Xb = $iX1 + ($Y -$iY2);
          $Yb = $Y -($Y -$iY2);
        else {
          $Xb = $iX1;
          $Yb = $Y;
        imageline($this->Picture, $Xa, $Ya, $Xb, $Yb, $Color);

    if ($this->Antialias && !$NoBorder) 
      if ($X1 < ceil($X1)) 
        $AlphaA = $Alpha * (ceil($X1) - $X1);
        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $AlphaA);
        imageline($this->Picture, ceil($X1) -1, ceil($Y1), ceil($X1) -1, floor($Y2), $Color);

      if ($Y1 < ceil($Y1)) 
        $AlphaA = $Alpha * (ceil($Y1) - $Y1);
        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $AlphaA);
        imageline($this->Picture, ceil($X1), ceil($Y1) -1, floor($X2), ceil($Y1) -1, $Color);

      if ($X2 > floor($X2)) 
        $AlphaA = $Alpha * (.5 -($X2 - floor($X2)));
        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $AlphaA);
        imageline($this->Picture, floor($X2) + 1, ceil($Y1), floor($X2) + 1, floor($Y2), $Color);

      if ($Y2 > floor($Y2)) 
        $AlphaA = $Alpha * (.5 -($Y2 - floor($Y2)));
        $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $AlphaA);
        imageline($this->Picture, ceil($X1), floor($Y2) + 1, floor($X2), floor($Y2) + 1, $Color);

    if ($BorderR != -1) {
      $this->drawRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "NoAngle" => $NoAngle));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a rectangular marker of the specified size */
  function drawRectangleMarker($X, $Y, $Format = "") 
    $Size = isset($Format ["Size"]) ? $Format ["Size"] : 4;

    $HalfSize = floor($Size / 2);
    $this->drawFilledRectangle($X -$HalfSize, $Y -$HalfSize, $X + $HalfSize, $Y + $HalfSize, $Format);

  /* Drawn a spline based on the bezier function */
  function drawSpline($Coordinates, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Force = isset($Format ["Force"]) ? $Format ["Force"] : 30;
    $Forces = isset($Format ["Forces"]) ? $Format ["Forces"] : NULL;
    $ShowC = isset($Format ["ShowControl"]) ? $Format ["ShowControl"] : FALSE;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $PathOnly = isset($Format ["PathOnly"]) ? $Format ["PathOnly"] : FALSE;
    $Weight = isset($Format ["Weight"]) ? $Format ["Weight"] : NULL;

    $Cpt = NULL;
    $Mode = NULL;
    $Result = "";
    for ($i = 1; $i <= count($Coordinates) -1; $i++) 
      $X1 = $Coordinates [$i -1][0];
      $Y1 = $Coordinates [$i -1][1];
      $X2 = $Coordinates [$i][0];
      $Y2 = $Coordinates [$i][1];

      if ($Forces != NULL) {
        $Force = $Forces [$i];

      /* First segment */
      if ($i == 1) 
        $Xv1 = $X1;
        $Yv1 = $Y1;
        $Angle1 = $this->getAngle($XLast, $YLast, $X1, $Y1);
        $Angle2 = $this->getAngle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);
        $XOff = cos($Angle2 * PI / 180) * $Force + $X1;
        $YOff = sin($Angle2 * PI / 180) * $Force + $Y1;

        $Xv1 = cos($Angle1 * PI / 180) * $Force + $XOff;
        $Yv1 = sin($Angle1 * PI / 180) * $Force + $YOff;

      /* Last segment */
      if ($i == count($Coordinates) -1) 
        $Xv2 = $X2;
        $Yv2 = $Y2;
        $Angle1 = $this->getAngle($X2, $Y2, $Coordinates [$i + 1][0], $Coordinates [$i + 1][1]);
        $Angle2 = $this->getAngle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);
        $XOff = cos(($Angle2 + 180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $X2;
        $YOff = sin(($Angle2 + 180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $Y2;

        $Xv2 = cos(($Angle1 + 180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $XOff;
        $Yv2 = sin(($Angle1 + 180) * PI / 180) * $Force + $YOff;

      $Path = $this->drawBezier($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Xv1, $Yv1, $Xv2, $Yv2, $Format);
      if ($PathOnly) {
        $Result [] = $Path;

      $XLast = $X1;
      $YLast = $Y1;

    return ($Result);

  /* Draw a bezier curve with two controls points */
  function drawBezier($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Xv1, $Yv1, $Xv2, $Yv2, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $ShowC = isset($Format ["ShowControl"]) ? $Format ["ShowControl"] : FALSE;
    $Segments = isset($Format ["Segments"]) ? $Format ["Segments"] : NULL;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $NoDraw = isset($Format ["NoDraw"]) ? $Format ["NoDraw"] : FALSE;
    $PathOnly = isset($Format ["PathOnly"]) ? $Format ["PathOnly"] : FALSE;
    $Weight = isset($Format ["Weight"]) ? $Format ["Weight"] : NULL;
    $DrawArrow = isset($Format ["DrawArrow"]) ? $Format ["DrawArrow"] : FALSE;
    $ArrowSize = isset($Format ["ArrowSize"]) ? $Format ["ArrowSize"] : 10;
    $ArrowRatio = isset($Format ["ArrowRatio"]) ? $Format ["ArrowRatio"] : .5;
    $ArrowTwoHeads = isset($Format ["ArrowTwoHeads"]) ? $Format ["ArrowTwoHeads"] : FALSE;

    if ($Segments == NULL) 
      $Length = $this->getLength($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);
      $Precision = ($Length * 125) / 1000;
    else {
      $Precision = $Segments;

    $P [0]["X"] = $X1;
    $P [0]["Y"] = $Y1;
    $P [1]["X"] = $Xv1;
    $P [1]["Y"] = $Yv1;
    $P [2]["X"] = $Xv2;
    $P [2]["Y"] = $Yv2;
    $P [3]["X"] = $X2;
    $P [3]["Y"] = $Y2;

    /* Compute the bezier points */
    $Q = "";
    $ID = 0;
    $Path = "";
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $Precision; $i = $i + 1) 
      $u = $i / $Precision;

      $C = "";
      $C [0] = (1 - $u) * (1 - $u) * (1 - $u);
      $C [1] = ($u * 3) * (1 - $u) * (1 - $u);
      $C [2] = 3 * $u * $u * (1 - $u);
      $C [3] = $u * $u * $u;

      for ($j = 0; $j <= 3; $j++) 
        if (!isset($Q [$ID])) {
          $Q [$ID] = "";
        if (!isset($Q [$ID]["X"])) {
          $Q [$ID]["X"] = 0;
        if (!isset($Q [$ID]["Y"])) {
          $Q [$ID]["Y"] = 0;

        $Q [$ID]["X"] = $Q [$ID]["X"] + $P [$j]["X"] * $C [$j];
        $Q [$ID]["Y"] = $Q [$ID]["Y"] + $P [$j]["Y"] * $C [$j];
    $Q [$ID]["X"] = $X2;
    $Q [$ID]["Y"] = $Y2;

    if (!$NoDraw) 
      /* Display the control points */
      if ($ShowC && !$PathOnly) 
        $Xv1 = floor($Xv1);
        $Yv1 = floor($Yv1);
        $Xv2 = floor($Xv2);
        $Yv2 = floor($Yv2);

        $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 30));

        $MyMarkerSettings = array("R" => 255, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "BorderR" => 255, "BorderB" => 255, "BorderG" => 255, "Size" => 4);
        $this->drawRectangleMarker($Xv1, $Yv1, $MyMarkerSettings);
        $this->drawText($Xv1 + 4, $Yv1, "v1");
        $MyMarkerSettings = array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 255, "BorderR" => 255, "BorderB" => 255, "BorderG" => 255, "Size" => 4);
        $this->drawRectangleMarker($Xv2, $Yv2, $MyMarkerSettings);
        $this->drawText($Xv2 + 4, $Yv2, "v2");

      /* Draw the bezier */
      $LastX = NULL;
      $LastY = NULL;
      $Cpt = NULL;
      $Mode = NULL;
      $ArrowS = NULL;
      foreach ($Q as $Key => $Point) 
        $X = $Point ["X"];
        $Y = $Point ["Y"];

        /* Get the first segment */
        if ($ArrowS == NULL && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) 
          $ArrowS ["X2"] = $LastX;
          $ArrowS ["Y2"] = $LastY;
          $ArrowS ["X1"] = $X;
          $ArrowS ["Y1"] = $Y;

        if ($LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL && !$PathOnly) {
          list($Cpt, $Mode) = $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Cpt" => $Cpt, "Mode" => $Mode, "Weight" => $Weight));

        /* Get the last segment */
        $ArrowE ["X1"] = $LastX;
        $ArrowE ["Y1"] = $LastY;
        $ArrowE ["X2"] = $X;
        $ArrowE ["Y2"] = $Y;

        $LastX = $X;
        $LastY = $Y;

      if ($DrawArrow && !$PathOnly) 
        $ArrowSettings = array("FillR" => $R, "FillG" => $G, "FillB" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Size" => $ArrowSize, "Ratio" => $ArrowRatio);
        if ($ArrowTwoHeads) {
          $this->drawArrow($ArrowS ["X1"], $ArrowS ["Y1"], $ArrowS ["X2"], $ArrowS ["Y2"], $ArrowSettings);

        $this->drawArrow($ArrowE ["X1"], $ArrowE ["Y1"], $ArrowE ["X2"], $ArrowE ["Y2"], $ArrowSettings);
    return ($Q);

  /* Draw a line between two points */
  function drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $Cpt = isset($Format ["Cpt"]) ? $Format ["Cpt"] : 1;
    $Mode = isset($Format ["Mode"]) ? $Format ["Mode"] : 1;
    $Weight = isset($Format ["Weight"]) ? $Format ["Weight"] : NULL;
    $Threshold = isset($Format ["Threshold"]) ? $Format ["Threshold"] : NULL;

    if ($this->Antialias == FALSE && $Ticks == NULL) 
      if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
        $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $this->ShadowR, $this->ShadowG, $this->ShadowB, $this->Shadowa);
        imageline($this->Picture, $X1 + $this->ShadowX, $Y1 + $this->ShadowY, $X2 + $this->ShadowX, $Y2 + $this->ShadowY, $ShadowColor);

      $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
      imageline($this->Picture, $X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
      return (0);

    $Distance = sqrt(($X2 -$X1) * ($X2 -$X1) + ($Y2 -$Y1) * ($Y2 -$Y1));
    if ($Distance == 0) {
      return (-1);

    /* Derivative algorithm for overweighted lines, re-route to polygons primitives */
    if ($Weight != NULL) 
      $Angle = $this->getAngle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);
      $PolySettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "BorderAlpha" => $Alpha);

      if ($Ticks == NULL) 
        $Points = "";
        $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $X1;
        $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Y1;
        $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $X1;
        $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Y1;
        $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $X2;
        $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Y2;
        $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $X2;
        $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Y2;

        $this->drawPolygon($Points, $PolySettings);
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $Distance; $i = $i + $Ticks * 2) 
          $Xa = (($X2 -$X1) / $Distance) * $i + $X1;
          $Ya = (($Y2 -$Y1) / $Distance) * $i + $Y1;
          $Xb = (($X2 -$X1) / $Distance) * ($i + $Ticks) + $X1;
          $Yb = (($Y2 -$Y1) / $Distance) * ($i + $Ticks) + $Y1;

          $Points = "";
          $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Xa;
          $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Ya;
          $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Xa;
          $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Ya;
          $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Xb;
          $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle + 90)) * $Weight + $Yb;
          $Points [] = cos(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Xb;
          $Points [] = sin(deg2rad($Angle -90)) * $Weight + $Yb;

          $this->drawPolygon($Points, $PolySettings);

      return (1);

    $XStep = ($X2 -$X1) / $Distance;
    $YStep = ($Y2 -$Y1) / $Distance;

    for ($i = 0; $i <= $Distance; $i++) 
      $X = $i * $XStep + $X1;
      $Y = $i * $YStep + $Y1;

      $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);

      if ($Threshold != NULL) 
        foreach ($Threshold as $Key => $Parameters) 
          if ($Y <= $Parameters ["MinX"] && $Y >= $Parameters ["MaxX"]) 
            if (isset($Parameters ["R"])) {
              $RT = $Parameters ["R"];
            else {
              $RT = 0;
            if (isset($Parameters ["G"])) {
              $GT = $Parameters ["G"];
            else {
              $GT = 0;
            if (isset($Parameters ["B"])) {
              $BT = $Parameters ["B"];
            else {
              $BT = 0;
            if (isset($Parameters ["Alpha"])) {
              $AlphaT = $Parameters ["Alpha"];
            else {
              $AlphaT = 0;
            $Color = array("R" => $RT, "G" => $GT, "B" => $BT, "Alpha" => $AlphaT);

      if ($Ticks != NULL) 
        if ($Cpt % $Ticks == 0) 
          $Cpt = 0;
          if ($Mode == 1) {
            $Mode = 0;
          else {
            $Mode = 1;

        if ($Mode == 1) {
          $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, $Color);

      else {
        $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, $Color);

    return (array($Cpt, $Mode));

  /* Draw a circle */
  function drawCircle($Xc, $Yc, $Height, $Width, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;

    $Height = abs($Height);
    $Width = abs($Width);

    if ($Height == 0) {
      $Height = 1;
    if ($Width == 0) {
      $Width = 1;
    $Xc = floor($Xc);
    $Yc = floor($Yc);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawCircle($Xc + $this->ShadowX, $Yc + $this->ShadowY, $Height, $Width, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    if ($Width == 0) {
      $Width = $Height;
    if ($R < 0) {
      $R = 0;
    if ($R > 255) {
      $R = 255;
    if ($G < 0) {
      $G = 0;
    if ($G > 255) {
      $G = 255;
    if ($B < 0) {
      $B = 0;
    if ($B > 255) {
      $B = 255;

    $Step = 360 / (2 * PI * max($Width, $Height));
    $Mode = 1;
    $Cpt = 1;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= 360; $i = $i + $Step) 
      $X = cos($i * PI / 180) * $Height + $Xc;
      $Y = sin($i * PI / 180) * $Width + $Yc;

      if ($Ticks != NULL) 
        if ($Cpt % $Ticks == 0) 
          $Cpt = 0;
          if ($Mode == 1) {
            $Mode = 0;
          else {
            $Mode = 1;

        if ($Mode == 1) {
          $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      else {
        $this->drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a filled circle */
  function drawFilledCircle($X, $Y, $Radius, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;

    if ($Radius == 0) {
      $Radius = 1;
    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
    $X = floor($X);
    $Y = floor($Y);

    $Radius = abs($Radius);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawFilledCircle($X + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $this->ShadowY, $Radius, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    $this->Mask = "";
    $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    for ($i = 0; $i <= $Radius * 2; $i++) 
      $Slice = sqrt($Radius * $Radius - ($Radius - $i) * ($Radius - $i));
      $XPos = floor($Slice);
      $YPos = $Y + $i - $Radius;
      $AAlias = $Slice - floor($Slice);

      $this->Mask [$X -$XPos][$YPos] = TRUE;
      $this->Mask [$X + $XPos][$YPos] = TRUE;
      imageline($this->Picture, $X -$XPos, $YPos, $X + $XPos, $YPos, $Color);
    if ($this->Antialias) {
      $this->drawCircle($X, $Y, $Radius, $Radius, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    $this->Mask = "";

    if ($BorderR != -1) {
      $this->drawCircle($X, $Y, $Radius, $Radius, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Write text */
  function drawText($X, $Y, $Text, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : $this->FontColorR;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : $this->FontColorG;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : $this->FontColorB;
    $Angle = isset($Format ["Angle"]) ? $Format ["Angle"] : 0;
    $Align = isset($Format ["Align"]) ? $Format ["Align"] : TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : $this->FontColorA;
    $FontName = isset($Format ["FontName"]) ? $Format ["FontName"] : $this->FontName;
    $FontSize = isset($Format ["FontSize"]) ? $Format ["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $ShowOrigine = isset($Format ["ShowOrigine"]) ? $Format ["ShowOrigine"] : FALSE;
    $TOffset = isset($Format ["TOffset"]) ? $Format ["TOffset"] : 2;
    $DrawBox = isset($Format ["DrawBox"]) ? $Format ["DrawBox"] : FALSE;
    $DrawBoxBorder = isset($Format ["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format ["DrawBoxBorder"] : TRUE;
    $BorderOffset = isset($Format ["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format ["BorderOffset"] : 6;
    $BoxRounded = isset($Format ["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format ["BoxRounded"] : FALSE;
    $RoundedRadius = isset($Format ["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundedRadius"] : 6;
    $BoxR = isset($Format ["BoxR"]) ? $Format ["BoxR"] : 255;
    $BoxG = isset($Format ["BoxG"]) ? $Format ["BoxG"] : 255;
    $BoxB = isset($Format ["BoxB"]) ? $Format ["BoxB"] : 255;
    $BoxAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 50;
    $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format ["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
    $BoxBorderR = isset($Format ["BoxR"]) ? $Format ["BoxR"] : 0;
    $BoxBorderG = isset($Format ["BoxG"]) ? $Format ["BoxG"] : 0;
    $BoxBorderB = isset($Format ["BoxB"]) ? $Format ["BoxB"] : 0;
    $BoxBorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 50;
    $NoShadow = isset($Format ["NoShadow"]) ? $Format ["NoShadow"] : FALSE;

    $Shadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($NoShadow) {
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    if ($BoxSurrounding != "") {
      $BoxBorderR = $BoxR - $BoxSurrounding;
      $BoxBorderG = $BoxG - $BoxSurrounding;
      $BoxBorderB = $BoxB - $BoxSurrounding;
      $BoxBorderAlpha = $BoxAlpha;

    if ($ShowOrigine) 
      $MyMarkerSettings = array("R" => 255, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "BorderR" => 255, "BorderB" => 255, "BorderG" => 255, "Size" => 4);
      $this->drawRectangleMarker($X, $Y, $MyMarkerSettings);

    $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($X, $Y, $FontName, $FontSize, $Angle, $Text);

    if ($DrawBox && ($Angle == 0 || $Angle == 90 || $Angle == 180 || $Angle == 270)) 
      $T [0]["X"] = 0;
      $T [0]["Y"] = 0;
      $T [1]["X"] = 0;
      $T [1]["Y"] = 0;
      $T [2]["X"] = 0;
      $T [2]["Y"] = 0;
      $T [3]["X"] = 0;
      $T [3]["Y"] = 0;
      if ($Angle == 0) {
        $T [0]["X"] = -$TOffset;
        $T [0]["Y"] = $TOffset;
        $T [1]["X"] = $TOffset;
        $T [1]["Y"] = $TOffset;
        $T [2]["X"] = $TOffset;
        $T [2]["Y"] = -$TOffset;
        $T [3]["X"] = -$TOffset;
        $T [3]["Y"] = -$TOffset;

      $X1 = min($TxtPos [0]["X"], $TxtPos [1]["X"], $TxtPos [2]["X"], $TxtPos [3]["X"]) - $BorderOffset + 3;
      $Y1 = min($TxtPos [0]["Y"], $TxtPos [1]["Y"], $TxtPos [2]["Y"], $TxtPos [3]["Y"]) - $BorderOffset;
      $X2 = max($TxtPos [0]["X"], $TxtPos [1]["X"], $TxtPos [2]["X"], $TxtPos [3]["X"]) + $BorderOffset + 3;
      $Y2 = max($TxtPos [0]["Y"], $TxtPos [1]["Y"], $TxtPos [2]["Y"], $TxtPos [3]["Y"]) + $BorderOffset - 3;

      $X1 = $X1 - $TxtPos [$Align]["X"] + $X + $T [0]["X"];
      $Y1 = $Y1 - $TxtPos [$Align]["Y"] + $Y + $T [0]["Y"];
      $X2 = $X2 - $TxtPos [$Align]["X"] + $X + $T [0]["X"];
      $Y2 = $Y2 - $TxtPos [$Align]["Y"] + $Y + $T [0]["Y"];

      $Settings = array("R" => $BoxR, "G" => $BoxG, "B" => $BoxB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha, "BorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "BorderAlpha" => $BoxBorderAlpha);

      if ($BoxRounded) 
        $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $RoundedRadius, $Settings);
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Settings);

    $X = $X - $TxtPos [$Align]["X"] + $X;
    $Y = $Y - $TxtPos [$Align]["Y"] + $Y;

    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $C_ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $this->ShadowR, $this->ShadowG, $this->ShadowB, $this->Shadowa);
      imagettftext($this->Picture, $FontSize, $Angle, $X + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $this->ShadowY, $C_ShadowColor, $FontName, $Text);

    $C_TextColor = $this->AllocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    imagettftext($this->Picture, $FontSize, $Angle, $X, $Y, $C_TextColor, $FontName, $Text);

    $this->Shadow = $Shadow;

    return ($TxtPos);

  /* Draw a gradient within a defined area */
  function drawGradientArea($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Direction, $Format = "") 
    $StartR = isset($Format ["StartR"]) ? $Format ["StartR"] : 90;
    $StartG = isset($Format ["StartG"]) ? $Format ["StartG"] : 90;
    $StartB = isset($Format ["StartB"]) ? $Format ["StartB"] : 90;
    $EndR = isset($Format ["EndR"]) ? $Format ["EndR"] : 0;
    $EndG = isset($Format ["EndG"]) ? $Format ["EndG"] : 0;
    $EndB = isset($Format ["EndB"]) ? $Format ["EndB"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Levels = isset($Format ["Levels"]) ? $Format ["Levels"] : NULL;

    $Shadow = $this->Shadow;
    $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    if ($StartR == $EndR && $StartG == $EndG && $StartB == $EndB) 
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, array("R" => $StartR, "G" => $StartG, "B" => $StartB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      return (0);

    if ($Levels != NULL) 
      $EndR = $StartR + $Levels;
      $EndG = $StartG + $Levels;
      $EndB = $StartB + $Levels;

    if ($X1 > $X2) {
      list($X1, $X2) = array($X2, $X1);
    if ($Y1 > $Y2) {
      list($Y1, $Y2) = array($Y2, $Y1);

    if ($Direction == DIRECTION_VERTICAL) {
      $Width = abs($Y2 -$Y1);
    if ($Direction == DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL) {
      $Width = abs($X2 -$X1);

    $Step = max(abs($EndR -$StartR), abs($EndG -$StartG), abs($EndB -$StartB));
    $StepSize = $Width / $Step;
    $RStep = ($EndR -$StartR) / $Step;
    $GStep = ($EndG -$StartG) / $Step;
    $BStep = ($EndB -$StartB) / $Step;

    $R = $StartR;
    $G = $StartG;
    $B = $StartB;
    switch ($Direction) 
        $StartY = $Y1;
        $EndY = floor($Y2) + 1;
        $LastY2 = $StartY;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $Step; $i++) 
          $Y2 = floor($StartY + ($i * $StepSize));

          if ($Y2 > $EndY) {
            $Y2 = $EndY;
          if (($Y1 != $Y2 && $Y1 < $Y2) || $Y2 == $EndY) 
            $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
            $LastY2 = max($LastY2, $Y2);
            $Y1 = $Y2 + 1;
          $R = $R + $RStep;
          $G = $G + $GStep;
          $B = $B + $BStep;
        if ($LastY2 < $EndY && isset($Color)) {
          for ($i = $LastY2 + 1; $i <= $EndY; $i++) {
            $this->drawLine($X1, $i, $X2, $i, $Color);

        $StartX = $X1;
        $EndX = $X2;
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $Step; $i++) 
          $X2 = floor($StartX + ($i * $StepSize));

          if ($X2 > $EndX) {
            $X2 = $EndX;
          if (($X1 != $X2 && $X1 < $X2) || $X2 == $EndX) 
            $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
            $X1 = $X2 + 1;
          $R = $R + $RStep;
          $G = $G + $GStep;
          $B = $B + $BStep;
        if ($X2 < $EndX && isset($Color)) {
          $this->drawFilledRectangle($X2, $Y1, $EndX, $Y2, $Color);

    $this->Shadow = $Shadow;


  /* Draw an aliased pixel */
  function drawAntialiasPixel($X, $Y, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;

    if ($X < 0 || $Y < 0 || $X >= $this->XSize || $Y >= $this->YSize) {
      return (-1);

    if ($R < 0) {
      $R = 0;
    if ($R > 255) {
      $R = 255;
    if ($G < 0) {
      $G = 0;
    if ($G > 255) {
      $G = 255;
    if ($B < 0) {
      $B = 0;
    if ($B > 255) {
      $B = 255;

    if (!$this->Antialias) 
      if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
        $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $this->ShadowR, $this->ShadowG, $this->ShadowB, $this->Shadowa);
        imagesetpixel($this->Picture, $X + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $this->ShadowY, $ShadowColor);

      $PlotColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
      imagesetpixel($this->Picture, $X, $Y, $PlotColor);

      return (0);

    $Plot = "";
    $Xi = floor($X);
    $Yi = floor($Y);

    if ($Xi == $X && $Yi == $Y) 
      if ($Alpha == 100) {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($X, $Y, 100, $R, $G, $B);
      else {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($X, $Y, $Alpha, $R, $G, $B);
      $Alpha1 = (((1 - ($X - floor($X))) * (1 - ($Y - floor($Y))) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
      if ($Alpha1 > $this->AntialiasQuality) {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi, $Yi, $Alpha1, $R, $G, $B);

      $Alpha2 = ((($X - floor($X)) * (1 - ($Y - floor($Y))) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
      if ($Alpha2 > $this->AntialiasQuality) {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi + 1, $Yi, $Alpha2, $R, $G, $B);

      $Alpha3 = (((1 - ($X - floor($X))) * ($Y - floor($Y)) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
      if ($Alpha3 > $this->AntialiasQuality) {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi, $Yi + 1, $Alpha3, $R, $G, $B);

      $Alpha4 = ((($X - floor($X)) * ($Y - floor($Y)) * 100) / 100) * $Alpha;
      if ($Alpha4 > $this->AntialiasQuality) {
        $this->drawAlphaPixel($Xi + 1, $Yi + 1, $Alpha4, $R, $G, $B);

  /* Draw a semi-transparent pixel */
  function drawAlphaPixel($X, $Y, $Alpha, $R, $G, $B) 
    if (isset($this->Mask [$X])) {
      if (isset($this->Mask [$X][$Y])) {
        return (0);

    if ($X < 0 || $Y < 0 || $X >= $this->XSize || $Y >= $this->YSize) {
      return (-1);

    if ($R < 0) {
      $R = 0;
    if ($R > 255) {
      $R = 255;
    if ($G < 0) {
      $G = 0;
    if ($G > 255) {
      $G = 255;
    if ($B < 0) {
      $B = 0;
    if ($B > 255) {
      $B = 255;

    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $AlphaFactor = floor(($Alpha / 100) * $this->Shadowa);
      $ShadowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $this->ShadowR, $this->ShadowG, $this->ShadowB, $AlphaFactor);
      imagesetpixel($this->Picture, $X + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $this->ShadowY, $ShadowColor);

    $C_Aliased = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    imagesetpixel($this->Picture, $X, $Y, $C_Aliased);

  /* Convert apha to base 10 */
  function convertAlpha($AlphaValue) 
    return ((127 / 100) * (100 -$AlphaValue));

  /* Allocate a color with transparency */
  function allocateColor($Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha = 100) 
    if ($R < 0) {
      $R = 0;
    if ($R > 255) {
      $R = 255;
    if ($G < 0) {
      $G = 0;
    if ($G > 255) {
      $G = 255;
    if ($B < 0) {
      $B = 0;
    if ($B > 255) {
      $B = 255;
    if ($Alpha < 0) {
      $Alpha = 0;
    if ($Alpha > 100) {
      $Alpha = 100;

    $Alpha = $this->convertAlpha($Alpha);
    return (imagecolorallocatealpha($Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha));

  /* Load a PNG file and draw it over the chart */
  function drawFromPNG($X, $Y, $FileName) 
    $this->drawFromPicture(1, $FileName, $X, $Y);

  /* Load a GIF file and draw it over the chart */
  function drawFromGIF($X, $Y, $FileName) 
    $this->drawFromPicture(2, $FileName, $X, $Y);

  /* Load a JPEG file and draw it over the chart */
  function drawFromJPG($X, $Y, $FileName) 
    $this->drawFromPicture(3, $FileName, $X, $Y);

  function getPicInfo($FileName) 
    $Infos = getimagesize($FileName);
    $Width = $Infos [0];
    $Height = $Infos [1];
    $Type = $Infos ["mime"];

    if ($Type == "image/png") {
      $Type = 1;
    if ($Type == "image/gif") {
      $Type = 2;
    if ($Type == "image/jpeg ") {
      $Type = 3;

    return (array($Width, $Height, $Type));

  /* Generic loader function for external pictures */
  function drawFromPicture($PicType, $FileName, $X, $Y) 
    if (file_exists($FileName)) 
      list($Width, $Height) = $this->getPicInfo($FileName);

      if ($PicType == 1) 
        $Raster = imagecreatefrompng($FileName);
      elseif ($PicType == 2) 
        $Raster = imagecreatefromgif($FileName);
      elseif ($PicType == 3) 
        $Raster = imagecreatefromjpeg($FileName);
        return (0);

      $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
      if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
        $this->Shadow = FALSE;
        if ($PicType == 3) {
          $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $this->ShadowY, $X + $Width + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $Height + $this->ShadowY, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));
          $TranparentID = imagecolortransparent($Raster);
          for ($Xc = 0; $Xc <= $Width -1; $Xc++) 
            for ($Yc = 0; $Yc <= $Height -1; $Yc++) 
              $RGBa = imagecolorat($Raster, $Xc, $Yc);
              $Values = imagecolorsforindex($Raster, $RGBa);
              if ($Values ["alpha"] < 120) 
                $AlphaFactor = floor(($this->Shadowa / 100) * ((100 / 127) * (127 -$Values ["alpha"])));
                $this->drawAlphaPixel($X + $Xc + $this->ShadowX, $Y + $Yc + $this->ShadowY, $AlphaFactor, $this->ShadowR, $this->ShadowG, $this->ShadowB);
      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

      imagecopy($this->Picture, $Raster, $X, $Y, 0, 0, $Width, $Height);

  /* Draw an arrow */
  function drawArrow($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Format = "") 
    $FillR = isset($Format ["FillR"]) ? $Format ["FillR"] : 0;
    $FillG = isset($Format ["FillG"]) ? $Format ["FillG"] : 0;
    $FillB = isset($Format ["FillB"]) ? $Format ["FillB"] : 0;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $FillR;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $FillG;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $FillB;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Size = isset($Format ["Size"]) ? $Format ["Size"] : 10;
    $Ratio = isset($Format ["Ratio"]) ? $Format ["Ratio"] : .5;
    $TwoHeads = isset($Format ["TwoHeads"]) ? $Format ["TwoHeads"] : FALSE;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : FALSE;

    /* Calculate the line angle */
    $Angle = $this->getAngle($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2);

    /* Override Shadow support, this will be managed internally */
    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow && $this->ShadowX != 0 && $this->ShadowY != 0) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      $this->drawArrow($X1 + $this->ShadowX, $Y1 + $this->ShadowY, $X2 + $this->ShadowX, $Y2 + $this->ShadowY, array("FillR" => $this->ShadowR, "FillG" => $this->ShadowG, "FillB" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa, "Size" => $Size, "Ratio" => $Ratio, "TwoHeads" => $TwoHeads, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    /* Draw the 1st Head */
    $TailX = cos(($Angle -180) * PI / 180) * $Size + $X2;
    $TailY = sin(($Angle -180) * PI / 180) * $Size + $Y2;

    $Points = "";
    $Points [] = $X2;
    $Points [] = $Y2;
    $Points [] = cos(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailX;
    $Points [] = sin(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailY;
    $Points [] = cos(($Angle -270) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailX;
    $Points [] = sin(($Angle -270) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailY;
    $Points [] = $X2;
    $Points [] = $Y2;

    /* Visual correction */
    if ($Angle == 180 || $Angle == 360) {
      $Points [4] = $Points [2];
    if ($Angle == 90 || $Angle == 270) {
      $Points [5] = $Points [3];

    $ArrowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $FillR, $FillG, $FillB, $Alpha);
    ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture, $Points, 4, $ArrowColor);

    $this->drawLine($Points [0], $Points [1], $Points [2], $Points [3], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    $this->drawLine($Points [2], $Points [3], $Points [4], $Points [5], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    $this->drawLine($Points [0], $Points [1], $Points [4], $Points [5], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

    /* Draw the second head */
    if ($TwoHeads) 
      $Angle = $this->getAngle($X2, $Y2, $X1, $Y1);

      $TailX2 = cos(($Angle -180) * PI / 180) * $Size + $X1;
      $TailY2 = sin(($Angle -180) * PI / 180) * $Size + $Y1;

      $Points = "";
      $Points [] = $X1;
      $Points [] = $Y1;
      $Points [] = cos(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailX2;
      $Points [] = sin(($Angle -90) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailY2;
      $Points [] = cos(($Angle -270) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailX2;
      $Points [] = sin(($Angle -270) * PI / 180) * $Size * $Ratio + $TailY2;
      $Points [] = $X1;
      $Points [] = $Y1;

      /* Visual correction */
      if ($Angle == 180 || $Angle == 360) {
        $Points [4] = $Points [2];
      if ($Angle == 90 || $Angle == 270) {
        $Points [5] = $Points [3];

      $ArrowColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $FillR, $FillG, $FillB, $Alpha);
      ImageFilledPolygon($this->Picture, $Points, 4, $ArrowColor);

      $this->drawLine($Points [0], $Points [1], $Points [2], $Points [3], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      $this->drawLine($Points [2], $Points [3], $Points [4], $Points [5], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      $this->drawLine($Points [0], $Points [1], $Points [4], $Points [5], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      $this->drawLine($TailX, $TailY, $TailX2, $TailY2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
    else {
      $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $TailX, $TailY, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

    /* Re-enable shadows */
    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a label with associated arrow */
  function drawArrowLabel($X1, $Y1, $Text, $Format = "") 
    $FillR = isset($Format ["FillR"]) ? $Format ["FillR"] : 0;
    $FillG = isset($Format ["FillG"]) ? $Format ["FillG"] : 0;
    $FillB = isset($Format ["FillB"]) ? $Format ["FillB"] : 0;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $FillR;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $FillG;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $FillB;
    $FontName = isset($Format ["FontName"]) ? $Format ["FontName"] : $this->FontName;
    $FontSize = isset($Format ["FontSize"]) ? $Format ["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Length = isset($Format ["Length"]) ? $Format ["Length"] : 50;
    $Angle = isset($Format ["Angle"]) ? $Format ["Angle"] : 315;
    $Size = isset($Format ["Size"]) ? $Format ["Size"] : 10;
    $Position = isset($Format ["Position"]) ? $Format ["Position"] : POSITION_TOP;
    $RoundPos = isset($Format ["RoundPos"]) ? $Format ["RoundPos"] : FALSE;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;

    $Angle = $Angle % 360;

    $X2 = sin(($Angle + 180) * PI / 180) * $Length + $X1;
    $Y2 = cos(($Angle + 180) * PI / 180) * $Length + $Y1;

    if ($RoundPos && $Angle > 0 && $Angle < 180) {
      $Y2 = ceil($Y2);
    if ($RoundPos && $Angle > 180) {
      $Y2 = floor($Y2);

    $this->drawArrow($X2, $Y2, $X1, $Y1, $Format);

    $Size = imagettfbbox($FontSize, 0, $FontName, $Text);
    $TxtWidth = max(abs($Size [2] -$Size [0]), abs($Size [0] -$Size [6]));
    $TxtHeight = max(abs($Size [1] -$Size [7]), abs($Size [3] -$Size [1]));

    if ($Angle > 0 && $Angle < 180) 
      $this->drawLine($X2, $Y2, $X2 -$TxtWidth, $Y2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
      if ($Position == POSITION_TOP) {
        $this->drawText($X2, $Y2 -2, $Text, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMRIGHT));
      else {
        $this->drawText($X2, $Y2 + 4, $Text, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPRIGHT));
      $this->drawLine($X2, $Y2, $X2 + $TxtWidth, $Y2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
      if ($Position == POSITION_TOP) {
        $this->drawText($X2, $Y2 -2, $Text, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      else {
        $this->drawText($X2, $Y2 + 4, $Text, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPLEFT));

  /* Draw a progress bar filled with specified % */
  function drawProgress($X, $Y, $Percent, $Format = "") 
    if ($Percent > 100) {
      $Percent = 100;
    if ($Percent < 0) {
      $Percent = 0;

    $Width = isset($Format ["Width"]) ? $Format ["Width"] : 200;
    $Height = isset($Format ["Height"]) ? $Format ["Height"] : 20;
    $Orientation = isset($Format ["Orientation"]) ? $Format ["Orientation"] : ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
    $ShowLabel = isset($Format ["ShowLabel"]) ? $Format ["ShowLabel"] : FALSE;
    $LabelPos = isset($Format ["LabelPos"]) ? $Format ["LabelPos"] : LABEL_POS_INSIDE;
    $Margin = isset($Format ["Margin"]) ? $Format ["Margin"] : 10;
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 130;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 130;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 130;
    $RFade = isset($Format ["RFade"]) ? $Format ["RFade"] : -1;
    $GFade = isset($Format ["GFade"]) ? $Format ["GFade"] : -1;
    $BFade = isset($Format ["BFade"]) ? $Format ["BFade"] : -1;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
    $BoxBorderR = isset($Format ["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderR"] : 0;
    $BoxBorderG = isset($Format ["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderG"] : 0;
    $BoxBorderB = isset($Format ["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderB"] : 0;
    $BoxBackR = isset($Format ["BoxBackR"]) ? $Format ["BoxBackR"] : 255;
    $BoxBackG = isset($Format ["BoxBackG"]) ? $Format ["BoxBackG"] : 255;
    $BoxBackB = isset($Format ["BoxBackB"]) ? $Format ["BoxBackB"] : 255;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format ["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["BoxSurrounding"] : NULL;
    $NoAngle = isset($Format ["NoAngle"]) ? $Format ["NoAngle"] : FALSE;

    if ($RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1) 
      $RFade = (($RFade -$R) / 100) * $Percent + $R;
      $GFade = (($GFade -$G) / 100) * $Percent + $G;
      $BFade = (($BFade -$B) / 100) * $Percent + $B;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
    if ($BoxSurrounding != NULL) {
      $BoxBorderR = $BoxBackR + $Surrounding;
      $BoxBorderG = $BoxBackG + $Surrounding;
      $BoxBorderB = $BoxBackB + $Surrounding;

    if ($Orientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) 
      $InnerHeight = (($Height -2) / 100) * $Percent;
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X, $Y, $X + $Width, $Y -$Height, array("R" => $BoxBackR, "G" => $BoxBackG, "B" => $BoxBackB, "BorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "NoAngle" => $NoAngle));

      $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      if ($RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1) 
        $GradientOptions = array("StartR" => $RFade, "StartG" => $GFade, "StartB" => $BFade, "EndR" => $R, "EndG" => $G, "EndB" => $B);
        $this->drawGradientArea($X + 1, $Y -1, $X + $Width -1, $Y -$InnerHeight, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientOptions);

        if ($Surrounding) {
          $this->drawRectangle($X + 1, $Y -1, $X + $Width -1, $Y -$InnerHeight, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Alpha" => $Surrounding));
      else {
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + 1, $Y -1, $X + $Width -1, $Y -$InnerHeight, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB));

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_BOTTOM) {
        $this->drawText($X + ($Width / 2), $Y + $Margin, $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_TOP) {
        $this->drawText($X + ($Width / 2), $Y -$Height -$Margin, $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE) {
        $this->drawText($X + ($Width / 2), $Y -$InnerHeight -$Margin, $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT, "Angle" => 90));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_CENTER) {
        $this->drawText($X + ($Width / 2), $Y -($Height / 2), $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "Angle" => 90));
      if ($Percent == 100) {
        $InnerWidth = $Width -1;
      else {
        $InnerWidth = (($Width -2) / 100) * $Percent;

      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X, $Y, $X + $Width, $Y + $Height, array("R" => $BoxBackR, "G" => $BoxBackG, "B" => $BoxBackB, "BorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "NoAngle" => $NoAngle));

      $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;
      if ($RFade != -1 && $GFade != -1 && $BFade != -1) 
        $GradientOptions = array("StartR" => $R, "StartG" => $G, "StartB" => $B, "EndR" => $RFade, "EndG" => $GFade, "EndB" => $BFade);
        $this->drawGradientArea($X + 1, $Y + 1, $X + $InnerWidth, $Y + $Height -1, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradientOptions);

        if ($Surrounding) {
          $this->drawRectangle($X + 1, $Y + 1, $X + $InnerWidth, $Y + $Height -1, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "Alpha" => $Surrounding));
      else {
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + 1, $Y + 1, $X + $InnerWidth, $Y + $Height -1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB));

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_LEFT) {
        $this->drawText($X -$Margin, $Y + ($Height / 2), $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_RIGHT) {
        $this->drawText($X + $Width + $Margin, $Y + ($Height / 2), $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_CENTER) {
        $this->drawText($X + ($Width / 2), $Y + ($Height / 2), $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));
      if ($ShowLabel && $LabelPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE) {
        $this->drawText($X + $InnerWidth + $Margin, $Y + ($Height / 2), $Percent . "%", array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));

  /* Get the legend box size */
  function getLegendSize($Format = "") 
    $FontName = isset($Format ["FontName"]) ? $Format ["FontName"] : $this->FontName;
    $FontSize = isset($Format ["FontSize"]) ? $Format ["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $BoxSize = isset($Format ["BoxSize"]) ? $Format ["BoxSize"] : 5;
    $Margin = isset($Format ["Margin"]) ? $Format ["Margin"] : 5;
    $Style = isset($Format ["Style"]) ? $Format ["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
    $Mode = isset($Format ["Mode"]) ? $Format ["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;
    $BoxWidth = isset($Format ["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format ["BoxWidth"] : 5;
    $BoxHeight = isset($Format ["BoxHeight"]) ? $Format ["BoxHeight"] : 5;
    $IconAreaWidth = isset($Format ["IconAreaWidth"]) ? $Format ["IconAreaWidth"] : $BoxWidth;
    $IconAreaHeight = isset($Format ["IconAreaHeight"]) ? $Format ["IconAreaHeight"] : $BoxHeight;
    $XSpacing = isset($Format ["XSpacing"]) ? $Format ["XSpacing"] : 5;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"] && isset($Serie ["Picture"])) 
        list($PicWidth, $PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Serie ["Picture"]);
        if ($IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth) {
          $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth;
        if ($IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight) {
          $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight;

    $YStep = max($this->FontSize, $IconAreaHeight) + 5;
    $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
    $XStep = $XSpacing;

    $X = 100;
    $Y = 100;

    $Boundaries = "";
    $Boundaries ["L"] = $X;
    $Boundaries ["T"] = $Y;
    $Boundaries ["R"] = 0;
    $Boundaries ["B"] = 0;
    $vY = $Y;
    $vX = $X;
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        if ($Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL) 
          $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox($vX + $IconAreaWidth + 4, $vY + $IconAreaHeight / 2, $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Serie ["Description"]);

          if ($Boundaries ["T"] > $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
            $Boundaries ["T"] = $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2;
          if ($Boundaries ["R"] < $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2) {
            $Boundaries ["R"] = $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2;
          if ($Boundaries ["B"] < $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
            $Boundaries ["B"] = $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2;

          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          $vY = $vY + max($this->FontSize * count($Lines), $IconAreaHeight) + 5;
        elseif ($Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL) 
          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          $Width = "";
          foreach ($Lines as $Key => $Value) 
            $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox($vX + $IconAreaWidth + 6, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2 + (($this->FontSize + 3) * $Key), $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Value);

            if ($Boundaries ["T"] > $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
              $Boundaries ["T"] = $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2;
            if ($Boundaries ["R"] < $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2) {
              $Boundaries ["R"] = $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2;
            if ($Boundaries ["B"] < $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
              $Boundaries ["B"] = $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2;

            $Width [] = $BoxArray [1]["X"];

          $vX = max($Width) + $XStep;
    $vY = $vY -$YStep;
    $vX = $vX -$XStep;

    $TopOffset = $Y - $Boundaries ["T"];
    if ($Boundaries ["B"] -($vY + $IconAreaHeight) < $TopOffset) {
      $Boundaries ["B"] = $vY + $IconAreaHeight + $TopOffset;

    $Width = ($Boundaries ["R"] + $Margin) - ($Boundaries ["L"] -$Margin);
    $Height = ($Boundaries ["B"] + $Margin) - ($Boundaries ["T"] -$Margin);

    return (array("Width" => $Width, "Height" => $Height));

  /* Draw the legend of the active series */
  function drawLegend($X, $Y, $Format = "") 
    $Family = isset($Format ["Family"]) ? $Format ["Family"] : LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX;
    $FontName = isset($Format ["FontName"]) ? $Format ["FontName"] : $this->FontName;
    $FontSize = isset($Format ["FontSize"]) ? $Format ["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $FontR = isset($Format ["FontR"]) ? $Format ["FontR"] : $this->FontColorR;
    $FontG = isset($Format ["FontG"]) ? $Format ["FontG"] : $this->FontColorG;
    $FontB = isset($Format ["FontB"]) ? $Format ["FontB"] : $this->FontColorB;
    $BoxWidth = isset($Format ["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format ["BoxWidth"] : 5;
    $BoxHeight = isset($Format ["BoxHeight"]) ? $Format ["BoxHeight"] : 5;
    $IconAreaWidth = isset($Format ["IconAreaWidth"]) ? $Format ["IconAreaWidth"] : $BoxWidth;
    $IconAreaHeight = isset($Format ["IconAreaHeight"]) ? $Format ["IconAreaHeight"] : $BoxHeight;
    $XSpacing = isset($Format ["XSpacing"]) ? $Format ["XSpacing"] : 5;
    $Margin = isset($Format ["Margin"]) ? $Format ["Margin"] : 5;
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 200;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 200;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 200;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : 255;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : 255;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : 255;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $Style = isset($Format ["Style"]) ? $Format ["Style"] : LEGEND_ROUND;
    $Mode = isset($Format ["Mode"]) ? $Format ["Mode"] : LEGEND_VERTICAL;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"] && isset($Serie ["Picture"])) 
        list($PicWidth, $PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Serie ["Picture"]);
        if ($IconAreaWidth < $PicWidth) {
          $IconAreaWidth = $PicWidth;
        if ($IconAreaHeight < $PicHeight) {
          $IconAreaHeight = $PicHeight;

    $YStep = max($this->FontSize, $IconAreaHeight) + 5;
    $XStep = $IconAreaWidth + 5;
    $XStep = $XSpacing;

    $Boundaries = "";
    $Boundaries ["L"] = $X;
    $Boundaries ["T"] = $Y;
    $Boundaries ["R"] = 0;
    $Boundaries ["B"] = 0;
    $vY = $Y;
    $vX = $X;
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        if ($Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL) 
          $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox($vX + $IconAreaWidth + 4, $vY + $IconAreaHeight / 2, $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Serie ["Description"]);

          if ($Boundaries ["T"] > $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
            $Boundaries ["T"] = $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2;
          if ($Boundaries ["R"] < $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2) {
            $Boundaries ["R"] = $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2;
          if ($Boundaries ["B"] < $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
            $Boundaries ["B"] = $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2;

          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          $vY = $vY + max($this->FontSize * count($Lines), $IconAreaHeight) + 5;
        elseif ($Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL) 
          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          $Width = "";
          foreach ($Lines as $Key => $Value) 
            $BoxArray = $this->getTextBox($vX + $IconAreaWidth + 6, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2 + (($this->FontSize + 3) * $Key), $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Value);

            if ($Boundaries ["T"] > $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
              $Boundaries ["T"] = $BoxArray [2]["Y"] + $IconAreaHeight / 2;
            if ($Boundaries ["R"] < $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2) {
              $Boundaries ["R"] = $BoxArray [1]["X"] + 2;
            if ($Boundaries ["B"] < $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2) {
              $Boundaries ["B"] = $BoxArray [1]["Y"] + 2 + $IconAreaHeight / 2;

            $Width [] = $BoxArray [1]["X"];

          $vX = max($Width) + $XStep;
    $vY = $vY -$YStep;
    $vX = $vX -$XStep;

    $TopOffset = $Y - $Boundaries ["T"];
    if ($Boundaries ["B"] -($vY + $IconAreaHeight) < $TopOffset) {
      $Boundaries ["B"] = $vY + $IconAreaHeight + $TopOffset;

    if ($Style == LEGEND_ROUND) {
      $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($Boundaries ["L"] -$Margin, $Boundaries ["T"] -$Margin, $Boundaries ["R"] + $Margin, $Boundaries ["B"] + $Margin, $Margin, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB));
    elseif ($Style == LEGEND_BOX) {
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($Boundaries ["L"] -$Margin, $Boundaries ["T"] -$Margin, $Boundaries ["R"] + $Margin, $Boundaries ["B"] + $Margin, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB));

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    $this->Shadow = FALSE;
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Picture"])) 
          $Picture = $Serie ["Picture"];
          list($PicWidth, $PicHeight) = $this->getPicInfo($Picture);
          $PicX = $X + $IconAreaWidth / 2;
          $PicY = $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2;

          $this->drawFromPNG($PicX -$PicWidth / 2, $PicY -$PicHeight / 2, $Picture);
          if ($Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_BOX) 
            if ($BoxWidth != $IconAreaWidth) {
              $XOffset = floor(($IconAreaWidth -$BoxWidth) / 2);
            else {
              $XOffset = 0;
            if ($BoxHeight != $IconAreaHeight) {
              $YOffset = floor(($IconAreaHeight -$BoxHeight) / 2);
            else {
              $YOffset = 0;

            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + 1 + $XOffset, $Y + 1 + $YOffset, $X + $BoxWidth + $XOffset + 1, $Y + $BoxHeight + 1 + $YOffset, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 20));
            $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset, $Y + $YOffset, $X + $BoxWidth + $XOffset, $Y + $BoxHeight + $YOffset, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Surrounding" => 20));
          elseif ($Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_CIRCLE) 
            $this->drawFilledCircle($X + 1 + $IconAreaWidth / 2, $Y + 1 + $IconAreaHeight / 2, min($IconAreaHeight / 2, $IconAreaWidth / 2), array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 20));
            $this->drawFilledCircle($X + $IconAreaWidth / 2, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2, min($IconAreaHeight / 2, $IconAreaWidth / 2), array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Surrounding" => 20));
          elseif ($Family == LEGEND_FAMILY_LINE) 
            $this->drawLine($X + 1, $Y + 1 + $IconAreaHeight / 2, $X + 1 + $IconAreaWidth, $Y + 1 + $IconAreaHeight / 2, array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 20, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));
            $this->drawLine($X, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2, $X + $IconAreaWidth, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

        if ($Mode == LEGEND_VERTICAL) 
          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          foreach ($Lines as $Key => $Value) {
            $this->drawText($X + $IconAreaWidth + 4, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2 + (($this->FontSize + 3) * $Key), $Value, array("R" => $FontR, "G" => $FontG, "B" => $FontB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT, "FontSize" => $FontSize, "FontName" => $FontName));

          $Y = $Y + max($this->FontSize * count($Lines), $IconAreaHeight) + 5;
        elseif ($Mode == LEGEND_HORIZONTAL) 
          $Lines = preg_split("/\n/", $Serie ["Description"]);
          $Width = "";
          foreach ($Lines as $Key => $Value) 
            $BoxArray = $this->drawText($X + $IconAreaWidth + 4, $Y + $IconAreaHeight / 2 + (($this->FontSize + 3) * $Key), $Value, array("R" => $FontR, "G" => $FontG, "B" => $FontB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT, "FontSize" => $FontSize, "FontName" => $FontName));
            $Width [] = $BoxArray [1]["X"];
          $X = max($Width) + 2 + $XStep;

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  function drawScale($Format = "") 
    $Pos = isset($Format ["Pos"]) ? $Format ["Pos"] : SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT;
    $Floating = isset($Format ["Floating"]) ? $Format ["Floating"] : FALSE;
    $Mode = isset($Format ["Mode"]) ? $Format ["Mode"] : SCALE_MODE_FLOATING;
    $RemoveXAxis = isset($Format ["RemoveXAxis"]) ? $Format ["RemoveXAxis"] : FALSE;
    $MinDivHeight = isset($Format ["MinDivHeight"]) ? $Format ["MinDivHeight"] : 20;
    $Factors = isset($Format ["Factors"]) ? $Format ["Factors"] : array(1, 2, 5);
    $ManualScale = isset($Format ["ManualScale"]) ? $Format ["ManualScale"] : array("0" => array("Min" => -100, "Max" => 100));
    $XMargin = isset($Format ["XMargin"]) ? $Format ["XMargin"] : AUTO;
    $YMargin = isset($Format ["YMargin"]) ? $Format ["YMargin"] : 0;
    $ScaleSpacing = isset($Format ["ScaleSpacing"]) ? $Format ["ScaleSpacing"] : 15;
    $InnerTickWidth = isset($Format ["InnerTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["InnerTickWidth"] : 2;
    $OuterTickWidth = isset($Format ["OuterTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["OuterTickWidth"] : 2;
    $DrawXLines = isset($Format ["DrawXLines"]) ? $Format ["DrawXLines"] : TRUE;
    $DrawYLines = isset($Format ["DrawYLines"]) ? $Format ["DrawYLines"] : ALL;
    $GridTicks = isset($Format ["GridTicks"]) ? $Format ["GridTicks"] : 4;
    $GridR = isset($Format ["GridR"]) ? $Format ["GridR"] : 255;
    $GridG = isset($Format ["GridG"]) ? $Format ["GridG"] : 255;
    $GridB = isset($Format ["GridB"]) ? $Format ["GridB"] : 255;
    $GridAlpha = isset($Format ["GridAlpha"]) ? $Format ["GridAlpha"] : 40;
    $AxisRo = isset($Format ["AxisR"]) ? $Format ["AxisR"] : 0;
    $AxisGo = isset($Format ["AxisG"]) ? $Format ["AxisG"] : 0;
    $AxisBo = isset($Format ["AxisB"]) ? $Format ["AxisB"] : 0;
    $AxisAlpha = isset($Format ["AxisAlpha"]) ? $Format ["AxisAlpha"] : 100;
    $TickRo = isset($Format ["TickR"]) ? $Format ["TickR"] : 0;
    $TickGo = isset($Format ["TickG"]) ? $Format ["TickG"] : 0;
    $TickBo = isset($Format ["TickB"]) ? $Format ["TickB"] : 0;
    $TickAlpha = isset($Format ["TickAlpha"]) ? $Format ["TickAlpha"] : 100;
    $DrawSubTicks = isset($Format ["DrawSubTicks"]) ? $Format ["DrawSubTicks"] : FALSE;
    $InnerSubTickWidth = isset($Format ["InnerSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["InnerSubTickWidth"] : 0;
    $OuterSubTickWidth = isset($Format ["OuterSubTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["OuterSubTickWidth"] : 2;
    $SubTickR = isset($Format ["SubTickR"]) ? $Format ["SubTickR"] : 255;
    $SubTickG = isset($Format ["SubTickG"]) ? $Format ["SubTickG"] : 0;
    $SubTickB = isset($Format ["SubTickB"]) ? $Format ["SubTickB"] : 0;
    $SubTickAlpha = isset($Format ["SubTickAlpha"]) ? $Format ["SubTickAlpha"] : 100;
    $AutoAxisLabels = isset($Format ["AutoAxisLabels"]) ? $Format ["AutoAxisLabels"] : TRUE;
    $XReleasePercent = isset($Format ["XReleasePercent"]) ? $Format ["XReleasePercent"] : 1;
    $DrawArrows = isset($Format ["DrawArrows"]) ? $Format ["DrawArrows"] : FALSE;
    $ArrowSize = isset($Format ["ArrowSize"]) ? $Format ["ArrowSize"] : 8;
    $CycleBackground = isset($Format ["CycleBackground"]) ? $Format ["CycleBackground"] : FALSE;
    $BackgroundR1 = isset($Format ["BackgroundR1"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundR1"] : 255;
    $BackgroundG1 = isset($Format ["BackgroundG1"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundG1"] : 255;
    $BackgroundB1 = isset($Format ["BackgroundB1"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundB1"] : 255;
    $BackgroundAlpha1 = isset($Format ["BackgroundAlpha1"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundAlpha1"] : 20;
    $BackgroundR2 = isset($Format ["BackgroundR2"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundR2"] : 230;
    $BackgroundG2 = isset($Format ["BackgroundG2"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundG2"] : 230;
    $BackgroundB2 = isset($Format ["BackgroundB2"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundB2"] : 230;
    $BackgroundAlpha2 = isset($Format ["BackgroundAlpha2"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundAlpha2"] : 20;
    $LabelingMethod = isset($Format ["LabelingMethod"]) ? $Format ["LabelingMethod"] : LABELING_ALL;
    $LabelSkip = isset($Format ["LabelSkip"]) ? $Format ["LabelSkip"] : 0;
    $LabelRotation = isset($Format ["LabelRotation"]) ? $Format ["LabelRotation"] : 0;
    $RemoveSkippedAxis = isset($Format ["RemoveSkippedAxis"]) ? $Format ["RemoveSkippedAxis"] : FALSE;
    $SkippedAxisTicks = isset($Format ["SkippedAxisTicks"]) ? $Format ["SkippedAxisTicks"] : $GridTicks + 2;
    $SkippedAxisR = isset($Format ["SkippedAxisR"]) ? $Format ["SkippedAxisR"] : $GridR;
    $SkippedAxisG = isset($Format ["SkippedAxisG"]) ? $Format ["SkippedAxisG"] : $GridG;
    $SkippedAxisB = isset($Format ["SkippedAxisB"]) ? $Format ["SkippedAxisB"] : $GridB;
    $SkippedAxisAlpha = isset($Format ["SkippedAxisAlpha"]) ? $Format ["SkippedAxisAlpha"] : $GridAlpha -30;
    $SkippedTickR = isset($Format ["SkippedTickR"]) ? $Format ["SkippedTickR"] : $TickRo;
    $SkippedTickG = isset($Format ["SkippedTickG"]) ? $Format ["SkippedTickG"] : $TickGo;
    $SkippedTickB = isset($Format ["SkippedTicksB"]) ? $Format ["SkippedTickB"] : $TickBo;
    $SkippedTickAlpha = isset($Format ["SkippedTickAlpha"]) ? $Format ["SkippedTickAlpha"] : $TickAlpha -80;
    $SkippedInnerTickWidth = isset($Format ["SkippedInnerTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["SkippedInnerTickWidth"] : 0;
    $SkippedOuterTickWidth = isset($Format ["SkippedOuterTickWidth"]) ? $Format ["SkippedOuterTickWidth"] : 2;

    /* Floating scale require X & Y margins to be set manually */
    if ($Floating && ($XMargin == AUTO || $YMargin == 0)) {
      $Floating = FALSE;

    /* Skip a NOTICE event in case of an empty array */
    if ($DrawYLines == NONE || $DrawYLines == FALSE) {
      $DrawYLines = array("zarma" => "31");

    /* Define the color for the skipped elements */
    $SkippedAxisColor = array("R" => $SkippedAxisR, "G" => $SkippedAxisG, "B" => $SkippedAxisB, "Alpha" => $SkippedAxisAlpha, "Ticks" => $SkippedAxisTicks);
    $SkippedTickColor = array("R" => $SkippedTickR, "G" => $SkippedTickG, "B" => $SkippedTickB, "Alpha" => $SkippedTickAlpha);

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    if (isset($Data ["Abscissa"])) {
      $Abscissa = $Data ["Abscissa"];
    else {
      $Abscissa = NULL;

    /* Unset the abscissa axis, needed if we display multiple charts on the same picture */
    if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
      foreach ($Data ["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Parameters) 
        if ($Parameters ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) {
          unset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]);

    /* Build the scale settings */
    $GotXAxis = FALSE;
    foreach ($Data ["Axis"] as $AxisID => $AxisParameter) 
      if ($AxisParameter ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) {
        $GotXAxis = TRUE;

      if ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT && $AxisParameter ["Identity"] == AXIS_Y) 
        $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 - $YMargin * 2;
      elseif ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT && $AxisParameter ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) 
        $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1;
      elseif ($Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM && $AxisParameter ["Identity"] == AXIS_Y) 
        $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 - $YMargin * 2;
        $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1;

      $AxisMin = ABSOLUTE_MAX;
      $AxisMax = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
      if ($Mode == SCALE_MODE_FLOATING || $Mode == SCALE_MODE_START0) 
        foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) 
          if ($SerieParameter ["Axis"] == $AxisID && $Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["isDrawable"] && $Data ["Abscissa"] != $SerieID) 
            $AxisMax = max($AxisMax, $Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Max"]);
            $AxisMin = min($AxisMin, $Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Min"]);
        $AutoMargin = (($AxisMax -$AxisMin) / 100) * $XReleasePercent;

        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $AxisMin -$AutoMargin;
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $AxisMax + $AutoMargin;
        if ($Mode == SCALE_MODE_START0) {
          $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = 0;
      elseif ($Mode == SCALE_MODE_MANUAL) 
        if (isset($ManualScale [$AxisID]["Min"]) && isset($ManualScale [$AxisID]["Max"])) 
          $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $ManualScale [$AxisID]["Min"];
          $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $ManualScale [$AxisID]["Max"];
          echo "Manual scale boundaries not set.";
      elseif ($Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL || $Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0) 
        $Series = "";
        foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) 
          if ($SerieParameter ["Axis"] == $AxisID && $SerieParameter ["isDrawable"] && $Data ["Abscissa"] != $SerieID) {
            $Series [$SerieID] = count($Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"]);

        for ($ID = 0; $ID <= max($Series) -1; $ID++) 
          $PointMin = 0;
          $PointMax = 0;
          foreach ($Series as $SerieID => $ValuesCount) 
            if (isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID]) && $Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID] != NULL) 
              $Value = $Data ["Series"][$SerieID]["Data"][$ID];
              if ($Value > 0) {
                $PointMax = $PointMax + $Value;
              else {
                $PointMin = $PointMin + $Value;
          $AxisMax = max($AxisMax, $PointMax);
          $AxisMin = min($AxisMin, $PointMin);
        $AutoMargin = (($AxisMax -$AxisMin) / 100) * $XReleasePercent;
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = $AxisMin -$AutoMargin;
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"] = $AxisMax + $AutoMargin;
      $MaxDivs = floor($Height / $MinDivHeight);

      if ($Mode == SCALE_MODE_ADDALL_START0) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"] = 0;

      $Scale = $this->computeScale($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Min"], $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Max"], $MaxDivs, $Factors, $AxisID);

      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = $AxisParameter ["Identity"] == AXIS_X ? $XMargin : $YMargin;
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"] = $Scale ["XMin"];
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] = $Scale ["XMax"];
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Rows"] = $Scale ["Rows"];
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["RowHeight"] = $Scale ["RowHeight"];

      if (isset($Scale ["Format"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = $Scale ["Format"];

      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = NULL;
      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = NULL;
      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = NULL;

    /* Still no X axis */
    if ($GotXAxis == FALSE) 
      if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
        $Points = count($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"]);
        if ($AutoAxisLabels) {
          $AxisName = isset($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Description"]) ? $Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Description"] : NULL;
        else {
          $AxisName = NULL;
        $Points = 0;
        $AxisName = isset($Data ["XAxisName"]) ? $Data ["XAxisName"] : NULL;
        foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieID => $SerieParameter) 
          if ($SerieParameter ["isDrawable"]) {
            $Points = max($Points, count($SerieParameter ["Data"]));

      $AxisID = count($Data ["Axis"]);
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Identity"] = AXIS_X;
      if ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM;
      else {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT;
      if (isset($Data ["AbscissaName"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Name"] = $Data ["AbscissaName"];
      if ($XMargin == AUTO) 
        if ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          $Height = $this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1;
          $Height = $this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1;

        if ($Points == 1) {
          $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = $Height / 2;
        else {
          $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = ($Height / $Points) / 2;
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] = $XMargin;
      $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Rows"] = $Points -1;
      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"] = NULL;
      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"] = NULL;
      if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"])) {
        $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"] = NULL;

    /* Do we need to reverse the abscissa position? */
    if ($Pos != SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      if ($Data ["AbsicssaPosition"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM) 
        $Data ["AbsicssaPosition"] = AXIS_POSITION_LEFT;
        $Data ["AbsicssaPosition"] = AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT;
    $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Position"] = $Data ["AbsicssaPosition"];

    $this->DataSet->saveAxisConfig($Data ["Axis"]);

    $FontColorRo = $this->FontColorR;
    $FontColorGo = $this->FontColorG;
    $FontColorBo = $this->FontColorB;

    $AxisPos ["L"] = $this->GraphAreaX1;
    $AxisPos ["R"] = $this->GraphAreaX2;
    $AxisPos ["T"] = $this->GraphAreaY1;
    $AxisPos ["B"] = $this->GraphAreaY2;
    foreach ($Data ["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Parameters) 
      if (isset($Parameters ["Color"])) 
        $AxisR = $Parameters ["Color"]["R"];
        $AxisG = $Parameters ["Color"]["G"];
        $AxisB = $Parameters ["Color"]["B"];
        $TickR = $Parameters ["Color"]["R"];
        $TickG = $Parameters ["Color"]["G"];
        $TickB = $Parameters ["Color"]["B"];
        $this->setFontProperties(array("R" => $Parameters ["Color"]["R"], "G" => $Parameters ["Color"]["G"], "B" => $Parameters ["Color"]["B"]));
        $AxisR = $AxisRo;
        $AxisG = $AxisGo;
        $AxisB = $AxisBo;
        $TickR = $TickRo;
        $TickG = $TickGo;
        $TickB = $TickBo;
        $this->setFontProperties(array("R" => $FontColorRo, "G" => $FontColorGo, "B" => $FontColorBo));

      $LastValue = "w00t";
      $ID = 1;
      if ($Parameters ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) 
        if ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM) 
            if ($LabelRotation == 0) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
              $YLabelOffset = 2;
            if ($LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $YLabelOffset = 5;
            if ($LabelRotation == 180) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
              $YLabelOffset = 5;
            if ($LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $YLabelOffset = 2;

            if (!$RemoveXAxis) 
              if ($Floating) 
                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin;
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
                $FloatingOffset = 0;
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1, $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2, $AxisPos ["B"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

              if ($DrawArrows) {
                $this->drawArrow($this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), $AxisPos ["B"], array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;

            if ($Parameters ["Rows"] == 0) {
              $Step = $Width;
            else {
              $Step = $Width / ($Parameters ["Rows"]);

            $MaxBottom = $AxisPos ["B"];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $YPos = $AxisPos ["B"];

              if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
                if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i], $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = "";
                if (isset($Parameters ["ScaleMin"]) && isset($Parameters ["RowHeight"])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = $i;

              $Skipped = TRUE;
              if ($this->isValidLabel($Value, $LastValue, $LabelingMethod, $ID, $LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
                $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos + $OuterTickWidth + $YLabelOffset, $Value, array("Angle" => $LabelRotation, "Align" => $LabelAlign));
                $TxtBottom = $YPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2 + ($Bounds [0]["Y"] -$Bounds [2]["Y"]);
                $MaxBottom = max($MaxBottom, $TxtBottom);
                $LastValue = $Value;
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($RemoveXAxis) {
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($Skipped) 
                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, $SkippedAxisColor);
                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth != 0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos -$SkippedInnerTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos + $SkippedOuterTickWidth, $SkippedTickColor);
                if ($DrawXLines && ($XPos != $this->GraphAreaX1 && $XPos != $this->GraphAreaX2)) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));
                if (($InnerTickWidth != 0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos -$InnerTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos + $OuterTickWidth, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
              $YPos = $MaxBottom + 2;
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));
              $MaxBottom = $Bounds [0]["Y"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $MaxBottom + $this->FontSize;

            $AxisPos ["B"] = $MaxBottom + $ScaleSpacing;
          elseif ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_TOP) 
            if ($LabelRotation == 0) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
              $YLabelOffset = 2;
            if ($LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $YLabelOffset = 2;
            if ($LabelRotation == 180) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
              $YLabelOffset = 5;
            if ($LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $YLabelOffset = 5;

            if (!$RemoveXAxis) 
              if ($Floating) 
                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin;
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
                $FloatingOffset = 0;
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1, $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2, $AxisPos ["T"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

              if ($DrawArrows) {
                $this->drawArrow($this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), $AxisPos ["T"], array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;

            if ($Parameters ["Rows"] == 0) {
              $Step = $Width;
            else {
              $Step = $Width / $Parameters ["Rows"];

            $MinTop = $AxisPos ["T"];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $YPos = $AxisPos ["T"];

              if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
                if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i], $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = "";
                if (isset($Parameters ["ScaleMin"]) && isset($Parameters ["RowHeight"])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = $i;

              $Skipped = TRUE;
              if ($this->isValidLabel($Value, $LastValue, $LabelingMethod, $ID, $LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
                $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos -$OuterTickWidth -$YLabelOffset, $Value, array("Angle" => $LabelRotation, "Align" => $LabelAlign));
                $TxtBox = $YPos -$OuterTickWidth -2 -($Bounds [0]["Y"] -$Bounds [2]["Y"]);
                $MinTop = min($MinTop, $TxtBox);
                $LastValue = $Value;
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($RemoveXAxis) {
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($Skipped) 
                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, $SkippedAxisColor);
                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth != 0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos + $SkippedInnerTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos -$SkippedOuterTickWidth, $SkippedTickColor);
                if ($DrawXLines) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));
                if (($InnerTickWidth != 0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos + $InnerTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos -$OuterTickWidth, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));


            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
              $YPos = $MinTop -2;
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
              $MinTop = $Bounds [2]["Y"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $MinTop;

            $AxisPos ["T"] = $MinTop - $ScaleSpacing;
        elseif ($Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
          if ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_LEFT) 
            if ($LabelRotation == 0) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $XLabelOffset = -2;
            if ($LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $XLabelOffset = -6;
            if ($LabelRotation == 180) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $XLabelOffset = -2;
            if ($LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $XLabelOffset = -5;

            if (!$RemoveXAxis) 
              if ($Floating) 
                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin;
                $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
                $FloatingOffset = 0;
                $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1, $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2, array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

              if ($DrawArrows) {
                $this->drawArrow($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;

            if ($Parameters ["Rows"] == 0) {
              $Step = $Height;
            else {
              $Step = $Height / $Parameters ["Rows"];

            $MinLeft = $AxisPos ["L"];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $XPos = $AxisPos ["L"];

              if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
                if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i], $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = "";
                if (isset($Parameters ["ScaleMin"]) && isset($Parameters ["RowHeight"])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = $i;

              $Skipped = TRUE;
              if ($this->isValidLabel($Value, $LastValue, $LabelingMethod, $ID, $LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
                $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos -$OuterTickWidth + $XLabelOffset, $YPos, $Value, array("Angle" => $LabelRotation, "Align" => $LabelAlign));
                $TxtBox = $XPos -$OuterTickWidth -2 -($Bounds [1]["X"] -$Bounds [0]["X"]);
                $MinLeft = min($MinLeft, $TxtBox);
                $LastValue = $Value;
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($RemoveXAxis) {
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($Skipped) 
                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, $SkippedAxisColor);
                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth != 0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos -$SkippedOuterTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos + $SkippedInnerTickWidth, $YPos, $SkippedTickColor);
                if ($DrawXLines && ($YPos != $this->GraphAreaY1 && $YPos != $this->GraphAreaY2)) {
                  $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));
                if (($InnerTickWidth != 0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos -$OuterTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos + $InnerTickWidth, $YPos, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
              $XPos = $MinLeft -2;
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE, "Angle" => 90));
              $MinLeft = $Bounds [0]["X"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $MinLeft;

            $AxisPos ["L"] = $MinLeft - $ScaleSpacing;
          elseif ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT) 
            if ($LabelRotation == 0) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $XLabelOffset = 2;
            if ($LabelRotation > 0 && $LabelRotation < 190) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
              $XLabelOffset = 6;
            if ($LabelRotation == 180) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $XLabelOffset = 5;
            if ($LabelRotation > 180 && $LabelRotation < 360) {
              $LabelAlign = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
              $XLabelOffset = 7;

            if (!$RemoveXAxis) 
              if ($Floating) 
                $FloatingOffset = $YMargin;
                $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
                $FloatingOffset = 0;
                $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1, $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2, array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

              if ($DrawArrows) {
                $this->drawArrow($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;

            if ($Parameters ["Rows"] == 0) {
              $Step = $Height;
            else {
              $Step = $Height / $Parameters ["Rows"];

            $MaxRight = $AxisPos ["R"];
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $XPos = $AxisPos ["R"];

              if ($Abscissa != NULL) 
                if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Abscissa]["Data"][$i], $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = "";
                if (isset($Parameters ["ScaleMin"]) && isset($Parameters ["RowHeight"])) {
                  $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Data ["XAxisDisplay"], $Data ["XAxisFormat"], $Data ["XAxisUnit"]);
                else {
                  $Value = $i;

              $Skipped = TRUE;
              if ($this->isValidLabel($Value, $LastValue, $LabelingMethod, $ID, $LabelSkip) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
                $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos + $OuterTickWidth + $XLabelOffset, $YPos, $Value, array("Angle" => $LabelRotation, "Align" => $LabelAlign));
                $TxtBox = $XPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2 + ($Bounds [1]["X"] -$Bounds [0]["X"]);
                $MaxRight = max($MaxRight, $TxtBox);
                $LastValue = $Value;
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($RemoveXAxis) {
                $Skipped = FALSE;

              if ($Skipped) 
                if ($DrawXLines && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, $SkippedAxisColor);
                if (($SkippedInnerTickWidth != 0 || $SkippedOuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis && !$RemoveSkippedAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos + $SkippedOuterTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos -$SkippedInnerTickWidth, $YPos, $SkippedTickColor);
                if ($DrawXLines) {
                  $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));
                if (($InnerTickWidth != 0 || $OuterTickWidth != 0) && !$RemoveXAxis) {
                  $this->drawLine($XPos + $OuterTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos -$InnerTickWidth, $YPos, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));


            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"]) && !$RemoveXAxis) 
              $XPos = $MaxRight + 4;
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE, "Angle" => 270));
              $MaxRight = $Bounds [1]["X"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $MaxRight + $this->FontSize;

            $AxisPos ["R"] = $MaxRight + $ScaleSpacing;

      if ($Parameters ["Identity"] == AXIS_Y) 
        if ($Pos == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_LEFT) 

            if ($Floating) 
              $FloatingOffset = $XMargin;
              $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
              $FloatingOffset = 0;
              $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1, $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY2, array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

            if ($DrawArrows) {
              $this->drawArrow($AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["L"], $this->GraphAreaY1 -($ArrowSize * 2), array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;
            $Step = $Height / $Parameters ["Rows"];
            $SubTicksSize = $Step / 2;
            $MinLeft = $AxisPos ["L"];
            $LastY = NULL;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Parameters ["Margin"] - $Step * $i;
              $XPos = $AxisPos ["L"];
              $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Parameters ["Display"], $Parameters ["Format"], $Parameters ["Unit"]);

              if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR1, "G" => $BackgroundG1, "B" => $BackgroundB1, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha1);
              else {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR2, "G" => $BackgroundG2, "B" => $BackgroundB2, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha2);
              if ($LastY != NULL && $CycleBackground && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines))) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $LastY, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, $BGColor);

              if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines)) {
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));

              if ($DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters ["Rows"]) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos -$OuterSubTickWidth, $YPos -$SubTicksSize, $XPos + $InnerSubTickWidth, $YPos -$SubTicksSize, array("R" => $SubTickR, "G" => $SubTickG, "B" => $SubTickB, "Alpha" => $SubTickAlpha));

              $this->drawLine($XPos -$OuterTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos + $InnerTickWidth, $YPos, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos -$OuterTickWidth -2, $YPos, $Value, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT));
              $TxtLeft = $XPos -$OuterTickWidth -2 -($Bounds [1]["X"] -$Bounds [0]["X"]);
              $MinLeft = min($MinLeft, $TxtLeft);

              $LastY = $YPos;

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"])) 
              $XPos = $MinLeft -2;
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE, "Angle" => 90));
              $MinLeft = $Bounds [2]["X"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["X1"] = $MinLeft;

            $AxisPos ["L"] = $MinLeft - $ScaleSpacing;
          elseif ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_RIGHT) 
            if ($Floating) 
              $FloatingOffset = $XMargin;
              $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
              $FloatingOffset = 0;
              $this->drawLine($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1, $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY2, array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

            if ($DrawArrows) {
              $this->drawArrow($AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["R"], $this->GraphAreaY1 -($ArrowSize * 2), array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;
            $Step = $Height / $Parameters ["Rows"];
            $SubTicksSize = $Step / 2;
            $MaxLeft = $AxisPos ["R"];
            $LastY = NULL;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Parameters ["Margin"] - $Step * $i;
              $XPos = $AxisPos ["R"];
              $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Parameters ["Display"], $Parameters ["Format"], $Parameters ["Unit"]);

              if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR1, "G" => $BackgroundG1, "B" => $BackgroundB1, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha1);
              else {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR2, "G" => $BackgroundG2, "B" => $BackgroundB2, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha2);
              if ($LastY != NULL && $CycleBackground && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines))) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $LastY, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, $BGColor);

              if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines)) {
                $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $FloatingOffset, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$FloatingOffset, $YPos, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));

              if ($DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters ["Rows"]) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos -$OuterSubTickWidth, $YPos -$SubTicksSize, $XPos + $InnerSubTickWidth, $YPos -$SubTicksSize, array("R" => $SubTickR, "G" => $SubTickG, "B" => $SubTickB, "Alpha" => $SubTickAlpha));

              $this->drawLine($XPos -$InnerTickWidth, $YPos, $XPos + $OuterTickWidth, $YPos, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2, $YPos, $Value, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT));
              $TxtLeft = $XPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2 + ($Bounds [1]["X"] -$Bounds [0]["X"]);
              $MaxLeft = max($MaxLeft, $TxtLeft);

              $LastY = $YPos;

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"])) 
              $XPos = $MaxLeft + 6;
              $YPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE, "Angle" => 270));
              $MaxLeft = $Bounds [2]["X"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["X2"] = $MaxLeft + $this->FontSize;
            $AxisPos ["R"] = $MaxLeft + $ScaleSpacing;
        elseif ($Pos == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
          if ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_TOP) 
            if ($Floating) 
              $FloatingOffset = $XMargin;
              $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
              $FloatingOffset = 0;
              $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1, $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2, $AxisPos ["T"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

            if ($DrawArrows) {
              $this->drawArrow($this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["T"], $this->GraphAreaX2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), $AxisPos ["T"], array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;
            $Step = $Width / $Parameters ["Rows"];
            $SubTicksSize = $Step / 2;
            $MinTop = $AxisPos ["T"];
            $LastX = NULL;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $YPos = $AxisPos ["T"];
              $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Parameters ["Display"], $Parameters ["Format"], $Parameters ["Unit"]);

              if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR1, "G" => $BackgroundG1, "B" => $BackgroundB1, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha1);
              else {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR2, "G" => $BackgroundG2, "B" => $BackgroundB2, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha2);
              if ($LastX != NULL && $CycleBackground && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines))) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($LastX, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, $BGColor);

              if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines)) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));

              if ($DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters ["Rows"]) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos + $SubTicksSize, $YPos -$OuterSubTickWidth, $XPos + $SubTicksSize, $YPos + $InnerSubTickWidth, array("R" => $SubTickR, "G" => $SubTickG, "B" => $SubTickB, "Alpha" => $SubTickAlpha));

              $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos -$OuterTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos + $InnerTickWidth, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos -$OuterTickWidth -2, $Value, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
              $TxtHeight = $YPos -$OuterTickWidth -2 -($Bounds [1]["Y"] -$Bounds [2]["Y"]);
              $MinTop = min($MinTop, $TxtHeight);

              $LastX = $XPos;

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"])) 
              $YPos = $MinTop -2;
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));
              $MinTop = $Bounds [2]["Y"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["Y1"] = $MinTop;

            $AxisPos ["T"] = $MinTop - $ScaleSpacing;
          elseif ($Parameters ["Position"] == AXIS_POSITION_BOTTOM) 
            if ($Floating) 
              $FloatingOffset = $XMargin;
              $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));
              $FloatingOffset = 0;
              $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1, $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2, $AxisPos ["B"], array("R" => $AxisR, "G" => $AxisG, "B" => $AxisB, "Alpha" => $AxisAlpha));

            if ($DrawArrows) {
              $this->drawArrow($this->GraphAreaX2 -$Parameters ["Margin"], $AxisPos ["B"], $this->GraphAreaX2 + ($ArrowSize * 2), $AxisPos ["B"], array("FillR" => $AxisR, "FillG" => $AxisG, "FillB" => $AxisB, "Size" => $ArrowSize));

            $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Parameters ["Margin"] * 2;
            $Step = $Width / $Parameters ["Rows"];
            $SubTicksSize = $Step / 2;
            $MaxBottom = $AxisPos ["B"];
            $LastX = NULL;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Parameters ["Rows"]; $i++) 
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Parameters ["Margin"] + $Step * $i;
              $YPos = $AxisPos ["B"];
              $Value = $this->scaleFormat($Parameters ["ScaleMin"] + $Parameters ["RowHeight"] * $i, $Parameters ["Display"], $Parameters ["Format"], $Parameters ["Unit"]);

              if ($i % 2 == 1) {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR1, "G" => $BackgroundG1, "B" => $BackgroundB1, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha1);
              else {
                $BGColor = array("R" => $BackgroundR2, "G" => $BackgroundG2, "B" => $BackgroundB2, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha2);
              if ($LastX != NULL && $CycleBackground && ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines))) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($LastX, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, $BGColor);

              if ($DrawYLines == ALL || in_array($AxisID, $DrawYLines)) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $FloatingOffset, $XPos, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$FloatingOffset, array("R" => $GridR, "G" => $GridG, "B" => $GridB, "Alpha" => $GridAlpha, "Ticks" => $GridTicks));

              if ($DrawSubTicks && $i != $Parameters ["Rows"]) {
                $this->drawLine($XPos + $SubTicksSize, $YPos -$OuterSubTickWidth, $XPos + $SubTicksSize, $YPos + $InnerSubTickWidth, array("R" => $SubTickR, "G" => $SubTickG, "B" => $SubTickB, "Alpha" => $SubTickAlpha));

              $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos -$OuterTickWidth, $XPos, $YPos + $InnerTickWidth, array("R" => $TickR, "G" => $TickG, "B" => $TickB, "Alpha" => $TickAlpha));
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2, $Value, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));
              $TxtHeight = $YPos + $OuterTickWidth + 2 + ($Bounds [1]["Y"] -$Bounds [2]["Y"]);
              $MaxBottom = max($MaxBottom, $TxtHeight);

              $LastX = $XPos;

            if (isset($Parameters ["Name"])) 
              $YPos = $MaxBottom + 2;
              $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 2;
              $Bounds = $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $Parameters ["Name"], array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE));
              $MaxBottom = $Bounds [0]["Y"];

              $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["Y2"] = $MaxBottom + $this->FontSize;

            $AxisPos ["B"] = $MaxBottom + $ScaleSpacing;

  function isValidLabel($Value, $LastValue, $LabelingMethod, $ID, $LabelSkip) 
    if ($LabelingMethod == LABELING_DIFFERENT && $Value != $LastValue) {
      return (TRUE);
    if ($LabelingMethod == LABELING_DIFFERENT && $Value == $LastValue) {
      return (FALSE);
    if ($LabelingMethod == LABELING_ALL && $LabelSkip == 0) {
      return (TRUE);
    if ($LabelingMethod == LABELING_ALL && ($ID + $LabelSkip) % ($LabelSkip + 1) != 1) {
      return (FALSE);

    return (TRUE);

  /* Compute the scale, check for the best visual factors */
  function computeScale($XMin, $XMax, $MaxDivs, $Factors, $AxisID = 0) 
    /* Compute each factors */
    $Results = "";
    foreach ($Factors as $Key => $Factor) {
      $Results [$Factor] = $this->processScale($XMin, $XMax, $MaxDivs, array($Factor), $AxisID);

    /* Remove scales that are creating to much decimals */
    $GoodScaleFactors = "";
    foreach ($Results as $Key => $Result) 
      $Decimals = preg_split("/\./", $Result ["RowHeight"]);
      if ((!isset($Decimals [1])) || (strlen($Decimals [1]) < 6)) {
        $GoodScaleFactors [] = $Key;

    /* Found no correct scale, shame,... returns the 1st one as default */
    if ($GoodScaleFactors == "") {
      return ($Results [$Factors [0]]);

    /* Find the factor that cause the maximum number of Rows */
    $MaxRows = 0;
    $BestFactor = 0;
    foreach ($GoodScaleFactors as $Key => $Factor) 
      if ($Results [$Factor]["Rows"] > $MaxRows) {
        $MaxRows = $Results [$Factor]["Rows"];
        $BestFactor = $Factor;

    /* Return the best visual scale */
    return ($Results [$BestFactor]);

  /* Compute the best matching scale based on size & factors */
  function processScale($XMin, $XMax, $MaxDivs, $Factors, $AxisID) 
    $ScaleHeight = abs(ceil($XMax) -floor($XMin));

    if (isset($this->DataSet->Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"])) {
      $Format = $this->DataSet->Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
    else {
      $Format = NULL;

    if (isset($this->DataSet->Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"])) {
      $Mode = $this->DataSet->Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
    else {

    $Scale = "";
    if ($XMin != $XMax) 
      $Found = FALSE;
      $Rescaled = FALSE;
      $Scaled10Factor = .0001;
      $Result = 0;
      while (!$Found) 
        foreach ($Factors as $Key => $Factor) 
          if (!$Found) 
            if (!($this->modulo($XMin, $Factor * $Scaled10Factor) == 0) || ($XMin != floor($XMin))) {
              $XMinRescaled = floor($XMin / ($Factor * $Scaled10Factor)) * $Factor * $Scaled10Factor;
            else {
              $XMinRescaled = $XMin;
            if (!($this->modulo($XMax, $Factor * $Scaled10Factor) == 0) || ($XMax != floor($XMax))) {
              $XMaxRescaled = floor($XMax / ($Factor * $Scaled10Factor)) * $Factor * $Scaled10Factor + ($Factor * $Scaled10Factor);
            else {
              $XMaxRescaled = $XMax;
            $ScaleHeightRescaled = abs($XMaxRescaled -$XMinRescaled);

            if (!$Found && floor($ScaleHeightRescaled / ($Factor * $Scaled10Factor)) <= $MaxDivs) {
              $Found = TRUE;
              $Rescaled = TRUE;
              $Result = $Factor * $Scaled10Factor;
        $Scaled10Factor = $Scaled10Factor * 10;

      /* ReCall Min / Max / Height */
      if ($Rescaled) {
        $XMin = $XMinRescaled;
        $XMax = $XMaxRescaled;
        $ScaleHeight = $ScaleHeightRescaled;

      /* Compute rows size */
      $Rows = floor($ScaleHeight / $Result);
      if ($Rows == 0) {
        $Rows = 1;
      $RowHeight = $ScaleHeight / $Rows;

      /* Return the results */
      $Scale ["Rows"] = $Rows;
      $Scale ["RowHeight"] = $RowHeight;
      $Scale ["XMin"] = $XMin;
      $Scale ["XMax"] = $XMax;

      /* Compute the needed decimals for the metric view to avoid repetition of the same X Axis labels */
      if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC && $Format == NULL) 
        $Done = FALSE;
        $GoodDecimals = 0;
        for ($Decimals = 0; $Decimals <= 10; $Decimals++) 
          if (!$Done) 
            $LastLabel = "zob";
            $ScaleOK = TRUE;
            for ($i = 0; $i <= $Rows; $i++) 
              $Value = $XMin + $i * $RowHeight;
              $Label = $this->scaleFormat($Value, AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC, $Decimals);

              if ($LastLabel == $Label) {
                $ScaleOK = FALSE;
              $LastLabel = $Label;
            if ($ScaleOK) {
              $Done = TRUE;
              $GoodDecimals = $Decimals;

        $Scale ["Format"] = $GoodDecimals;
      /* If all values are the same we keep a +1/-1 scale */
      $Rows = 2;
      $XMin = $XMax -1;
      $XMax = $XMax + 1;
      $RowHeight = 1;

      /* Return the results */
      $Scale ["Rows"] = $Rows;
      $Scale ["RowHeight"] = $RowHeight;
      $Scale ["XMin"] = $XMin;
      $Scale ["XMax"] = $XMax;

    return ($Scale);

  function modulo($Value1, $Value2) 
    if (floor($Value2) == 0) {
      return (0);
    if (floor($Value2) != 0) {
      return ($Value1 % $Value2);

    $MinValue = min($Value1, $Value2);
    $Factor = 10;
    while (floor($MinValue * $Factor) == 0) 
      $Factor = $Factor * 10;

    return (($Value1 * $Factor) % ($Value2 * $Factor));

  /* Draw an X threshold */
  function drawXThreshold($Value, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 255;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 50;
    $Weight = isset($Format ["Weight"]) ? $Format ["Weight"] : NULL;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : 6;
    $Wide = isset($Format ["Wide"]) ? $Format ["Wide"] : FALSE;
    $WideFactor = isset($Format ["WideFactor"]) ? $Format ["WideFactor"] : 5;
    $WriteCaption = isset($Format ["WriteCaption"]) ? $Format ["WriteCaption"] : FALSE;
    $Caption = isset($Format ["Caption"]) ? $Format ["Caption"] : NULL;
    $CaptionAlign = isset($Format ["CaptionAlign"]) ? $Format ["CaptionAlign"] : CAPTION_LEFT_TOP;
    $CaptionOffset = isset($Format ["CaptionOffset"]) ? $Format ["CaptionOffset"] : 5;
    $CaptionR = isset($Format ["CaptionR"]) ? $Format ["CaptionR"] : 255;
    $CaptionG = isset($Format ["CaptionG"]) ? $Format ["CaptionG"] : 255;
    $CaptionB = isset($Format ["CaptionB"]) ? $Format ["CaptionB"] : 255;
    $CaptionAlpha = isset($Format ["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format ["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
    $DrawBox = isset($Format ["DrawBox"]) ? $Format ["DrawBox"] : TRUE;
    $DrawBoxBorder = isset($Format ["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format ["DrawBoxBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderOffset = isset($Format ["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format ["BorderOffset"] : 3;
    $BoxRounded = isset($Format ["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format ["BoxRounded"] : TRUE;
    $RoundedRadius = isset($Format ["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
    $BoxR = isset($Format ["BoxR"]) ? $Format ["BoxR"] : 0;
    $BoxG = isset($Format ["BoxG"]) ? $Format ["BoxG"] : 0;
    $BoxB = isset($Format ["BoxB"]) ? $Format ["BoxB"] : 0;
    $BoxAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 30;
    $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format ["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
    $BoxBorderR = isset($Format ["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderG = isset($Format ["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderB = isset($Format ["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
    $ValueIsLabel = isset($Format ["ValueIsLabel"]) ? $Format ["ValueIsLabel"] : FALSE;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);
    $XScale = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    if (is_array($Value)) {
      foreach ($Value as $Key => $ID) {
        $this->drawXThreshold($ID, $Format);
      return (0);

    if ($ValueIsLabel) 
      $Format ["ValueIsLabel"] = FALSE;
      foreach ($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"] as $Key => $SerieValue) 
        if ($SerieValue == $Value) {
          $this->drawXThreshold($Key, $Format);

      return (0);

    $CaptionSettings = array("DrawBox" => $DrawBox, "DrawBoxBorder" => $DrawBoxBorder, "BorderOffset" => $BorderOffset, "BoxRounded" => $BoxRounded, "RoundedRadius" => $RoundedRadius,
      "BoxR" => $BoxR, "BoxG" => $BoxG, "BoxB" => $BoxB, "BoxAlpha" => $BoxAlpha, "BoxSurrounding" => $BoxSurrounding,
      "BoxBorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BoxBorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BoxBorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "BoxBorderAlpha" => $BoxBorderAlpha,
      "R" => $CaptionR, "G" => $CaptionG, "B" => $CaptionB, "Alpha" => $CaptionAlpha);

    if ($Caption == NULL) 
      if (isset($Data ["Abscissa"])) 
        if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Value])) {
          $Caption = $Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Value];
        else {
          $Caption = $Value;
      else {
        $Caption = $Value;

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $XScale [0] * 2) / $XScale [1];
      $XPos = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value;
      $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["YMargin"];
      $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data ["YMargin"];

      if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin) 
        $this->drawLine($XPos, $YPos1, $XPos, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

        if ($Wide) 
          $this->drawLine($XPos -1, $YPos1, $XPos -1, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
          $this->drawLine($XPos + 1, $YPos1, $XPos + 1, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

        if ($WriteCaption) 
          if ($CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP) 
            $Y = $YPos1 + $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
            $Y = $YPos2 - $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;

          $this->drawText($XPos, $Y, $Caption, $CaptionSettings);

        return (array("X" => $XPos));
    elseif ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
      $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $XScale [0] * 2) / $XScale [1];
      $XPos = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value;
      $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["YMargin"];
      $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $Data ["YMargin"];

      if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin) 
        $this->drawLine($YPos1, $XPos, $YPos2, $XPos, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

        if ($Wide) 
          $this->drawLine($YPos1, $XPos -1, $YPos2, $XPos -1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
          $this->drawLine($YPos1, $XPos + 1, $YPos2, $XPos + 1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

        if ($WriteCaption) 
          if ($CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP) 
            $Y = $YPos1 + $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
            $Y = $YPos2 - $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;

          $this->drawText($Y, $XPos, $Caption, $CaptionSettings);

        return (array("X" => $XPos));

  /* Draw an X threshold area */
  function drawXThresholdArea($Value1, $Value2, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 255;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 20;
    $Border = isset($Format ["Border"]) ? $Format ["Border"] : TRUE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha + 20;
    $BorderTicks = isset($Format ["BorderTicks"]) ? $Format ["BorderTicks"] : 2;
    $AreaName = isset($Format ["AreaName"]) ? $Format ["AreaName"] : NULL;
    $NameAngle = isset($Format ["NameAngle"]) ? $Format ["NameAngle"] : ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO;
    $NameR = isset($Format ["NameR"]) ? $Format ["NameR"] : 255;
    $NameG = isset($Format ["NameG"]) ? $Format ["NameG"] : 255;
    $NameB = isset($Format ["NameB"]) ? $Format ["NameB"] : 255;
    $NameAlpha = isset($Format ["NameAlpha"]) ? $Format ["NameAlpha"] : 100;
    $DisableShadowOnArea = isset($Format ["DisableShadowOnArea"]) ? $Format ["DisableShadowOnArea"] : TRUE;

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($DisableShadowOnArea && $this->Shadow) {
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    if ($BorderAlpha > 100) {
      $BorderAlpha = 100;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    $XScale = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $XScale [0] * 2) / $XScale [1];
      $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value1;
      $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value2;
      $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["YMargin"];
      $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data ["YMargin"];

      if ($XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XScale [0];

      $this->drawFilledRectangle($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      if ($Border) 
        $this->drawLine($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos1, $YPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));
        $this->drawLine($XPos2, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));

      if ($AreaName != NULL) 
        $XPos = ($XPos2 -$XPos1) / 2 + $XPos1;
        $YPos = ($YPos2 -$YPos1) / 2 + $YPos1;

        if ($NameAngle == ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO) 
          $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($XPos, $YPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $AreaName);
          $TxtWidth = $TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"];
          if (abs($XPos2 - $XPos1) > $TxtWidth) {
            $NameAngle = 0;
          else {
            $NameAngle = 90;
        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
        $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $AreaName, array("R" => $NameR, "G" => $NameG, "B" => $NameB, "Alpha" => $NameAlpha, "Angle" => $NameAngle, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));
        if ($DisableShadowOnArea) {
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
      return (array("X1" => $XPos1, "X2" => $XPos2));
    elseif ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
      $XStep = (($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $XScale [0] * 2) / $XScale [1];
      $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value1;
      $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0] + $XStep * $Value2;
      $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["YMargin"];
      $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $Data ["YMargin"];

      if ($XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XScale [0];
      if ($XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale [0]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XScale [0];

      $this->drawFilledRectangle($YPos1, $XPos1, $YPos2, $XPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

      if ($Border) 
        $this->drawLine($YPos1, $XPos1, $YPos2, $XPos1, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));
        $this->drawLine($YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, $XPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));

      if ($AreaName != NULL) 
        $XPos = ($XPos2 -$XPos1) / 2 + $XPos1;
        $YPos = ($YPos2 -$YPos1) / 2 + $YPos1;

        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
        $this->drawText($YPos, $XPos, $AreaName, array("R" => $NameR, "G" => $NameG, "B" => $NameB, "Alpha" => $NameAlpha, "Angle" => 0, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));
        if ($DisableShadowOnArea) {
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
      return (array("X1" => $XPos1, "X2" => $XPos2));

  /* Draw an Y threshold with the computed scale */
  function drawThreshold($Value, $Format = "") 
    $AxisID = isset($Format ["AxisID"]) ? $Format ["AxisID"] : 0;
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 255;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 50;
    $Weight = isset($Format ["Weight"]) ? $Format ["Weight"] : NULL;
    $Ticks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : 6;
    $Wide = isset($Format ["Wide"]) ? $Format ["Wide"] : FALSE;
    $WideFactor = isset($Format ["WideFactor"]) ? $Format ["WideFactor"] : 5;
    $WriteCaption = isset($Format ["WriteCaption"]) ? $Format ["WriteCaption"] : FALSE;
    $Caption = isset($Format ["Caption"]) ? $Format ["Caption"] : NULL;
    $CaptionAlign = isset($Format ["CaptionAlign"]) ? $Format ["CaptionAlign"] : CAPTION_LEFT_TOP;
    $CaptionOffset = isset($Format ["CaptionOffset"]) ? $Format ["CaptionOffset"] : 10;
    $CaptionR = isset($Format ["CaptionR"]) ? $Format ["CaptionR"] : 255;
    $CaptionG = isset($Format ["CaptionG"]) ? $Format ["CaptionG"] : 255;
    $CaptionB = isset($Format ["CaptionB"]) ? $Format ["CaptionB"] : 255;
    $CaptionAlpha = isset($Format ["CaptionAlpha"]) ? $Format ["CaptionAlpha"] : 100;
    $DrawBox = isset($Format ["DrawBox"]) ? $Format ["DrawBox"] : TRUE;
    $DrawBoxBorder = isset($Format ["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format ["DrawBoxBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderOffset = isset($Format ["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format ["BorderOffset"] : 5;
    $BoxRounded = isset($Format ["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format ["BoxRounded"] : TRUE;
    $RoundedRadius = isset($Format ["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
    $BoxR = isset($Format ["BoxR"]) ? $Format ["BoxR"] : 0;
    $BoxG = isset($Format ["BoxG"]) ? $Format ["BoxG"] : 0;
    $BoxB = isset($Format ["BoxB"]) ? $Format ["BoxB"] : 0;
    $BoxAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 20;
    $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format ["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
    $BoxBorderR = isset($Format ["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderG = isset($Format ["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderB = isset($Format ["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;
    $NoMargin = isset($Format ["NoMargin"]) ? $Format ["NoMargin"] : FALSE;

    if (is_array($Value)) {
      foreach ($Value as $Key => $ID) {
        $this->drawThreshold($ID, $Format);
      return (0);

    $CaptionSettings = array("DrawBox" => $DrawBox, "DrawBoxBorder" => $DrawBoxBorder, "BorderOffset" => $BorderOffset, "BoxRounded" => $BoxRounded, "RoundedRadius" => $RoundedRadius,
      "BoxR" => $BoxR, "BoxG" => $BoxG, "BoxB" => $BoxB, "BoxAlpha" => $BoxAlpha, "BoxSurrounding" => $BoxSurrounding,
      "BoxBorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BoxBorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BoxBorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "BoxBorderAlpha" => $BoxBorderAlpha,
      "R" => $CaptionR, "G" => $CaptionG, "B" => $CaptionB, "Alpha" => $CaptionAlpha);

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);

    if ($NoMargin) {
      $AbscissaMargin = 0;
    if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID])) {
      return (-1);
    if ($Caption == NULL) {
      $Caption = $Value;

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      $YPos = $this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
      if ($YPos >= $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] && $YPos <= $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) 
        $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin;
        $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin;

        $this->drawLine($X1, $YPos, $X2, $YPos, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

        if ($Wide) 
          $this->drawLine($X1, $YPos -1, $X2, $YPos -1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
          $this->drawLine($X1, $YPos + 1, $X2, $YPos + 1, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

        if ($WriteCaption) 
          if ($CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP) 
            $X = $X1 + $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
            $X = $X2 - $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;

          $this->drawText($X, $YPos, $Caption, $CaptionSettings);

      return (array("Y" => $YPos));

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
      $XPos = $this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
      if ($XPos >= $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] && $XPos <= $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) 
        $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin;
        $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin;

        $this->drawLine($XPos, $Y1, $XPos, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

        if ($Wide) 
          $this->drawLine($XPos -1, $Y1, $XPos -1, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
          $this->drawLine($XPos + 1, $Y1, $XPos + 1, $Y2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / $WideFactor, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

        if ($WriteCaption) 
          if ($CaptionAlign == CAPTION_LEFT_TOP) 
            $Y = $Y1 + $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
            $Y = $Y2 - $CaptionOffset;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;

          $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
          $this->drawText($XPos, $Y, $Caption, $CaptionSettings);

      return (array("Y" => $XPos));

  /* Draw a threshold with the computed scale */
  function drawThresholdArea($Value1, $Value2, $Format = "") 
    $AxisID = isset($Format ["AxisID"]) ? $Format ["AxisID"] : 0;
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 255;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 20;
    $Border = isset($Format ["Border"]) ? $Format ["Border"] : TRUE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha + 20;
    $BorderTicks = isset($Format ["BorderTicks"]) ? $Format ["BorderTicks"] : 2;
    $AreaName = isset($Format ["AreaName"]) ? $Format ["AreaName"] : NULL;
    $NameAngle = isset($Format ["NameAngle"]) ? $Format ["NameAngle"] : ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO;
    $NameR = isset($Format ["NameR"]) ? $Format ["NameR"] : 255;
    $NameG = isset($Format ["NameG"]) ? $Format ["NameG"] : 255;
    $NameB = isset($Format ["NameB"]) ? $Format ["NameB"] : 255;
    $NameAlpha = isset($Format ["NameAlpha"]) ? $Format ["NameAlpha"] : 100;
    $DisableShadowOnArea = isset($Format ["DisableShadowOnArea"]) ? $Format ["DisableShadowOnArea"] : TRUE;
    $NoMargin = isset($Format ["NoMargin"]) ? $Format ["NoMargin"] : FALSE;

    if ($Value1 > $Value2) {
      list($Value1, $Value2) = array($Value2, $Value1);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($DisableShadowOnArea && $this->Shadow) {
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    if ($BorderAlpha > 100) {
      $BorderAlpha = 100;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    $AbscissaMargin = $this->getAbscissaMargin($Data);

    if ($NoMargin) {
      $AbscissaMargin = 0;
    if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID])) {
      return (-1);

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $AbscissaMargin;
      $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $AbscissaMargin;
      $YPos1 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value1, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
      $YPos2 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value2, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));

      if ($YPos1 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($YPos1 > $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($YPos2 < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($YPos2 > $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];

      $this->drawFilledRectangle($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      if ($Border) 
        $this->drawLine($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos1, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));
        $this->drawLine($XPos1, $YPos2, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));

      if ($AreaName != NULL) 
        $XPos = ($XPos2 -$XPos1) / 2 + $XPos1;
        $YPos = ($YPos2 -$YPos1) / 2 + $YPos1;
        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
        $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $AreaName, array("R" => $NameR, "G" => $NameG, "B" => $NameB, "Alpha" => $NameAlpha, "Angle" => 0, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));
        if ($DisableShadowOnArea) {
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
      return (array("Y1" => $YPos1, "Y2" => $YPos2));
    elseif ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
      $YPos1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $AbscissaMargin;
      $YPos2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $AbscissaMargin;
      $XPos1 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value1, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
      $XPos2 = $this->scaleComputeY($Value2, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));

      if ($XPos1 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($XPos1 > $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $XPos1 = $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($XPos2 < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];
      if ($XPos2 > $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"]) {
        $XPos2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"];

      $this->drawFilledRectangle($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      if ($Border) 
        $this->drawLine($XPos1, $YPos1, $XPos1, $YPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));
        $this->drawLine($XPos2, $YPos1, $XPos2, $YPos2, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Ticks" => $BorderTicks));

      if ($AreaName != NULL) 
        $XPos = ($YPos2 -$YPos1) / 2 + $YPos1;
        $YPos = ($XPos2 -$XPos1) / 2 + $XPos1;

        if ($NameAngle == ZONE_NAME_ANGLE_AUTO) 
          $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($XPos, $YPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $AreaName);
          $TxtWidth = $TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"];
          if (abs($XPos2 - $XPos1) > $TxtWidth) {
            $NameAngle = 0;
          else {
            $NameAngle = 90;
        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
        $this->drawText($YPos, $XPos, $AreaName, array("R" => $NameR, "G" => $NameG, "B" => $NameB, "Alpha" => $NameAlpha, "Angle" => $NameAngle, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE));
        if ($DisableShadowOnArea) {
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

      $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
      return (array("Y1" => $XPos1, "Y2" => $XPos2));

  function scaleGetXSettings() 
    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    foreach ($Data ["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Settings) 
      if ($Settings ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) 
        $Rows = $Settings ["Rows"];

        return (array($Settings ["Margin"], $Rows));

  function scaleComputeY($Values, $Option = "", $ReturnOnly0Height = FALSE) 
    $AxisID = isset($Option ["AxisID"]) ? $Option ["AxisID"] : 0;
    $SerieName = isset($Option ["SerieName"]) ? $Option ["SerieName"] : NULL;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    if (!isset($Data ["Axis"][$AxisID])) {
      return (-1);

    if ($SerieName != NULL) {
      $AxisID = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
    if (!is_array($Values)) {
      $tmp = $Values;
      $Values = "";
      $Values [0] = $tmp;

    $Result = "";
    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      $Height = ($this->GraphAreaY2 - $this->GraphAreaY1) - $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] * 2;
      $ScaleHeight = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] - $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
      $Step = $Height / $ScaleHeight;

      if ($ReturnOnly0Height) 
        foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {
          if ($Value == VOID) {
            $Result [] = VOID;
          else {
            $Result [] = $Step * $Value;
        foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {
          if ($Value == VOID) {
            $Result [] = VOID;
          else {
            $Result [] = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] - ($Step * ($Value -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));
      $Width = ($this->GraphAreaX2 - $this->GraphAreaX1) - $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] * 2;
      $ScaleWidth = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMax"] - $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"];
      $Step = $Width / $ScaleWidth;

      if ($ReturnOnly0Height) 
        foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {
          if ($Value == VOID) {
            $Result [] = VOID;
          else {
            $Result [] = $Step * $Value;
        foreach ($Values as $Key => $Value) {
          if ($Value == VOID) {
            $Result [] = VOID;
          else {
            $Result [] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Margin"] + ($Step * ($Value -$Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["ScaleMin"]));

    if (count($Result) == 1) {
      return ($Result [0]);
    else {
      return ($Result);

  /* Format the axis values */
  function scaleFormat($Value, $Mode = NULL, $Format = NULL, $Unit = NULL) 
    if ($Value == VOID) {
      return ("");

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_TRAFFIC) 
      if ($Value == 0) {
        return ("0B");
      $Units = array("B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB");
      $Sign = "";
      if ($Value < 0) {
        $Value = abs($Value);
        $Sign = "-";

      $Value = number_format($Value / pow(1024, ($Scale = floor(log($Value, 1024)))), 2, ",", ".");
      return ($Sign . $Value . " " . $Units [$Scale]);

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_CUSTOM) 
      if (function_exists($Format)) {
        return (call_user_func($Format, $Value));

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_DATE) 
      if ($Format == NULL) {
        $Pattern = "d/m/Y";
      else {
        $Pattern = $Format;
      return (gmdate($Pattern, $Value));

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_TIME) 
      if ($Format == NULL) {
        $Pattern = "H:i:s";
      else {
        $Pattern = $Format;
      return (gmdate($Pattern, $Value));

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_CURRENCY) 
      return ($Format . number_format($Value, 2));

    if ($Mode == AXIS_FORMAT_METRIC) 
      if (abs($Value) > 1000000000) {
        return (round($Value / 1000000000, $Format) . "g" . $Unit);
      if (abs($Value) > 1000000) {
        return (round($Value / 1000000, $Format) . "m" . $Unit);
      elseif (abs($Value) >= 1000) {
        return (round($Value / 1000, $Format) . "k" . $Unit);

    return ($Value . $Unit);

  /* Write Max value on a chart */
  function writeBounds($Type = BOUND_BOTH, $Format = NULL) 
    $MaxLabelTxt = isset($Format ["MaxLabelTxt"]) ? $Format ["MaxLabelTxt"] : "max=";
    $MinLabelTxt = isset($Format ["MinLabelTxt"]) ? $Format ["MinLabelTxt"] : "min=";
    $Decimals = isset($Format ["Decimals"]) ? $Format ["Decimals"] : 1;
    $ExcludedSeries = isset($Format ["ExcludedSeries"]) ? $Format ["ExcludedSeries"] : "";
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 4;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $MaxDisplayR = isset($Format ["MaxDisplayR"]) ? $Format ["MaxDisplayR"] : 0;
    $MaxDisplayG = isset($Format ["MaxDisplayG"]) ? $Format ["MaxDisplayG"] : 0;
    $MaxDisplayB = isset($Format ["MaxDisplayB"]) ? $Format ["MaxDisplayB"] : 0;
    $MinDisplayR = isset($Format ["MinDisplayR"]) ? $Format ["MinDisplayR"] : 255;
    $MinDisplayG = isset($Format ["MinDisplayG"]) ? $Format ["MinDisplayG"] : 255;
    $MinDisplayB = isset($Format ["MinDisplayB"]) ? $Format ["MinDisplayB"] : 255;
    $MinLabelPos = isset($Format ["MinLabelPos"]) ? $Format ["MinLabelPos"] : BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO;
    $MaxLabelPos = isset($Format ["MaxLabelPos"]) ? $Format ["MaxLabelPos"] : BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO;
    $DrawBox = isset($Format ["DrawBox"]) ? $Format ["DrawBox"] : TRUE;
    $DrawBoxBorder = isset($Format ["DrawBoxBorder"]) ? $Format ["DrawBoxBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderOffset = isset($Format ["BorderOffset"]) ? $Format ["BorderOffset"] : 5;
    $BoxRounded = isset($Format ["BoxRounded"]) ? $Format ["BoxRounded"] : TRUE;
    $RoundedRadius = isset($Format ["RoundedRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundedRadius"] : 3;
    $BoxR = isset($Format ["BoxR"]) ? $Format ["BoxR"] : 0;
    $BoxG = isset($Format ["BoxG"]) ? $Format ["BoxG"] : 0;
    $BoxB = isset($Format ["BoxB"]) ? $Format ["BoxB"] : 0;
    $BoxAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 20;
    $BoxSurrounding = isset($Format ["BoxSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["BoxSurrounding"] : "";
    $BoxBorderR = isset($Format ["BoxBorderR"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderR"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderG = isset($Format ["BoxBorderG"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderG"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderB = isset($Format ["BoxBorderB"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderB"] : 255;
    $BoxBorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxBorderAlpha"] : 100;

    $CaptionSettings = array("DrawBox" => $DrawBox, "DrawBoxBorder" => $DrawBoxBorder, "BorderOffset" => $BorderOffset, "BoxRounded" => $BoxRounded, "RoundedRadius" => $RoundedRadius,
      "BoxR" => $BoxR, "BoxG" => $BoxG, "BoxB" => $BoxB, "BoxAlpha" => $BoxAlpha, "BoxSurrounding" => $BoxSurrounding,
      "BoxBorderR" => $BoxBorderR, "BoxBorderG" => $BoxBorderG, "BoxBorderB" => $BoxBorderB, "BoxBorderAlpha" => $BoxBorderAlpha);

    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"] && !isset($ExcludedSeries [$SerieName])) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $MinValue = $this->DataSet->getMin($SerieName);
        $MaxValue = $this->DataSet->getMax($SerieName);

        $MinPos = VOID;
        $MaxPos = VOID;
        foreach ($Serie ["Data"] as $Key => $Value) 
          if ($Value == $MinValue && $MinPos == VOID) {
            $MinPos = $Key;
          if ($Value == $MaxValue) {
            $MaxPos = $Key;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $SerieOffset = isset($Serie ["XOffset"]) ? $Serie ["XOffset"] : 0;

          if ($Type == BOUND_MAX || $Type == BOUND_BOTH) 
            if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP || ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue >= 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MaxPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
            if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM || ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue < 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MaxPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;

            $XPos = $X + $MaxPos * $XStep + $SerieOffset;
            $Label = $MaxLabelTxt . $this->scaleFormat(round($MaxValue, $Decimals), $Mode, $Format, $Unit);

            $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($XPos, $YPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $Label);
            $XOffset = 0;
            $YOffset = 0;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
              $XOffset = (($this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos [0]["X"]) / 2);
            if ($TxtPos [1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
              $XOffset = -(($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2) / 2);
            if ($TxtPos [2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
              $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos [2]["Y"];
            if ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
              $YOffset = -($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2);

            $CaptionSettings ["R"] = $MaxDisplayR;
            $CaptionSettings ["G"] = $MaxDisplayG;
            $CaptionSettings ["B"] = $MaxDisplayB;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = $Align;

            $this->drawText($XPos + $XOffset, $YPos + $YOffset, $Label, $CaptionSettings);

          if ($Type == BOUND_MIN || $Type == BOUND_BOTH) 
            if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP || ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue >= 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MinPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
            if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM || ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue < 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MinPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;

            $XPos = $X + $MinPos * $XStep + $SerieOffset;
            $Label = $MinLabelTxt . $this->scaleFormat(round($MinValue, $Decimals), $Mode, $Format, $Unit);

            $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($XPos, $YPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $Label);
            $XOffset = 0;
            $YOffset = 0;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
              $XOffset = (($this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos [0]["X"]) / 2);
            if ($TxtPos [1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
              $XOffset = -(($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2) / 2);
            if ($TxtPos [2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
              $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos [2]["Y"];
            if ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
              $YOffset = -($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2);

            $CaptionSettings ["R"] = $MinDisplayR;
            $CaptionSettings ["G"] = $MinDisplayG;
            $CaptionSettings ["B"] = $MinDisplayB;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = $Align;

            $this->drawText($XPos + $XOffset, $YPos -$DisplayOffset + $YOffset, $Label, $CaptionSettings);
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $SerieOffset = isset($Serie ["XOffset"]) ? $Serie ["XOffset"] : 0;

          if ($Type == BOUND_MAX || $Type == BOUND_BOTH) 
            if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP || ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue >= 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MaxPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
            if ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM || ($MaxLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MaxValue < 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MaxPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;

            $XPos = $X + $MaxPos * $XStep + $SerieOffset;
            $Label = $MaxLabelTxt . $this->scaleFormat($MaxValue, $Mode, $Format, $Unit);

            $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($YPos, $XPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $Label);
            $XOffset = 0;
            $YOffset = 0;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
              $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos [0]["X"];
            if ($TxtPos [1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
              $XOffset = -($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2);
            if ($TxtPos [2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
              $YOffset = ($this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos [2]["Y"]) / 2;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
              $YOffset = -(($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2) / 2);

            $CaptionSettings ["R"] = $MaxDisplayR;
            $CaptionSettings ["G"] = $MaxDisplayG;
            $CaptionSettings ["B"] = $MaxDisplayB;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = $Align;

            $this->drawText($YPos + $XOffset, $XPos + $YOffset, $Label, $CaptionSettings);

          if ($Type == BOUND_MIN || $Type == BOUND_BOTH) 
            if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_TOP || ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue >= 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MinPos] + $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
            if ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_BOTTOM || ($MinLabelPos == BOUND_LABEL_POS_AUTO && $MinValue < 0)) {
              $YPos = $PosArray [$MinPos] - $DisplayOffset + 2;
              $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;

            $XPos = $X + $MinPos * $XStep + $SerieOffset;
            $Label = $MinLabelTxt . $this->scaleFormat($MinValue, $Mode, $Format, $Unit);

            $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($YPos, $XPos, $this->FontName, $this->FontSize, 0, $Label);
            $XOffset = 0;
            $YOffset = 0;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["X"] < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
              $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $TxtPos [0]["X"];
            if ($TxtPos [1]["X"] > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
              $XOffset = -($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $this->GraphAreaX2);
            if ($TxtPos [2]["Y"] < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
              $YOffset = ($this->GraphAreaY1 - $TxtPos [2]["Y"]) / 2;
            if ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
              $YOffset = -(($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $this->GraphAreaY2) / 2);

            $CaptionSettings ["R"] = $MinDisplayR;
            $CaptionSettings ["G"] = $MinDisplayG;
            $CaptionSettings ["B"] = $MinDisplayB;
            $CaptionSettings ["Align"] = $Align;

            $this->drawText($YPos + $XOffset, $XPos + $YOffset, $Label, $CaptionSettings);

  /* Draw a plot chart */
  function drawPlotChart($Format = NULL) 
    $PlotSize = isset($Format ["PlotSize"]) ? $Format ["PlotSize"] : NULL;
    $PlotBorder = isset($Format ["PlotBorder"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : 50;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : 50;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : 50;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : 30;
    $BorderSize = isset($Format ["BorderSize"]) ? $Format ["BorderSize"] : 2;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 4;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        if (isset($Serie ["Weight"])) {
          $SerieWeight = $Serie ["Weight"] + 2;
        else {
          $SerieWeight = 2;
        if ($PlotSize != NULL) {
          $SerieWeight = $PlotSize;

        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
          $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
          $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
          $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
        if (isset($Serie ["Picture"])) 
          $Picture = $Serie ["Picture"];
          list($PicWidth, $PicHeight, $PicType) = $this->getPicInfo($Picture);
        else {
          $Picture = NULL;
          $PicOffset = 0;

        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Shape = $Serie ["Shape"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          if ($Picture != NULL) {
            $PicOffset = $PicHeight / 2;
            $SerieWeight = 0;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$DisplayOffset -$SerieWeight -$BorderSize -$PicOffset, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($Y != VOID) 
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $SerieWeight, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              if ($Picture != NULL) 
                $this->drawFromPicture($PicType, $Picture, $X -$PicWidth / 2, $Y -$PicHeight / 2);
                $this->drawShape($X, $Y, $Shape, $SerieWeight, $PlotBorder, $BorderSize, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha, $BorderR, $BorderG, $BorderB, $BorderAlpha);
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          if ($Picture != NULL) {
            $PicOffset = $PicWidth / 2;
            $SerieWeight = 0;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X + $DisplayOffset + $SerieWeight + $BorderSize + $PicOffset, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("Angle" => 270, "R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($X != VOID) 
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $SerieWeight, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              if ($Picture != NULL) 
                $this->drawFromPicture($PicType, $Picture, $X -$PicWidth / 2, $Y -$PicHeight / 2);
                $this->drawShape($X, $Y, $Shape, $SerieWeight, $PlotBorder, $BorderSize, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha, $BorderR, $BorderG, $BorderB, $BorderAlpha);
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;

  /* Draw a spline chart */
  function drawSplineChart($Format = NULL) 
    $BreakVoid = isset($Format ["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format ["BreakVoid"] : TRUE;
    $VoidTicks = isset($Format ["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format ["VoidTicks"] : 4;
    $BreakR = isset($Format ["BreakR"]) ? $Format ["BreakR"] : NULL; // 234
    $BreakG = isset($Format ["BreakG"]) ? $Format ["BreakG"] : NULL; // 55
    $BreakB = isset($Format ["BreakB"]) ? $Format ["BreakB"] : NULL; // 26
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
    $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        if ($BreakR == NULL) {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks);
        else {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $BreakR, "G" => $BreakG, "B" => $BreakB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks, "Weight" => $Weight);

        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $WayPoints = "";
          $Force = $XStep / 5;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $LastX = 1;
          $LastY = 1;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$DisplayOffset, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($RecordImageMap && $Y != VOID) {
              $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $ImageMapPlotSize, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($Y == VOID && $LastY != NULL) 
              $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));
              $WayPoints = "";

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastY == NULL && $LastGoodY != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);

            if ($Y != VOID) {
              $WayPoints [] = array($X, $Y);

            if ($Y != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($Y == VOID) {
              $Y = NULL;

            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $WayPoints = "";
          $Force = $YStep / 5;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $LastX = 1;
          $LastY = 1;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X + $DisplayOffset, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("Angle" => 270, "R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($RecordImageMap && $X != VOID) {
              $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $ImageMapPlotSize, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($X == VOID && $LastX != NULL) 
              $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));
              $WayPoints = "";

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX == NULL && $LastGoodX != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);

            if ($X != VOID) {
              $WayPoints [] = array($X, $Y);

            if ($X != VOID) {
              $LastGoodX = $X;
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
            if ($X == VOID) {
              $X = NULL;

            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

  /* Draw a filled spline chart */
  function drawFilledSplineChart($Format = NULL) 
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $AroundZero = isset($Format ["AroundZero"]) ? $Format ["AroundZero"] : TRUE;
    $Threshold = isset($Format ["Threshold"]) ? $Format ["Threshold"] : NULL;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
        if ($AroundZero) {
          $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Threshold != NULL) 
          foreach ($Threshold as $Key => $Params) 
            $Threshold [$Key]["MinX"] = $this->scaleComputeY($Params ["Min"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
            $Threshold [$Key]["MaxX"] = $this->scaleComputeY($Params ["Max"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $WayPoints = "";
          $Force = $XStep / 5;

          if (!$AroundZero) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1;

          $LastX = "";
          $LastY = "";
          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$DisplayOffset, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($Y == VOID) 
              $Area = $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "PathOnly" => TRUE));

              if ($Area != "") 
                foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) 
                  $Corners = "";
                  $Corners [] = $Area [$key][0]["X"];
                  $Corners [] = $YZero;
                  foreach ($Points as $subKey => $Point) 
                    if ($subKey == count($Points) -1) {
                      $Corners [] = $Point ["X"] -1;
                    else {
                      $Corners [] = $Point ["X"];
                    $Corners [] = $Point ["Y"] + 1;
                  $Corners [] = $Points [$subKey]["X"] -1;
                  $Corners [] = $YZero;

                  $this->drawPolygonChart($Corners, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / 2, "NoBorder" => TRUE, "Threshold" => $Threshold));
                $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

              $WayPoints = "";
            else {
              $WayPoints [] = array($X, $Y -.5); /* -.5 for AA visual fix */

            $X = $X + $XStep;
          $Area = $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "PathOnly" => TRUE));

          if ($Area != "") 
            foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) 
              $Corners = "";
              $Corners [] = $Area [$key][0]["X"];
              $Corners [] = $YZero;
              foreach ($Points as $subKey => $Point) 
                if ($subKey == count($Points) -1) {
                  $Corners [] = $Point ["X"] -1;
                else {
                  $Corners [] = $Point ["X"];
                $Corners [] = $Point ["Y"] + 1;
              $Corners [] = $Points [$subKey]["X"] -1;
              $Corners [] = $YZero;

              $this->drawPolygonChart($Corners, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / 2, "NoBorder" => TRUE, "Threshold" => $Threshold));
            $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $WayPoints = "";
          $Force = $YStep / 5;

          if (!$AroundZero) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues) {
              $this->drawText($X + $DisplayOffset, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("Angle" => 270, "R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($X == VOID) 
              $Area = $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "PathOnly" => TRUE));

              if ($Area != "") 
                foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) 
                  $Corners = "";
                  $Corners [] = $YZero;
                  $Corners [] = $Area [$key][0]["Y"];
                  foreach ($Points as $subKey => $Point) 
                    if ($subKey == count($Points) -1) {
                      $Corners [] = $Point ["X"] -1;
                    else {
                      $Corners [] = $Point ["X"];
                    $Corners [] = $Point ["Y"];
                  $Corners [] = $YZero;
                  $Corners [] = $Points [$subKey]["Y"] -1;

                  $this->drawPolygonChart($Corners, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / 2, "NoBorder" => TRUE, "Threshold" => $Threshold));
                $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));

              $WayPoints = "";
            else {
              $WayPoints [] = array($X, $Y);

            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          $Area = $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "PathOnly" => TRUE));

          if ($Area != "") 
            foreach ($Area as $key => $Points) 
              $Corners = "";
              $Corners [] = $YZero;
              $Corners [] = $Area [$key][0]["Y"];
              foreach ($Points as $subKey => $Point) 
                if ($subKey == count($Points) -1) {
                  $Corners [] = $Point ["X"] -1;
                else {
                  $Corners [] = $Point ["X"];
                $Corners [] = $Point ["Y"];
              $Corners [] = $YZero;
              $Corners [] = $Points [$subKey]["Y"] -1;

              $this->drawPolygonChart($Corners, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha / 2, "NoBorder" => TRUE, "Threshold" => $Threshold));
            $this->drawSpline($WayPoints, array("Force" => $Force, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks));


  /* Draw a line chart */
  function drawLineChart($Format = NULL) 
    $BreakVoid = isset($Format ["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format ["BreakVoid"] : TRUE;
    $VoidTicks = isset($Format ["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format ["VoidTicks"] : 4;
    $BreakR = isset($Format ["BreakR"]) ? $Format ["BreakR"] : NULL;
    $BreakG = isset($Format ["BreakG"]) ? $Format ["BreakG"] : NULL;
    $BreakB = isset($Format ["BreakB"]) ? $Format ["BreakB"] : NULL;
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
    $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;
    $ForceColor = isset($Format ["ForceColor"]) ? $Format ["ForceColor"] : FALSE;
    $ForceR = isset($Format ["ForceR"]) ? $Format ["ForceR"] : 0;
    $ForceG = isset($Format ["ForceG"]) ? $Format ["ForceG"] : 0;
    $ForceB = isset($Format ["ForceB"]) ? $Format ["ForceB"] : 0;
    $ForceAlpha = isset($Format ["ForceAlpha"]) ? $Format ["ForceAlpha"] : 100;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        if ($ForceColor) 
          $R = $ForceR;
          $G = $ForceG;
          $B = $ForceB;
          $Alpha = $ForceAlpha;

        if ($BreakR == NULL) {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks, "Weight" => $Weight);
        else {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $BreakR, "G" => $BreakG, "B" => $BreakB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks, "Weight" => $Weight);

        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] > 0) {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
              else {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$Offset -$Weight, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align));

            if ($RecordImageMap && $Y != VOID) {
              $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $ImageMapPlotSize, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) {
              $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastY == NULL && $LastGoodY != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              $LastGoodY = NULL;

            if ($Y != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($Y == VOID) {
              $Y = NULL;

            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              $this->drawText($X + $DisplayOffset + $Weight, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("Angle" => 270, "R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE));

            if ($RecordImageMap && $X != VOID) {
              $this->addToImageMap("CIRCLE", floor($X) . "," . floor($Y) . "," . $ImageMapPlotSize, $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) {
              $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $X, $Y, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight));

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX == NULL && $LastGoodY != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              $LastGoodY = NULL;

            if ($X != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($X == VOID) {
              $X = NULL;

            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;

  /* Draw a line chart */
  function drawZoneChart($SerieA, $SerieB, $Format = NULL) 
    $AxisID = isset($Format ["AxisID"]) ? $Format ["AxisID"] : 0;
    $LineR = isset($Format ["LineR"]) ? $Format ["LineR"] : 150;
    $LineG = isset($Format ["LineG"]) ? $Format ["LineG"] : 150;
    $LineB = isset($Format ["LineB"]) ? $Format ["LineB"] : 150;
    $LineAlpha = isset($Format ["LineAlpha"]) ? $Format ["LineAlpha"] : 50;
    $LineTicks = isset($Format ["LineTicks"]) ? $Format ["LineTicks"] : 1;
    $AreaR = isset($Format ["AreaR"]) ? $Format ["AreaR"] : 150;
    $AreaG = isset($Format ["AreaG"]) ? $Format ["AreaG"] : 150;
    $AreaB = isset($Format ["AreaB"]) ? $Format ["AreaB"] : 150;
    $AreaAlpha = isset($Format ["AreaAlpha"]) ? $Format ["AreaAlpha"] : 5;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    if (!isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieA]["Data"]) || !isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieB]["Data"])) {
      return (0);
    $SerieAData = $Data ["Series"][$SerieA]["Data"];
    $SerieBData = $Data ["Series"][$SerieB]["Data"];

    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
    $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
    $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

    $PosArrayA = $this->scaleComputeY($SerieAData, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
    $PosArrayB = $this->scaleComputeY($SerieBData, array("AxisID" => $AxisID));
    if (count($PosArrayA) != count($PosArrayB)) {
      return (0);

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
      if ($XDivs == 0) {
        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
      else {
        $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
      $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
      $LastX = NULL;
      $LastY = NULL;

      $LastX = NULL;
      $LastY1 = NULL;
      $LastY2 = NULL;
      $BoundsA = "";
      $BoundsB = "";
      foreach ($PosArrayA as $Key => $Y1) 
        $Y2 = $PosArrayB [$Key];

        $BoundsA [] = $X;
        $BoundsA [] = $Y1;
        $BoundsB [] = $X;
        $BoundsB [] = $Y2;

        $LastX = $X;
        $LastY1 = $Y1;
        $LastY2 = $Y2;

        $X = $X + $XStep;
      $Bounds = array_merge($BoundsA, $this->reversePlots($BoundsB));
      $this->drawPolygonChart($Bounds, array("R" => $AreaR, "G" => $AreaG, "B" => $AreaB, "Alpha" => $AreaAlpha));

      for ($i = 0; $i <= count($BoundsA) -4; $i = $i + 2) 
        $this->drawLine($BoundsA [$i], $BoundsA [$i + 1], $BoundsA [$i + 2], $BoundsA [$i + 3], array("R" => $LineR, "G" => $LineG, "B" => $LineB, "Alpha" => $LineAlpha, "Ticks" => $LineTicks));
        $this->drawLine($BoundsB [$i], $BoundsB [$i + 1], $BoundsB [$i + 2], $BoundsB [$i + 3], array("R" => $LineR, "G" => $LineG, "B" => $LineB, "Alpha" => $LineAlpha, "Ticks" => $LineTicks));
      if ($XDivs == 0) {
        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
      else {
        $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
      $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
      $LastX = NULL;
      $LastY = NULL;

      $LastY = NULL;
      $LastX1 = NULL;
      $LastX2 = NULL;
      $BoundsA = "";
      $BoundsB = "";
      foreach ($PosArrayA as $Key => $X1) 
        $X2 = $PosArrayB [$Key];

        $BoundsA [] = $X1;
        $BoundsA [] = $Y;
        $BoundsB [] = $X2;
        $BoundsB [] = $Y;

        $LastY = $Y;
        $LastX1 = $X1;
        $LastX2 = $X2;

        $Y = $Y + $YStep;
      $Bounds = array_merge($BoundsA, $this->reversePlots($BoundsB));
      $this->drawPolygonChart($Bounds, array("R" => $AreaR, "G" => $AreaG, "B" => $AreaB, "Alpha" => $AreaAlpha));

      for ($i = 0; $i <= count($BoundsA) -4; $i = $i + 2) 
        $this->drawLine($BoundsA [$i], $BoundsA [$i + 1], $BoundsA [$i + 2], $BoundsA [$i + 3], array("R" => $LineR, "G" => $LineG, "B" => $LineB, "Alpha" => $LineAlpha, "Ticks" => $LineTicks));
        $this->drawLine($BoundsB [$i], $BoundsB [$i + 1], $BoundsB [$i + 2], $BoundsB [$i + 3], array("R" => $LineR, "G" => $LineG, "B" => $LineB, "Alpha" => $LineAlpha, "Ticks" => $LineTicks));

  /* Draw a step chart */
  function drawStepChart($Format = NULL) 
    $BreakVoid = isset($Format ["BreakVoid"]) ? $Format ["BreakVoid"] : FALSE;
    $ReCenter = isset($Format ["ReCenter"]) ? $Format ["ReCenter"] : TRUE;
    $VoidTicks = isset($Format ["VoidTicks"]) ? $Format ["VoidTicks"] : 4;
    $BreakR = isset($Format ["BreakR"]) ? $Format ["BreakR"] : NULL;
    $BreakG = isset($Format ["BreakG"]) ? $Format ["BreakG"] : NULL;
    $BreakB = isset($Format ["BreakB"]) ? $Format ["BreakB"] : NULL;
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
    $ImageMapPlotSize = isset($Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"]) ? $Format ["ImageMapPlotSize"] : 5;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        if ($BreakR == NULL) {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks, "Weight" => $Weight);
        else {
          $BreakSettings = array("R" => $BreakR, "G" => $BreakG, "B" => $BreakB, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $VoidTicks, "Weight" => $Weight);

        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];
        $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight);

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $Init = FALSE;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              if ($Y <= $LastY) {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
              else {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$Offset -$Weight, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align));

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) 
              $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $X, $LastY, $Color);
              $this->drawLine($X, $LastY, $X, $Y, $Color);
              if ($ReCenter && $X + $XStep < $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin) 
                $this->drawLine($X, $Y, $X + $XStep, $Y, $Color);
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $XStep + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastY == NULL && $LastGoodY != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              if ($ReCenter) 
                $this->drawLine($LastGoodX + $XStep, $LastGoodY, $X, $LastGoodY, $BreakSettings);
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastGoodX + $XStep -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));
                $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $X, $LastGoodY, $BreakSettings);
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastGoodX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              $this->drawLine($X, $LastGoodY, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              $LastGoodY = NULL;
            elseif (!$BreakVoid && $LastGoodY == NULL && $Y != VOID) 
              $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin, $Y, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($Y != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($Y == VOID) {
              $Y = NULL;

            if (!$Init && $ReCenter) {
              $X = $X - $XStep / 2;
              $Init = TRUE;
            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            if ($LastX < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin) {
              $LastX = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          if ($ReCenter) 
            $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin, $LastY, $Color);
            if ($RecordImageMap) {
              $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($this->GraphAreaX2 -$XMargin + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $Init = FALSE;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              if ($X >= $LastX) {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
              else {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
              $this->drawText($X + $Offset + $Weight, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align));

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) 
              $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $LastX, $Y, $Color);
              $this->drawLine($LastX, $Y, $X, $Y, $Color);

              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastX + $XStep + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX == NULL && $LastGoodY != NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY, $LastGoodX, $LastGoodY + $YStep, $Color);
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastGoodX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodX + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY + $YStep + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $LastGoodY + $YStep, $LastGoodX, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastGoodX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodY + $YStep -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastGoodX + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($YStep + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              $this->drawLine($LastGoodX, $Y, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              $LastGoodY = NULL;
            elseif ($X != VOID && $LastGoodY == NULL && !$BreakVoid) 
              $this->drawLine($X, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin, $X, $Y, $BreakSettings);
              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($X + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($Y + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

            if ($X != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($X == VOID) {
              $X = NULL;

            if (!$Init && $ReCenter) {
              $Y = $Y - $YStep / 2;
              $Init = TRUE;
            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            if ($LastY < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin) {
              $LastY = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          if ($ReCenter) 
            $this->drawLine($LastX, $LastY, $LastX, $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XMargin, $Color);
            if ($RecordImageMap) {
              $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($LastX -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastY -$ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($LastX + $ImageMapPlotSize) . "," . floor($this->GraphAreaY2 -$XMargin + $ImageMapPlotSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

  /* Draw a step chart */
  function drawFilledStepChart($Format = NULL) 
    $ReCenter = isset($Format ["ReCenter"]) ? $Format ["ReCenter"] : TRUE;
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $ForceTransparency = isset($Format ["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format ["ForceTransparency"] : NULL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $AroundZero = isset($Format ["AroundZero"]) ? $Format ["AroundZero"] : TRUE;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B);
        if ($ForceTransparency != NULL) {
          $Color ["Alpha"] = $ForceTransparency;
        else {
          $Color ["Alpha"] = $Alpha;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
        $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!$AroundZero) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $Points = "";
          $Init = FALSE;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($Y == VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL && $Points != "") 
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $X;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $X;
              $Points [] = $YZero;
              $this->drawPolygon($Points, $Color);
              $Points = "";

            if ($Y != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) 
              if ($Points == "") {
                $Points [] = $LastX;
                $Points [] = $YZero;
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $X;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $X;
              $Points [] = $Y;

            if ($Y != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($Y == VOID) {
              $Y = NULL;

            if (!$Init && $ReCenter) {
              $X = $X - $XStep / 2;
              $Init = TRUE;
            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            if ($LastX < $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin) {
              $LastX = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
            $X = $X + $XStep;

          if ($ReCenter) 
            $Points [] = $LastX + $XStep / 2;
            $Points [] = $LastY;
            $Points [] = $LastX + $XStep / 2;
            $Points [] = $YZero;
            $Points [] = $LastX;
            $Points [] = $YZero;

          $this->drawPolygon($Points, $Color);
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $LastGoodY = NULL;
          $LastGoodX = NULL;
          $Points = "";
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($X == VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL && $Points != "") 
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $Y;
              $Points [] = $YZero;
              $Points [] = $Y;
              $this->drawPolygon($Points, $Color);
              $Points = "";

            if ($X != VOID && $LastX != NULL && $LastY != NULL) 
              if ($Points == "") {
                $Points [] = $YZero;
                $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $LastY;
              $Points [] = $LastX;
              $Points [] = $Y;
              $Points [] = $X;
              $Points [] = $Y;

            if ($X != VOID) {
              $LastGoodY = $Y;
              $LastGoodX = $X;
            if ($X == VOID) {
              $X = NULL;

            if ($LastX == NULL && $ReCenter) {
              $Y = $Y - $YStep / 2;
            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            if ($LastY < $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin) {
              $LastY = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;

          if ($ReCenter) 
            $Points [] = $LastX;
            $Points [] = $LastY + $YStep / 2;
            $Points [] = $YZero;
            $Points [] = $LastY + $YStep / 2;
            $Points [] = $YZero;
            $Points [] = $LastY;

          $this->drawPolygon($Points, $Color);

  /* Draw an area chart */
  function drawAreaChart($Format = NULL) 
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $ForceTransparency = isset($Format ["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format ["ForceTransparency"] : 25;
    $AroundZero = isset($Format ["AroundZero"]) ? $Format ["AroundZero"] : TRUE;
    $Threshold = isset($Format ["Threshold"]) ? $Format ["Threshold"] : NULL;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
        $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Threshold != NULL) 
          foreach ($Threshold as $Key => $Params) 
            $Threshold [$Key]["MinX"] = $this->scaleComputeY($Params ["Min"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
            $Threshold [$Key]["MaxX"] = $this->scaleComputeY($Params ["Max"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          $Areas = "";
          $AreaID = 0;
          $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          if ($AroundZero) {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
          else {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] > 0) {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
              else {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
              $this->drawText($X, $Y -$Offset, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align));

            if ($Y == VOID && isset($Areas [$AreaID])) 
              if ($LastX == NULL) 
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $X;
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $LastX;

              if ($AroundZero) {
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
              else {
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
            elseif ($Y != VOID) 
              if (!isset($Areas [$AreaID])) 
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $X;
                if ($AroundZero) {
                  $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
                else {
                  $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

              $Areas [$AreaID][] = $X;
              $Areas [$AreaID][] = $Y;

            $LastX = $X;
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          $Areas [$AreaID][] = $LastX;
          if ($AroundZero) {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
          else {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          /* Handle shadows in the areas */
          if ($this->Shadow) 
            $ShadowArea = "";
            foreach ($Areas as $Key => $Points) 
              $ShadowArea [$Key] = "";
              foreach ($Points as $Key2 => $Value) 
                if ($Key2 % 2 == 0) 
                  $ShadowArea [$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowX;
                  $ShadowArea [$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowY;

            foreach ($ShadowArea as $Key => $Points) {
              $this->drawPolygonChart($Points, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));

          $Alpha = $ForceTransparency != NULL ? $ForceTransparency : $Alpha;
          $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Threshold" => $Threshold);

          foreach ($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
            $this->drawPolygonChart($Points, $Color);
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;

          $Areas = "";
          $AreaID = 0;
          if ($AroundZero) {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
          else {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] > 0) {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
                $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
              else {
                $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
                $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
              $this->drawText($X + $Offset, $Y, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("Angle" => 270, "R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align));

            if ($X == VOID && isset($Areas [$AreaID])) 
              if ($AroundZero) {
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
              else {
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;

              if ($LastY == NULL) 
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $Y;
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $LastY;

            elseif ($X != VOID) 
              if (!isset($Areas [$AreaID])) 
                if ($AroundZero) {
                  $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
                else {
                  $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
                $Areas [$AreaID][] = $Y;

              $Areas [$AreaID][] = $X;
              $Areas [$AreaID][] = $Y;

            $LastX = $X;
            $LastY = $Y;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          if ($AroundZero) {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $YZero;
          else {
            $Areas [$AreaID][] = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          $Areas [$AreaID][] = $LastY;

          /* Handle shadows in the areas */
          if ($this->Shadow) 
            $ShadowArea = "";
            foreach ($Areas as $Key => $Points) 
              $ShadowArea [$Key] = "";
              foreach ($Points as $Key2 => $Value) 
                if ($Key2 % 2 == 0) 
                  $ShadowArea [$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowX;
                  $ShadowArea [$Key][] = $Value + $this->ShadowY;

            foreach ($ShadowArea as $Key => $Points) {
              $this->drawPolygonChart($Points, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));

          $Alpha = $ForceTransparency != NULL ? $ForceTransparency : $Alpha;
          $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Threshold" => $Threshold);

          foreach ($Areas as $Key => $Points) {
            $this->drawPolygonChart($Points, $Color);

  /* Draw a bar chart */
  function drawBarChart($Format = NULL) 
    $Floating0Serie = isset($Format ["Floating0Serie"]) ? $Format ["Floating0Serie"] : NULL;
    $Floating0Value = isset($Format ["Floating0Value"]) ? $Format ["Floating0Value"] : NULL;
    $Draw0Line = isset($Format ["Draw0Line"]) ? $Format ["Draw0Line"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOrientation = isset($Format ["DisplayOrientation"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOrientation"] : ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL;
    $DisplayOffset = isset($Format ["DisplayOffset"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOffset"] : 2;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayFont = isset($Format ["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format ["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontName;
    $DisplaySize = isset($Format ["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format ["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $DisplayPos = isset($Format ["DisplayPos"]) ? $Format ["DisplayPos"] : LABEL_POS_OUTSIDE;
    $DisplayShadow = isset($Format ["DisplayShadow"]) ? $Format ["DisplayShadow"] : TRUE;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $AroundZero = isset($Format ["AroundZero"]) ? $Format ["AroundZero"] : TRUE;
    $Interleave = isset($Format ["Interleave"]) ? $Format ["Interleave"] : .5;
    $Rounded = isset($Format ["Rounded"]) ? $Format ["Rounded"] : FALSE;
    $RoundRadius = isset($Format ["RoundRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundRadius"] : 4;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $Gradient = isset($Format ["Gradient"]) ? $Format ["Gradient"] : FALSE;
    $GradientMode = isset($Format ["GradientMode"]) ? $Format ["GradientMode"] : GRADIENT_SIMPLE;
    $GradientAlpha = isset($Format ["GradientAlpha"]) ? $Format ["GradientAlpha"] : 20;
    $GradientStartR = isset($Format ["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartR"] : 255;
    $GradientStartG = isset($Format ["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartG"] : 255;
    $GradientStartB = isset($Format ["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartB"] : 255;
    $GradientEndR = isset($Format ["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndR"] : 0;
    $GradientEndG = isset($Format ["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndG"] : 0;
    $GradientEndB = isset($Format ["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndB"] : 0;
    $TxtMargin = isset($Format ["TxtMargin"]) ? $Format ["TxtMargin"] : 6;
    $OverrideColors = isset($Format ["OverrideColors"]) ? $Format ["OverrideColors"] : NULL;
    $OverrideSurrounding = isset($Format ["OverrideSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["OverrideSurrounding"] : 30;
    $InnerSurrounding = isset($Format ["InnerSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["InnerSurrounding"] : NULL;
    $InnerBorderR = isset($Format ["InnerBorderR"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderR"] : -1;
    $InnerBorderG = isset($Format ["InnerBorderG"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderG"] : -1;
    $InnerBorderB = isset($Format ["InnerBorderB"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderB"] : -1;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_REGULAR;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    if ($OverrideColors != NULL) 
      $OverrideColors = $this->validatePalette($OverrideColors, $OverrideSurrounding);
      $this->DataSet->saveExtendedData("Palette", $OverrideColors);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;

    $SeriesCount = $this->countDrawableSeries();
    $CurrentSerie = 0;
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = $R;
          $DisplayG = $G;
          $DisplayB = $B;
        if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
          $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
          $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
          $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
        if ($InnerSurrounding != NULL) {
          $InnerBorderR = $R + $InnerSurrounding;
          $InnerBorderG = $G + $InnerSurrounding;
          $InnerBorderB = $B + $InnerSurrounding;
        if ($InnerBorderR == -1) {
          $InnerColor = NULL;
        else {
          $InnerColor = array("R" => $InnerBorderR, "G" => $InnerBorderG, "B" => $InnerBorderB);
        $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB);

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Floating0Value != NULL) 
          $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY($Floating0Value, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
          $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = 0;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          if ($AroundZero) {
            $Y1 = $YZero;
          else {
            $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XSize = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / ($SeriesCount + $Interleave);
          else {
            $XSize = ($XStep / ($SeriesCount + $Interleave));

          $XOffset = -($XSize * $SeriesCount) / 2 + $CurrentSerie * $XSize;
          if ($X + $XOffset <= $this->GraphAreaX1) {
            $XOffset = $this->GraphAreaX1 - $X + 1;

          $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = $XOffset + $XSize / 2;

          if ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) {
            $XSpace = 1;
          else {
            $XSpace = 0;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $ID = 0;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y2) 
            if ($Floating0Serie != NULL) 
              if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key])) 
                $Value = $Data ["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key];
                $Value = 0;

              $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
              if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
              if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1;

              if ($AroundZero) {
                $Y1 = $YZero;
              else {
                $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

            if ($OverrideColors != NULL) 
              if (isset($OverrideColors [$ID])) {
                $Color = array("R" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["R"], "G" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["G"], "B" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["B"], "Alpha" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["Alpha"], "BorderR" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderR"], "BorderG" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderG"], "BorderB" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderB"]);
              else {
                $Color = $this->getRandomColor();

            if ($Y2 != VOID) 
              $BarHeight = $Y1 - $Y2;

              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] == 0) 
                $this->drawLine($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, $Y1, $Color);
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X + $XOffset + $XSpace) . "," . floor($Y1 -1) . "," . floor($X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace) . "," . floor($Y1 + 1), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X + $XOffset + $XSpace) . "," . floor($Y1) . "," . floor($X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace) . "," . floor($Y2), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

                if ($Rounded) {
                  $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, $Y2, $RoundRadius, $Color);
                  $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, $Y2, $Color);

                  if ($InnerColor != NULL) {
                    $this->drawRectangle($X + $XOffset + $XSpace + 1, min($Y1, $Y2) + 1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace -1, max($Y1, $Y2) -1, $InnerColor);

                  if ($Gradient) 
                    $this->Shadow = FALSE;

                    if ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE) 
                      if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] >= 0) {
                        $GradienColor = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      else {
                        $GradienColor = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);

                      $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, $Y2, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradienColor);
                    elseif ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN) 
                      $GradienColor1 = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      $GradienColor2 = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      $XSpan = floor($XSize / 3);

                      $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSpan -$XSpace, $Y2, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradienColor1);
                      $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XOffset + $XSpan + $XSpace, $Y1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, $Y2, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradienColor2);
                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                if ($Draw0Line) 
                  $Line0Color = array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 20);

                  if (abs($Y1 - $Y2) > 3) {
                    $Line0Width = 3;
                  else {
                    $Line0Width = 1;
                  if ($Y1 - $Y2 < 0) {
                    $Line0Width = -$Line0Width;

                  $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, floor($Y1), $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, floor($Y1) -$Line0Width, $Line0Color);
                  $this->drawLine($X + $XOffset + $XSpace, floor($Y1), $X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace, floor($Y1), $Line0Color);

              if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
                if ($DisplayShadow) {
                  $this->Shadow = TRUE;

                $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit);
                $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox(0, 0, $DisplayFont, $DisplaySize, 90, $Caption);
                $TxtHeight = $TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $TxtPos [1]["Y"] + $TxtMargin;

                if ($DisplayPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE && abs($TxtHeight) < abs($BarHeight)) 
                  $CenterX = (($X + $XOffset + $XSize -$XSpace) -($X + $XOffset + $XSpace)) / 2 + $X + $XOffset + $XSpace;
                  $CenterY = ($Y2 -$Y1) / 2 + $Y1;

                  $this->drawText($CenterX, $CenterY, $Caption, array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize, "Angle" => 90));
                  if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] >= 0) {
                    $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMMIDDLE;
                    $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
                  else {
                    $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_TOPMIDDLE;
                    $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
                  $this->drawText($X + $XOffset + $XSize / 2, $Y2 -$Offset, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize));

                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

            $X = $X + $XStep;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = 0;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;

          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          if ($AroundZero) {
            $X1 = $YZero;
          else {
            $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YSize = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / ($SeriesCount + $Interleave);
          else {
            $YSize = ($YStep / ($SeriesCount + $Interleave));

          $YOffset = -($YSize * $SeriesCount) / 2 + $CurrentSerie * $YSize;
          if ($Y + $YOffset <= $this->GraphAreaY1) {
            $YOffset = $this->GraphAreaY1 - $Y + 1;

          $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = $YOffset + $YSize / 2;

          if ($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) {
            $YSpace = 1;
          else {
            $YSpace = 0;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $ID = 0;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X2) 
            if ($Floating0Serie != NULL) 
              if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key])) {
                $Value = $Data ["Series"][$Floating0Serie]["Data"][$Key];
              else {
                $Value = 0;

              $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));
              if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
              if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
                $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;
              if ($AroundZero) {
                $X1 = $YZero;
              else {
                $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;

            if ($OverrideColors != NULL) 
              if (isset($OverrideColors [$ID])) {
                $Color = array("R" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["R"], "G" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["G"], "B" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["B"], "Alpha" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["Alpha"], "BorderR" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderR"], "BorderG" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderG"], "BorderB" => $OverrideColors [$ID]["BorderB"]);
              else {
                $Color = $this->getRandomColor();

            if ($X2 != VOID) 
              $BarWidth = $X2 - $X1;

              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] == 0) 
                $this->drawLine($X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, $X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, $Color);
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X1 -1) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset + $YSpace) . "," . floor($X1 + 1) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));
                if ($RecordImageMap) {
                  $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X1) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset + $YSpace) . "," . floor($X2) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

                if ($Rounded) {
                  $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1 + 1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, $X2, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, $RoundRadius, $Color);
                  $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, $X2, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, $Color);

                  if ($InnerColor != NULL) {
                    $this->drawRectangle(min($X1, $X2) + 1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace + 1, max($X1, $X2) -1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace -1, $InnerColor);

                  if ($Gradient) 
                    $this->Shadow = FALSE;

                    if ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE) 
                      if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] >= 0) {
                        $GradienColor = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      else {
                        $GradienColor = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);

                      $this->drawGradientArea($X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, $X2, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradienColor);
                    elseif ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN) 
                      $GradienColor1 = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      $GradienColor2 = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                      $YSpan = floor($YSize / 3);

                      $this->drawGradientArea($X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, $X2, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpan -$YSpace, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradienColor1);
                      $this->drawGradientArea($X1, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpan, $X2, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradienColor2);
                    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                if ($Draw0Line) 
                  $Line0Color = array("R" => 0, "G" => 0, "B" => 0, "Alpha" => 20);

                  if (abs($X1 - $X2) > 3) {
                    $Line0Width = 3;
                  else {
                    $Line0Width = 1;
                  if ($X2 - $X1 < 0) {
                    $Line0Width = -$Line0Width;

                  $this->drawFilledRectangle(floor($X1), $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, floor($X1) + $Line0Width, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, $Line0Color);
                  $this->drawLine(floor($X1), $Y + $YOffset + $YSpace, floor($X1), $Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace, $Line0Color);

              if ($DisplayValues && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != VOID) 
                if ($DisplayShadow) {
                  $this->Shadow = TRUE;

                $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit);
                $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox(0, 0, $DisplayFont, $DisplaySize, 0, $Caption);
                $TxtWidth = $TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"] + $TxtMargin;

                if ($DisplayPos == LABEL_POS_INSIDE && abs($TxtWidth) < abs($BarWidth)) 
                  $CenterX = ($X2 -$X1) / 2 + $X1;
                  $CenterY = (($Y + $YOffset + $YSize -$YSpace) -($Y + $YOffset + $YSpace)) / 2 + ($Y + $YOffset + $YSpace);

                  $this->drawText($CenterX, $CenterY, $Caption, array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize));
                  if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] >= 0) {
                    $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLELEFT;
                    $Offset = $DisplayOffset;
                  else {
                    $Align = TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLERIGHT;
                    $Offset = -$DisplayOffset;
                  $this->drawText($X2 + $Offset, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize / 2, $Caption, array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => $Align, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize));

                $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;

  /* Draw a bar chart */
  function drawStackedBarChart($Format = NULL) 
    $DisplayValues = isset($Format ["DisplayValues"]) ? $Format ["DisplayValues"] : FALSE;
    $DisplayOrientation = isset($Format ["DisplayOrientation"]) ? $Format ["DisplayOrientation"] : ORIENTATION_AUTO;
    $DisplayRound = isset($Format ["DisplayRound"]) ? $Format ["DisplayRound"] : 0;
    $DisplayColor = isset($Format ["DisplayColor"]) ? $Format ["DisplayColor"] : DISPLAY_MANUAL;
    $DisplayFont = isset($Format ["DisplayFont"]) ? $Format ["DisplayFont"] : $this->FontName;
    $DisplaySize = isset($Format ["DisplaySize"]) ? $Format ["DisplaySize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $DisplayR = isset($Format ["DisplayR"]) ? $Format ["DisplayR"] : 0;
    $DisplayG = isset($Format ["DisplayG"]) ? $Format ["DisplayG"] : 0;
    $DisplayB = isset($Format ["DisplayB"]) ? $Format ["DisplayB"] : 0;
    $Interleave = isset($Format ["Interleave"]) ? $Format ["Interleave"] : .5;
    $Rounded = isset($Format ["Rounded"]) ? $Format ["Rounded"] : FALSE;
    $RoundRadius = isset($Format ["RoundRadius"]) ? $Format ["RoundRadius"] : 4;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : -1;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : -1;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : -1;
    $Gradient = isset($Format ["Gradient"]) ? $Format ["Gradient"] : FALSE;
    $GradientMode = isset($Format ["GradientMode"]) ? $Format ["GradientMode"] : GRADIENT_SIMPLE;
    $GradientAlpha = isset($Format ["GradientAlpha"]) ? $Format ["GradientAlpha"] : 20;
    $GradientStartR = isset($Format ["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartR"] : 255;
    $GradientStartG = isset($Format ["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartG"] : 255;
    $GradientStartB = isset($Format ["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartB"] : 255;
    $GradientEndR = isset($Format ["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndR"] : 0;
    $GradientEndG = isset($Format ["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndG"] : 0;
    $GradientEndB = isset($Format ["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndB"] : 0;
    $InnerSurrounding = isset($Format ["InnerSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["InnerSurrounding"] : NULL;
    $InnerBorderR = isset($Format ["InnerBorderR"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderR"] : -1;
    $InnerBorderG = isset($Format ["InnerBorderG"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderG"] : -1;
    $InnerBorderB = isset($Format ["InnerBorderB"]) ? $Format ["InnerBorderB"] : -1;
    $RecordImageMap = isset($Format ["RecordImageMap"]) ? $Format ["RecordImageMap"] : FALSE;
    $FontFactor = isset($Format ["FontFactor"]) ? $Format ["FontFactor"] : 8;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;

    $LastX = "";
    $LastY = "";
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($DisplayColor == DISPLAY_AUTO) {
          $DisplayR = 255;
          $DisplayG = 255;
          $DisplayB = 255;
        if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
          $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
          $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
          $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;
        if ($InnerSurrounding != NULL) {
          $InnerBorderR = $R + $InnerSurrounding;
          $InnerBorderG = $G + $InnerSurrounding;
          $InnerBorderB = $B + $InnerSurrounding;
        if ($InnerBorderR == -1) {
          $InnerColor = NULL;
        else {
          $InnerColor = array("R" => $InnerBorderR, "G" => $InnerBorderG, "B" => $InnerBorderB);

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        if (isset($Serie ["Description"])) {
          $SerieDescription = $Serie ["Description"];
        else {
          $SerieDescription = $SerieName;

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]), TRUE);
        $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        $Color = array("TransCorner" => TRUE, "R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "BorderR" => $BorderR, "BorderG" => $BorderG, "BorderB" => $BorderB);

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          $XSize = ($XStep / (1 + $Interleave));
          $XOffset = -($XSize / 2);

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Height) 
            if ($Height != VOID && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != 0) 
              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] > 0) {
                $Pos = "+";
              else {
                $Pos = "-";

              if (!isset($LastY [$Key])) {
                $LastY [$Key] = "";
              if (!isset($LastY [$Key][$Pos])) {
                $LastY [$Key][$Pos] = $YZero;

              $Y1 = $LastY [$Key][$Pos];
              $Y2 = $Y1 - $Height;

              if (($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "+" && $Y1 != $YZero)) {
                $YSpaceUp = 1;
              else {
                $YSpaceUp = 0;
              if (($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "-" && $Y1 != $YZero)) {
                $YSpaceDown = 1;
              else {
                $YSpaceDown = 0;

              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X + $XOffset) . "," . floor($Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown) . "," . floor($X + $XOffset + $XSize) . "," . floor($Y2), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              if ($Rounded) {
                $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset, $Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $X + $XOffset + $XSize, $Y2, $RoundRadius, $Color);
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($X + $XOffset, $Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $X + $XOffset + $XSize, $Y2, $Color);

                if ($InnerColor != NULL) {
                  $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
                  $this->Shadow = FALSE;
                  $this->drawRectangle(min($X + $XOffset + 1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize), min($Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $Y2) + 1, max($X + $XOffset + 1, $X + $XOffset + $XSize) -1, max($Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $Y2) -1, $InnerColor);
                  $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                if ($Gradient) 
                  $this->Shadow = FALSE;

                  if ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE) 
                    $GradientColor = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XOffset, $Y1 -1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $X + $XOffset + $XSize, $Y2 + 1, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientColor);
                  elseif ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN) 
                    $GradientColor1 = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $GradientColor2 = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $XSpan = floor($XSize / 3);

                    $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XOffset -.5, $Y1 -.5 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $X + $XOffset + $XSpan, $Y2 + .5, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradientColor1);
                    $this->drawGradientArea($X + $XSpan + $XOffset -.5, $Y1 -.5 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown, $X + $XOffset + $XSize, $Y2 + .5, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradientColor2);
                  $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

              if ($DisplayValues) 
                $BarHeight = abs($Y2 -$Y1) -2;
                $BarWidth = $XSize + ($XOffset / 2) -$FontFactor;

                $Caption = $this->scaleFormat(round($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $DisplayRound), $Mode, $Format, $Unit);
                $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox(0, 0, $DisplayFont, $DisplaySize, 0, $Caption);
                $TxtHeight = abs($TxtPos [2]["Y"] - $TxtPos [0]["Y"]);
                $TxtWidth = abs($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"]);

                $XCenter = (($X + $XOffset + $XSize) - ($X + $XOffset)) / 2 + $X + $XOffset;
                $YCenter = (($Y2) - ($Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown)) / 2 + $Y1 -$YSpaceUp + $YSpaceDown;

                $Done = FALSE;
                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL || $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO) 
                  if ($TxtHeight < $BarHeight && $TxtWidth < $BarWidth) 
                    $this->drawText($XCenter, $YCenter, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize, "FontName" => $DisplayFont));
                    $Done = TRUE;

                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL || ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO && !$Done)) 
                  if ($TxtHeight < $BarWidth && $TxtWidth < $BarHeight) {
                    $this->drawText($XCenter, $YCenter, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Angle" => 90, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize, "FontName" => $DisplayFont));

              $LastY [$Key][$Pos] = $Y2;

            $X = $X + $XStep;
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          $YSize = $YStep / (1 + $Interleave);
          $YOffset = -($YSize / 2);

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Width) 
            if ($Width != VOID && $Serie ["Data"][$Key] != 0) 
              if ($Serie ["Data"][$Key] > 0) {
                $Pos = "+";
              else {
                $Pos = "-";

              if (!isset($LastX [$Key])) {
                $LastX [$Key] = "";
              if (!isset($LastX [$Key][$Pos])) {
                $LastX [$Key][$Pos] = $YZero;

              $X1 = $LastX [$Key][$Pos];
              $X2 = $X1 + $Width;

              if (($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "+" && $X1 != $YZero)) {
                $XSpaceLeft = 2;
              else {
                $XSpaceLeft = 0;
              if (($Rounded || $BorderR != -1) && ($Pos == "-" && $X1 != $YZero)) {
                $XSpaceRight = 2;
              else {
                $XSpaceRight = 0;

              if ($RecordImageMap) {
                $this->addToImageMap("RECT", floor($X1 + $XSpaceLeft) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset) . "," . floor($X2 -$XSpaceRight) . "," . floor($Y + $YOffset + $YSize), $this->toHTMLColor($R, $G, $B), $SerieDescription, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit));

              if ($Rounded) {
                $this->drawRoundedFilledRectangle($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $Y + $YOffset, $X2 -$XSpaceRight, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize, $RoundRadius, $Color);
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $Y + $YOffset, $X2 -$XSpaceRight, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize, $Color);

                if ($InnerColor != NULL) {
                  $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
                  $this->Shadow = FALSE;
                  $this->drawRectangle(min($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $X2 -$XSpaceRight) + 1, min($Y + $YOffset, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize) + 1, max($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $X2 -$XSpaceRight) -1, max($Y + $YOffset, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize) -1, $InnerColor);
                  $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

                if ($Gradient) 
                  $this->Shadow = FALSE;

                  if ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_SIMPLE) 
                    $GradientColor = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $this->drawGradientArea($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $Y + $YOffset, $X2 -$XSpaceRight, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradientColor);
                  elseif ($GradientMode == GRADIENT_EFFECT_CAN) 
                    $GradientColor1 = array("StartR" => $GradientEndR, "StartG" => $GradientEndG, "StartB" => $GradientEndB, "EndR" => $GradientStartR, "EndG" => $GradientStartG, "EndB" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $GradientColor2 = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $GradientAlpha);
                    $YSpan = floor($YSize / 3);

                    $this->drawGradientArea($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $Y + $YOffset, $X2 -$XSpaceRight, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpan, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientColor1);
                    $this->drawGradientArea($X1 + $XSpaceLeft, $Y + $YOffset + $YSpan, $X2 -$XSpaceRight, $Y + $YOffset + $YSize, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientColor2);
                  $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

              if ($DisplayValues) 
                $BarWidth = abs($X2 -$X1) -$FontFactor;
                $BarHeight = $YSize + ($YOffset / 2) -$FontFactor / 2;
                $Caption = $this->scaleFormat(round($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $DisplayRound), $Mode, $Format, $Unit);
                $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox(0, 0, $DisplayFont, $DisplaySize, 0, $Caption);
                $TxtHeight = abs($TxtPos [2]["Y"] - $TxtPos [0]["Y"]);
                $TxtWidth = abs($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"]);

                $XCenter = ($X2 - $X1) / 2 + $X1;
                $YCenter = (($Y + $YOffset + $YSize) - ($Y + $YOffset)) / 2 + $Y + $YOffset;

                $Done = FALSE;
                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL || $DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO) 
                  if ($TxtHeight < $BarHeight && $TxtWidth < $BarWidth) 
                    $this->drawText($XCenter, $YCenter, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize, "FontName" => $DisplayFont));
                    $Done = TRUE;

                if ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_VERTICAL || ($DisplayOrientation == ORIENTATION_AUTO && !$Done)) 
                  if ($TxtHeight < $BarWidth && $TxtWidth < $BarHeight) {
                    $this->drawText($XCenter, $YCenter, $this->scaleFormat($Serie ["Data"][$Key], $Mode, $Format, $Unit), array("R" => $DisplayR, "G" => $DisplayG, "B" => $DisplayB, "Angle" => 90, "Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_MIDDLEMIDDLE, "FontSize" => $DisplaySize, "FontName" => $DisplayFont));

              $LastX [$Key][$Pos] = $X2;

            $Y = $Y + $YStep;

  /* Draw a stacked area chart */
  function drawStackedAreaChart($Format = NULL) 
    $DrawLine = isset($Format ["DrawLine"]) ? $Format ["DrawLine"] : FALSE;
    $LineSurrounding = isset($Format ["LineSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["LineSurrounding"] : NULL;
    $LineR = isset($Format ["LineR"]) ? $Format ["LineR"] : VOID;
    $LineG = isset($Format ["LineG"]) ? $Format ["LineG"] : VOID;
    $LineB = isset($Format ["LineB"]) ? $Format ["LineB"] : VOID;
    $LineAlpha = isset($Format ["LineAlpha"]) ? $Format ["LineAlpha"] : 100;
    $DrawPlot = isset($Format ["DrawPlot"]) ? $Format ["DrawPlot"] : FALSE;
    $PlotRadius = isset($Format ["PlotRadius"]) ? $Format ["PlotRadius"] : 2;
    $PlotBorder = isset($Format ["PlotBorder"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorder"] : 1;
    $PlotBorderSurrounding = isset($Format ["PlotBorderSurrounding"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorderSurrounding"] : NULL;
    $PlotBorderR = isset($Format ["PlotBorderR"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorderR"] : 0;
    $PlotBorderG = isset($Format ["PlotBorderG"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorderG"] : 0;
    $PlotBorderB = isset($Format ["PlotBorderB"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorderB"] : 0;
    $PlotBorderAlpha = isset($Format ["PlotBorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["PlotBorderAlpha"] : 50;
    $ForceTransparency = isset($Format ["ForceTransparency"]) ? $Format ["ForceTransparency"] : NULL;

    $this->LastChartLayout = CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    /* Build the offset data series */
    $OffsetData = "";
    $OverallOffset = "";
    $SerieOrder = "";
    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $SerieOrder [] = $SerieName;

        foreach ($Serie ["Data"] as $Key => $Value) 
          if ($Value == VOID) {
            $Value = 0;
          if ($Value >= 0) {
            $Sign = "+";
          else {
            $Sign = "-";
          if (!isset($OverallOffset [$Key]) || !isset($OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign])) {
            $OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign] = 0;

          if ($Sign == "+") 
            $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Key] = $Value + $OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign];
            $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Key] = $Value - $OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign];

          $OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign] = $OverallOffset [$Key][$Sign] + abs($Value);
    $SerieOrder = array_reverse($SerieOrder);

    $LastX = "";
    $LastY = "";
    foreach ($SerieOrder as $Key => $SerieName) 
      $Serie = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName];
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        if ($ForceTransparency != NULL) {
          $Alpha = $ForceTransparency;

        $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha);

        if ($LineSurrounding != NULL) {
          $LineColor = array("R" => $R + $LineSurrounding, "G" => $G + $LineSurrounding, "B" => $B + $LineSurrounding, "Alpha" => $Alpha);
        elseif ($LineR != VOID) {
          $LineColor = array("R" => $LineR, "G" => $LineG, "B" => $LineB, "Alpha" => $LineAlpha);
        else {
          $LineColor = $Color;

        if ($PlotBorderSurrounding != NULL) {
          $PlotBorderColor = array("R" => $R + $PlotBorderSurrounding, "G" => $G + $PlotBorderSurrounding, "B" => $B + $PlotBorderSurrounding, "Alpha" => $PlotBorderAlpha);
        else {
          $PlotBorderColor = array("R" => $PlotBorderR, "G" => $PlotBorderG, "B" => $PlotBorderB, "Alpha" => $PlotBorderAlpha);

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $Mode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
        $Format = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
        $Unit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]), TRUE);
        $YZero = $this->scaleComputeY(0, array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        $this->DataSet->Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"] = 0;

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaY2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaY2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $Plots = "";
          $Plots [] = $X;
          $Plots [] = $YZero;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Height) 
            if ($Height != VOID) {
              $Plots [] = $X;
              $Plots [] = $YZero -$Height;
            $X = $X + $XStep;
          $Plots [] = $X -$XStep;
          $Plots [] = $YZero;

          $this->drawPolygon($Plots, $Color);

          $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
          if ($DrawLine) {
            for ($i = 2; $i <= count($Plots) -6; $i = $i + 2) {
              $this->drawLine($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $Plots [$i + 2], $Plots [$i + 3], $LineColor);
          if ($DrawPlot) 
            for ($i = 2; $i <= count($Plots) -4; $i = $i + 2) 
              if ($PlotBorder != 0) 
                $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $PlotRadius + $PlotBorder, $PlotBorderColor);

              $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $PlotRadius, $Color);
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;
        elseif ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_TOPBOTTOM) 
          if ($YZero < $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX1 + 1;
          if ($YZero > $this->GraphAreaX2 -1) {
            $YZero = $this->GraphAreaX2 -1;

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $Plots = "";
          $Plots [] = $YZero;
          $Plots [] = $Y;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Height) 
            if ($Height != VOID) {
              $Plots [] = $YZero + $Height;
              $Plots [] = $Y;
            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          $Plots [] = $YZero;
          $Plots [] = $Y -$YStep;

          $this->drawPolygon($Plots, $Color);

          $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;
          if ($DrawLine) {
            for ($i = 2; $i <= count($Plots) -6; $i = $i + 2) {
              $this->drawLine($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $Plots [$i + 2], $Plots [$i + 3], $LineColor);
          if ($DrawPlot) 
            for ($i = 2; $i <= count($Plots) -4; $i = $i + 2) 
              if ($PlotBorder != 0) 
                $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $PlotRadius + $PlotBorder, $PlotBorderColor);

              $this->drawFilledCircle($Plots [$i], $Plots [$i + 1], $PlotRadius, $Color);
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;
    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Returns a random color */
  function getRandomColor($Alpha = 100) 
    return (array("R" => rand(0, 255), "G" => rand(0, 255), "B" => rand(0, 255), "Alpha" => $Alpha));

  /* Validate a palette */
  function validatePalette($Colors, $Surrounding = NULL) 
    $Result = "";

    if (!is_array($Colors)) {
      return ($this->getRandomColor());

    foreach ($Colors as $Key => $Values) 
      if (isset($Values ["R"])) {
        $Result [$Key]["R"] = $Values ["R"];
      else {
        $Result [$Key]["R"] = rand(0, 255);
      if (isset($Values ["G"])) {
        $Result [$Key]["G"] = $Values ["G"];
      else {
        $Result [$Key]["G"] = rand(0, 255);
      if (isset($Values ["B"])) {
        $Result [$Key]["B"] = $Values ["B"];
      else {
        $Result [$Key]["B"] = rand(0, 255);
      if (isset($Values ["Alpha"])) {
        $Result [$Key]["Alpha"] = $Values ["Alpha"];
      else {
        $Result [$Key]["Alpha"] = 100;

      if ($Surrounding != NULL) 
        $Result [$Key]["BorderR"] = $Result [$Key]["R"] + $Surrounding;
        $Result [$Key]["BorderG"] = $Result [$Key]["G"] + $Surrounding;
        $Result [$Key]["BorderB"] = $Result [$Key]["B"] + $Surrounding;
        if (isset($Values ["BorderR"])) {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderR"] = $Values ["BorderR"];
        else {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderR"] = $Result [$Key]["R"];
        if (isset($Values ["BorderG"])) {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderG"] = $Values ["BorderG"];
        else {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderG"] = $Result [$Key]["G"];
        if (isset($Values ["BorderB"])) {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderB"] = $Values ["BorderB"];
        else {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderB"] = $Result [$Key]["B"];
        if (isset($Values ["BorderAlpha"])) {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderAlpha"] = $Values ["BorderAlpha"];
        else {
          $Result [$Key]["BorderAlpha"] = $Result [$Key]["Alpha"];

    return ($Result);

  /* Draw the derivative chart associated to the data series */
  function drawDerivative($Format = NULL) 
    $Offset = isset($Format ["Offset"]) ? $Format ["Offset"] : 10;
    $SerieSpacing = isset($Format ["SerieSpacing"]) ? $Format ["SerieSpacing"] : 3;
    $DerivativeHeight = isset($Format ["DerivativeHeight"]) ? $Format ["DerivativeHeight"] : 4;
    $ShadedSlopeBox = isset($Format ["ShadedSlopeBox"]) ? $Format ["ShadedSlopeBox"] : FALSE;
    $DrawBackground = isset($Format ["DrawBackground"]) ? $Format ["DrawBackground"] : TRUE;
    $BackgroundR = isset($Format ["BackgroundR"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundR"] : 255;
    $BackgroundG = isset($Format ["BackgroundG"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundG"] : 255;
    $BackgroundB = isset($Format ["BackgroundB"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundB"] : 255;
    $BackgroundAlpha = isset($Format ["BackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BackgroundAlpha"] : 20;
    $DrawBorder = isset($Format ["DrawBorder"]) ? $Format ["DrawBorder"] : TRUE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : 0;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : 0;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : 0;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : 100;
    $Caption = isset($Format ["Caption"]) ? $Format ["Caption"] : TRUE;
    $CaptionHeight = isset($Format ["CaptionHeight"]) ? $Format ["CaptionHeight"] : 10;
    $CaptionWidth = isset($Format ["CaptionWidth"]) ? $Format ["CaptionWidth"] : 20;
    $CaptionMargin = isset($Format ["CaptionMargin"]) ? $Format ["CaptionMargin"] : 4;
    $CaptionLine = isset($Format ["CaptionLine"]) ? $Format ["CaptionLine"] : FALSE;
    $CaptionBox = isset($Format ["CaptionBox"]) ? $Format ["CaptionBox"] : FALSE;
    $CaptionBorderR = isset($Format ["CaptionBorderR"]) ? $Format ["CaptionBorderR"] : 0;
    $CaptionBorderG = isset($Format ["CaptionBorderG"]) ? $Format ["CaptionBorderG"] : 0;
    $CaptionBorderB = isset($Format ["CaptionBorderB"]) ? $Format ["CaptionBorderB"] : 0;
    $CaptionFillR = isset($Format ["CaptionFillR"]) ? $Format ["CaptionFillR"] : 255;
    $CaptionFillG = isset($Format ["CaptionFillG"]) ? $Format ["CaptionFillG"] : 255;
    $CaptionFillB = isset($Format ["CaptionFillB"]) ? $Format ["CaptionFillB"] : 255;
    $CaptionFillAlpha = isset($Format ["CaptionFillAlpha"]) ? $Format ["CaptionFillAlpha"] : 80;
    $PositiveSlopeStartR = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartR"] : 184;
    $PositiveSlopeStartG = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartG"] : 234;
    $PositiveSlopeStartB = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartB"] : 88;
    $PositiveSlopeEndR = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartR"] : 239;
    $PositiveSlopeEndG = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartG"] : 31;
    $PositiveSlopeEndB = isset($Format ["PositiveSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format ["PositiveSlopeStartB"] : 36;
    $NegativeSlopeStartR = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartR"] : 184;
    $NegativeSlopeStartG = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartG"] : 234;
    $NegativeSlopeStartB = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartB"] : 88;
    $NegativeSlopeEndR = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartR"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartR"] : 67;
    $NegativeSlopeEndG = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartG"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartG"] : 124;
    $NegativeSlopeEndB = isset($Format ["NegativeSlopeStartB"]) ? $Format ["NegativeSlopeStartB"] : 227;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();

    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) {
      $YPos = $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["Y2"] + $Offset;
    else {
      $XPos = $this->DataSet->Data ["GraphArea"]["X2"] + $Offset;

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
        $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
        $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        $Weight = $Serie ["Weight"];

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($Caption) 
            if ($CaptionLine) 
              $StartX = floor($this->GraphAreaX1 -$CaptionWidth + $XMargin -$CaptionMargin);
              $EndX = floor($this->GraphAreaX1 -$CaptionMargin + $XMargin);

              $CaptionSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight);
              if ($CaptionBox) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($StartX, $YPos, $EndX, $YPos + $CaptionHeight, array("R" => $CaptionFillR, "G" => $CaptionFillG, "B" => $CaptionFillB, "BorderR" => $CaptionBorderR, "BorderG" => $CaptionBorderG, "BorderB" => $CaptionBorderB, "Alpha" => $CaptionFillAlpha));
              $this->drawLine($StartX + 2, $YPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2), $EndX -2, $YPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2), $CaptionSettings);
            else {
              $this->drawFilledRectangle($this->GraphAreaX1 -$CaptionWidth + $XMargin -$CaptionMargin, $YPos, $this->GraphAreaX1 -$CaptionMargin + $XMargin, $YPos + $CaptionHeight, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "BorderR" => $CaptionBorderR, "BorderG" => $CaptionBorderG, "BorderB" => $CaptionBorderB));

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          $TopY = $YPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2) - ($DerivativeHeight / 2);
          $BottomY = $YPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2) + ($DerivativeHeight / 2);

          $StartX = floor($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin);
          $EndX = floor($this->GraphAreaX2 -$XMargin);

          if ($DrawBackground) {
            $this->drawFilledRectangle($StartX -1, $TopY -1, $EndX + 1, $BottomY + 1, array("R" => $BackgroundR, "G" => $BackgroundG, "B" => $BackgroundB, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha));
          if ($DrawBorder) {
            $this->drawRectangle($StartX -1, $TopY -1, $EndX + 1, $BottomY + 1, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

          /* Determine the Max slope index */
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;
          $MinSlope = 0;
          $MaxSlope = 1;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($Y != VOID && $LastX != NULL) 
              $Slope = ($LastY - $Y);
              if ($Slope > $MaxSlope) {
                $MaxSlope = $Slope;
              if ($Slope < $MinSlope) {
                $MinSlope = $Slope;

            if ($Y == VOID) 
              $LastX = NULL;
              $LastY = NULL;
              $LastX = $X;
              $LastY = $Y;

          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;
          $LastColor = NULL;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($Y != VOID && $LastY != NULL) 
              $Slope = ($LastY - $Y);

              if ($Slope >= 0) 
                $SlopeIndex = (100 / $MaxSlope) * $Slope;
                $R = (($PositiveSlopeEndR - $PositiveSlopeStartR) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartR;
                $G = (($PositiveSlopeEndG - $PositiveSlopeStartG) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartG;
                $B = (($PositiveSlopeEndB - $PositiveSlopeStartB) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartB;
              elseif ($Slope < 0) 
                $SlopeIndex = (100 / abs($MinSlope)) * abs($Slope);
                $R = (($NegativeSlopeEndR - $NegativeSlopeStartR) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartR;
                $G = (($NegativeSlopeEndG - $NegativeSlopeStartG) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartG;
                $B = (($NegativeSlopeEndB - $NegativeSlopeStartB) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartB;

              $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B);

              if ($ShadedSlopeBox && $LastColor != NULL) // && $Slope != 0
                $GradientSettings = array("StartR" => $LastColor ["R"], "StartG" => $LastColor ["G"], "StartB" => $LastColor ["B"], "EndR" => $R, "EndG" => $G, "EndB" => $B);
                $this->drawGradientArea($LastX, $TopY, $X, $BottomY, DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL, $GradientSettings);
              elseif (!$ShadedSlopeBox || $LastColor == NULL) { // || $Slope == 0
                $this->drawFilledRectangle(floor($LastX), $TopY, floor($X), $BottomY, $Color);

              $LastColor = $Color;

            if ($Y == VOID) 
              $LastY = NULL;
              $LastX = $X;
              $LastY = $Y;

            $X = $X + $XStep;

          $YPos = $YPos + $CaptionHeight + $SerieSpacing;
          if ($Caption) 
            $StartY = floor($this->GraphAreaY1 -$CaptionWidth + $XMargin -$CaptionMargin);
            $EndY = floor($this->GraphAreaY1 -$CaptionMargin + $XMargin);
            if ($CaptionLine) 
              $CaptionSettings = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks, "Weight" => $Weight);
              if ($CaptionBox) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($XPos, $StartY, $XPos + $CaptionHeight, $EndY, array("R" => $CaptionFillR, "G" => $CaptionFillG, "B" => $CaptionFillB, "BorderR" => $CaptionBorderR, "BorderG" => $CaptionBorderG, "BorderB" => $CaptionBorderB, "Alpha" => $CaptionFillAlpha));
              $this->drawLine($XPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2), $StartY + 2, $XPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2), $EndY -2, $CaptionSettings);
            else {
              $this->drawFilledRectangle($XPos, $StartY, $XPos + $CaptionHeight, $EndY, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "BorderR" => $CaptionBorderR, "BorderG" => $CaptionBorderG, "BorderB" => $CaptionBorderB));

          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          $TopX = $XPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2) - ($DerivativeHeight / 2);
          $BottomX = $XPos + ($CaptionHeight / 2) + ($DerivativeHeight / 2);

          $StartY = floor($this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin);
          $EndY = floor($this->GraphAreaY2 -$XMargin);

          if ($DrawBackground) {
            $this->drawFilledRectangle($TopX -1, $StartY -1, $BottomX + 1, $EndY + 1, array("R" => $BackgroundR, "G" => $BackgroundG, "B" => $BackgroundB, "Alpha" => $BackgroundAlpha));
          if ($DrawBorder) {
            $this->drawRectangle($TopX -1, $StartY -1, $BottomX + 1, $EndY + 1, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;

          $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
          $this->Shadow = FALSE;

          /* Determine the Max slope index */
          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;
          $MinSlope = 0;
          $MaxSlope = 1;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($X != VOID && $LastX != NULL) 
              $Slope = ($X - $LastX);
              if ($Slope > $MaxSlope) {
                $MaxSlope = $Slope;
              if ($Slope < $MinSlope) {
                $MinSlope = $Slope;

            if ($X == VOID) 
              $LastX = NULL;
              $LastX = $X;

          $LastX = NULL;
          $LastY = NULL;
          $LastColor = NULL;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($X != VOID && $LastX != NULL) 
              $Slope = ($X - $LastX);

              if ($Slope >= 0) 
                $SlopeIndex = (100 / $MaxSlope) * $Slope;
                $R = (($PositiveSlopeEndR - $PositiveSlopeStartR) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartR;
                $G = (($PositiveSlopeEndG - $PositiveSlopeStartG) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartG;
                $B = (($PositiveSlopeEndB - $PositiveSlopeStartB) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $PositiveSlopeStartB;
              elseif ($Slope < 0) 
                $SlopeIndex = (100 / abs($MinSlope)) * abs($Slope);
                $R = (($NegativeSlopeEndR - $NegativeSlopeStartR) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartR;
                $G = (($NegativeSlopeEndG - $NegativeSlopeStartG) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartG;
                $B = (($NegativeSlopeEndB - $NegativeSlopeStartB) / 100) * $SlopeIndex + $NegativeSlopeStartB;

              $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B);

              if ($ShadedSlopeBox && $LastColor != NULL) 
                $GradientSettings = array("StartR" => $LastColor ["R"], "StartG" => $LastColor ["G"], "StartB" => $LastColor ["B"], "EndR" => $R, "EndG" => $G, "EndB" => $B);

                $this->drawGradientArea($TopX, $LastY, $BottomX, $Y, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientSettings);
              elseif (!$ShadedSlopeBox || $LastColor == NULL) {
                $this->drawFilledRectangle($TopX, floor($LastY), $BottomX, floor($Y), $Color);

              $LastColor = $Color;

            if ($X == VOID) 
              $LastX = NULL;
              $LastX = $X;
              $LastY = $Y;

            $Y = $Y + $XStep;

          $XPos = $XPos + $CaptionHeight + $SerieSpacing;

        $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw the line of best fit */
  function drawBestFit($Format = "") 
    $OverrideTicks = isset($Format ["Ticks"]) ? $Format ["Ticks"] : NULL;
    $OverrideR = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : VOID;
    $OverrideG = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : VOID;
    $OverrideB = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : VOID;
    $OverrideAlpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : VOID;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $SerieName => $Serie) 
      if ($Serie ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $SerieName != $Data ["Abscissa"]) 
        if ($OverrideR != VOID && $OverrideG != VOID && $OverrideB != VOID) {
          $R = $OverrideR;
          $G = $OverrideG;
          $B = $OverrideB;
        else {
          $R = $Serie ["Color"]["R"];
          $G = $Serie ["Color"]["G"];
          $B = $Serie ["Color"]["B"];
        if ($OverrideTicks == NULL) {
          $Ticks = $Serie ["Ticks"];
        else {
          $Ticks = $OverrideTicks;
        if ($OverrideAlpha == VOID) {
          $Alpha = $Serie ["Color"]["Alpha"];
        else {
          $Alpha = $OverrideAlpha;

        $Color = array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha, "Ticks" => $Ticks);

        $AxisID = $Serie ["Axis"];
        $PosArray = $this->scaleComputeY($Serie ["Data"], array("AxisID" => $Serie ["Axis"]));

        if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
          else {
            $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $Sxy = 0;
          $Sx = 0;
          $Sy = 0;
          $Sxx = 0;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $Y) 
            if ($Y != VOID) 
              $Sxy = $Sxy + $X * $Y;
              $Sx = $Sx + $X;
              $Sy = $Sy + $Y;
              $Sxx = $Sxx + $X * $X;

            $X = $X + $XStep;
          $n = count($this->DataSet->stripVOID($PosArray)); //$n = count($PosArray);
          $M = (($n * $Sxy) -($Sx * $Sy)) / (($n * $Sxx) -($Sx * $Sx));
          $B = (($Sy) -($M * $Sx)) / ($n);

          $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin;
          $Y1 = $M * $X1 + $B;
          $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2 - $XMargin;
          $Y2 = $M * $X2 + $B;

          if ($Y1 < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
            $X1 = $X1 + ($this->GraphAreaY1 -$Y1);
            $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1;
          if ($Y1 > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
            $X1 = $X1 + ($Y1 -$this->GraphAreaY2);
            $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY2;
          if ($Y2 < $this->GraphAreaY1) {
            $X2 = $X2 - ($this->GraphAreaY1 -$Y2);
            $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY1;
          if ($Y2 > $this->GraphAreaY2) {
            $X2 = $X2 - ($Y2 -$this->GraphAreaY2);
            $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2;

          $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);
          if ($XDivs == 0) {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
          else {
            $YStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
          $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;

          if (!is_array($PosArray)) {
            $Value = $PosArray;
            $PosArray = "";
            $PosArray [0] = $Value;
          $Sxy = 0;
          $Sx = 0;
          $Sy = 0;
          $Sxx = 0;
          foreach ($PosArray as $Key => $X) 
            if ($X != VOID) 
              $Sxy = $Sxy + $X * $Y;
              $Sx = $Sx + $Y;
              $Sy = $Sy + $X;
              $Sxx = $Sxx + $Y * $Y;

            $Y = $Y + $YStep;
          $n = count($this->DataSet->stripVOID($PosArray)); //$n = count($PosArray);
          $M = (($n * $Sxy) -($Sx * $Sy)) / (($n * $Sxx) -($Sx * $Sx));
          $B = (($Sy) -($M * $Sx)) / ($n);

          $Y1 = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin;
          $X1 = $M * $Y1 + $B;
          $Y2 = $this->GraphAreaY2 - $XMargin;
          $X2 = $M * $Y2 + $B;

          if ($X1 < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
            $Y1 = $Y1 + ($this->GraphAreaX1 -$X1);
            $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX1;
          if ($X1 > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
            $Y1 = $Y1 + ($X1 -$this->GraphAreaX2);
            $X1 = $this->GraphAreaX2;
          if ($X2 < $this->GraphAreaX1) {
            $Y2 = $Y2 - ($this->GraphAreaY1 -$X2);
            $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX1;
          if ($X2 > $this->GraphAreaX2) {
            $Y2 = $Y2 - ($X2 -$this->GraphAreaX2);
            $X2 = $this->GraphAreaX2;

          $this->drawLine($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2, $Color);

  /* Write labels */
  function writeLabel($SeriesName, $Indexes, $Format = "") 
    $OverrideTitle = isset($Format ["OverrideTitle"]) ? $Format ["OverrideTitle"] : NULL;
    $ForceLabels = isset($Format ["ForceLabels"]) ? $Format ["ForceLabels"] : NULL;
    $DrawPoint = isset($Format ["DrawPoint"]) ? $Format ["DrawPoint"] : LABEL_POINT_BOX;
    $DrawVerticalLine = isset($Format ["DrawVerticalLine"]) ? $Format ["DrawVerticalLine"] : FALSE;
    $VerticalLineR = isset($Format ["VerticalLineR"]) ? $Format ["VerticalLineR"] : 0;
    $VerticalLineG = isset($Format ["VerticalLineG"]) ? $Format ["VerticalLineG"] : 0;
    $VerticalLineB = isset($Format ["VerticalLineB"]) ? $Format ["VerticalLineB"] : 0;
    $VerticalLineAlpha = isset($Format ["VerticalLineAlpha"]) ? $Format ["VerticalLineAlpha"] : 40;
    $VerticalLineTicks = isset($Format ["VerticalLineTicks"]) ? $Format ["VerticalLineTicks"] : 2;

    $Data = $this->DataSet->getData();
    list($XMargin, $XDivs) = $this->scaleGetXSettings();

    if (!is_array($Indexes)) {
      $Index = $Indexes;
      $Indexes = "";
      $Indexes [] = $Index;
    if (!is_array($SeriesName)) {
      $SerieName = $SeriesName;
      $SeriesName = "";
      $SeriesName [] = $SerieName;
    if ($ForceLabels != NULL && !is_array($ForceLabels)) {
      $ForceLabel = $ForceLabels;
      $ForceLabels = "";
      $ForceLabels [] = $ForceLabel;

    foreach ($Indexes as $Key => $Index) 
      $Series = "";

      if ($Data ["Orientation"] == SCALE_POS_LEFTRIGHT) 
        if ($XDivs == 0) {
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1) / 4;
        else {
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaX2 -$this->GraphAreaX1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
        $X = $this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep;

        if ($DrawVerticalLine) {
          $this->drawLine($X, $this->GraphAreaY1 + $Data ["YMargin"], $X, $this->GraphAreaY2 -$Data ["YMargin"], array("R" => $VerticalLineR, "G" => $VerticalLineG, "B" => $VerticalLineB, "Alpha" => $VerticalLineAlpha, "Ticks" => $VerticalLineTicks));

        $MinY = $this->GraphAreaY2;
        foreach ($SeriesName as $iKey => $SerieName) 
          if (isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index])) 
            $AxisID = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
            $XAxisMode = $Data ["XAxisDisplay"];
            $XAxisFormat = $Data ["XAxisFormat"];
            $XAxisUnit = $Data ["XAxisUnit"];
            $AxisMode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
            $AxisFormat = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
            $AxisUnit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

            if (isset($Data ["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])) {
              $XLabel = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index], $XAxisMode, $XAxisFormat, $XAxisUnit);
            else {
              $XLabel = "";

            if ($OverrideTitle != NULL) {
              $Description = $OverrideTitle;
            elseif (count($SeriesName) == 1) 
              $Description = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"] . " - " . $XLabel;
            elseif (isset($Data ["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])) {
              $Description = $XLabel;

            $Serie = "";
            $Serie ["R"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"];
            $Serie ["G"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"];
            $Serie ["B"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"];
            $Serie ["Alpha"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"];

            if (count($SeriesName) == 1 && isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"])) {
              $SerieOffset = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"];
            else {
              $SerieOffset = 0;

            $Value = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index];
            if ($Value == VOID) {
              $Value = "NaN";

            if ($ForceLabels != NULL) {
              $Caption = isset($ForceLabels [$Key]) ? $ForceLabels [$Key] : "Not set";
            else {
              $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Value, $AxisMode, $AxisFormat, $AxisUnit);

            if ($this->LastChartLayout == CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED) 
              if ($Value >= 0) {
                $LookFor = "+";
              else {
                $LookFor = "-";

              $Value = 0;
              $Done = FALSE;
              foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $Name => $SerieLookup) 
                if ($SerieLookup ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $Name != $Data ["Abscissa"] && !$Done) 
                  if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index]) && $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] != VOID) 
                    if ($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] >= 0 && $LookFor == "+") {
                      $Value = $Value + $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
                    if ($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] < 0 && $LookFor == "-") {
                      $Value = $Value - $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
                    if ($Name == $SerieName) {
                      $Done = TRUE;

            $X = floor($this->GraphAreaX1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep + $SerieOffset);
            $Y = floor($this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $AxisID)));

            if ($Y < $MinY) {
              $MinY = $Y;

            if ($DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE) {
              $this->drawFilledCircle($X, $Y, 3, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "BorderR" => 0, "BorderG" => 0, "BorderB" => 0));
            elseif ($DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX) {
              $this->drawFilledRectangle($X -2, $Y -2, $X + 2, $Y + 2, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "BorderR" => 0, "BorderG" => 0, "BorderB" => 0));

            $Series [] = array("Format" => $Serie, "Caption" => $Caption);
        $this->drawLabelBox($X, $MinY -3, $Description, $Series, $Format);

        if ($XDivs == 0) {
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1) / 4;
        else {
          $XStep = ($this->GraphAreaY2 -$this->GraphAreaY1 -$XMargin * 2) / $XDivs;
        $Y = $this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep;

        if ($DrawVerticalLine) {
          $this->drawLine($this->GraphAreaX1 + $Data ["YMargin"], $Y, $this->GraphAreaX2 -$Data ["YMargin"], $Y, array("R" => $VerticalLineR, "G" => $VerticalLineG, "B" => $VerticalLineB, "Alpha" => $VerticalLineAlpha, "Ticks" => $VerticalLineTicks));

        $MinX = $this->GraphAreaX2;
        foreach ($SeriesName as $Key => $SerieName) 
          if (isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index])) 
            $AxisID = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Axis"];
            $XAxisMode = $Data ["XAxisDisplay"];
            $XAxisFormat = $Data ["XAxisFormat"];
            $XAxisUnit = $Data ["XAxisUnit"];
            $AxisMode = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Display"];
            $AxisFormat = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Format"];
            $AxisUnit = $Data ["Axis"][$AxisID]["Unit"];

            if (isset($Data ["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])) {
              $XLabel = $this->scaleFormat($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index], $XAxisMode, $XAxisFormat, $XAxisUnit);
            else {
              $XLabel = "";

            if ($OverrideTitle != NULL) {
              $Description = $OverrideTitle;
            elseif (count($SeriesName) == 1) 
              if (isset($Data ["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])) {
                $Description = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Description"] . " - " . $XLabel;
            elseif (isset($Data ["Abscissa"]) && isset($Data ["Series"][$Data ["Abscissa"]]["Data"][$Index])) {
              $Description = $XLabel;

            $Serie = "";
            if (isset($Data ["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index])) 
              $Serie ["R"] = $Data ["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["R"];
              $Serie ["G"] = $Data ["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["G"];
              $Serie ["B"] = $Data ["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["B"];
              $Serie ["Alpha"] = $Data ["Extended"]["Palette"][$Index]["Alpha"];
              $Serie ["R"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["R"];
              $Serie ["G"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["G"];
              $Serie ["B"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["B"];
              $Serie ["Alpha"] = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Color"]["Alpha"];

            if (count($SeriesName) == 1 && isset($Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"])) {
              $SerieOffset = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["XOffset"];
            else {
              $SerieOffset = 0;

            $Value = $Data ["Series"][$SerieName]["Data"][$Index];
            if ($ForceLabels != NULL) {
              $Caption = isset($ForceLabels [$Key]) ? $ForceLabels [$Key] : "Not set";
            else {
              $Caption = $this->scaleFormat($Value, $AxisMode, $AxisFormat, $AxisUnit);
            if ($Value == VOID) {
              $Value = "NaN";

            if ($this->LastChartLayout == CHART_LAST_LAYOUT_STACKED) 
              if ($Value >= 0) {
                $LookFor = "+";
              else {
                $LookFor = "-";

              $Value = 0;
              $Done = FALSE;
              foreach ($Data ["Series"] as $Name => $SerieLookup) 
                if ($SerieLookup ["isDrawable"] == TRUE && $Name != $Data ["Abscissa"] && !$Done) 
                  if (isset($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index]) && $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] != VOID) 
                    if ($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] >= 0 && $LookFor == "+") {
                      $Value = $Value + $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
                    if ($Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index] < 0 && $LookFor == "-") {
                      $Value = $Value - $Data ["Series"][$Name]["Data"][$Index];
                    if ($Name == $SerieName) {
                      $Done = TRUE;

            $X = floor($this->scaleComputeY($Value, array("AxisID" => $AxisID)));
            $Y = floor($this->GraphAreaY1 + $XMargin + $Index * $XStep + $SerieOffset);

            if ($X < $MinX) {
              $MinX = $X;

            if ($DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_CIRCLE) {
              $this->drawFilledCircle($X, $Y, 3, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "BorderR" => 0, "BorderG" => 0, "BorderB" => 0));
            elseif ($DrawPoint == LABEL_POINT_BOX) {
              $this->drawFilledRectangle($X -2, $Y -2, $X + 2, $Y + 2, array("R" => 255, "G" => 255, "B" => 255, "BorderR" => 0, "BorderG" => 0, "BorderB" => 0));

            $Series [] = array("Format" => $Serie, "Caption" => $Caption);
        $this->drawLabelBox($MinX, $Y -3, $Description, $Series, $Format);


  /* Draw a label box */
  function drawLabelBox($X, $Y, $Title, $Captions, $Format = "") 
    $NoTitle = isset($Format ["NoTitle"]) ? $Format ["NoTitle"] : NULL;
    $BoxWidth = isset($Format ["BoxWidth"]) ? $Format ["BoxWidth"] : 50;
    $DrawSerieColor = isset($Format ["DrawSerieColor"]) ? $Format ["DrawSerieColor"] : TRUE;
    $SerieR = isset($Format ["SerieR"]) ? $Format ["SerieR"] : NULL;
    $SerieG = isset($Format ["SerieG"]) ? $Format ["SerieG"] : NULL;
    $SerieB = isset($Format ["SerieB"]) ? $Format ["SerieB"] : NULL;
    $SerieAlpha = isset($Format ["SerieAlpha"]) ? $Format ["SerieAlpha"] : NULL;
    $SerieBoxSize = isset($Format ["SerieBoxSize"]) ? $Format ["SerieBoxSize"] : 6;
    $SerieBoxSpacing = isset($Format ["SerieBoxSpacing"]) ? $Format ["SerieBoxSpacing"] : 4;
    $VerticalMargin = isset($Format ["VerticalMargin"]) ? $Format ["VerticalMargin"] : 10;
    $HorizontalMargin = isset($Format ["HorizontalMargin"]) ? $Format ["HorizontalMargin"] : 8;
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : $this->FontColorR;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : $this->FontColorG;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : $this->FontColorB;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : $this->FontColorA;
    $FontName = isset($Format ["FontName"]) ? $Format ["FontName"] : $this->FontName;
    $FontSize = isset($Format ["FontSize"]) ? $Format ["FontSize"] : $this->FontSize;
    $TitleMode = isset($Format ["TitleMode"]) ? $Format ["TitleMode"] : LABEL_TITLE_NOBACKGROUND;
    $TitleR = isset($Format ["TitleR"]) ? $Format ["TitleR"] : $R;
    $TitleG = isset($Format ["TitleG"]) ? $Format ["TitleG"] : $G;
    $TitleB = isset($Format ["TitleB"]) ? $Format ["TitleB"] : $B;
    $TitleAlpha = isset($Format ["TitleAlpha"]) ? $Format ["TitleAlpha"] : 100;
    $TitleBackgroundR = isset($Format ["TitleBackgroundR"]) ? $Format ["TitleBackgroundR"] : 0;
    $TitleBackgroundG = isset($Format ["TitleBackgroundG"]) ? $Format ["TitleBackgroundG"] : 0;
    $TitleBackgroundB = isset($Format ["TitleBackgroundB"]) ? $Format ["TitleBackgroundB"] : 0;
    $TitleBackgroundAlpha = isset($Format ["TitleBackgroundAlpha"]) ? $Format ["TitleBackgroundAlpha"] : 100;
    $GradientStartR = isset($Format ["GradientStartR"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartR"] : 255;
    $GradientStartG = isset($Format ["GradientStartG"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartG"] : 255;
    $GradientStartB = isset($Format ["GradientStartB"]) ? $Format ["GradientStartB"] : 255;
    $GradientEndR = isset($Format ["GradientEndR"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndR"] : 220;
    $GradientEndG = isset($Format ["GradientEndG"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndG"] : 220;
    $GradientEndB = isset($Format ["GradientEndB"]) ? $Format ["GradientEndB"] : 220;
    $BoxAlpha = isset($Format ["BoxAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BoxAlpha"] : 100;

    if (!$DrawSerieColor) {
      $SerieBoxSize = 0;
      $SerieBoxSpacing = 0;

    $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($X, $Y, $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Title);
    $TitleWidth = ($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"]) + $VerticalMargin * 2;
    $TitleHeight = ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $TxtPos [2]["Y"]);

    if ($NoTitle) {
      $TitleWidth = 0;
      $TitleHeight = 0;

    $CaptionWidth = 0;
    $CaptionHeight = -$HorizontalMargin;
    foreach ($Captions as $Key => $Caption) 
      $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($X, $Y, $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $Caption ["Caption"]);
      $CaptionWidth = max($CaptionWidth, ($TxtPos [1]["X"] - $TxtPos [0]["X"]) + $VerticalMargin * 2);
      $CaptionHeight = $CaptionHeight + max(($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $TxtPos [2]["Y"]), ($SerieBoxSize + 2)) + $HorizontalMargin;

    if ($CaptionHeight <= 5) {
      $CaptionHeight = $CaptionHeight + $HorizontalMargin / 2;

    if ($DrawSerieColor) {
      $CaptionWidth = $CaptionWidth + $SerieBoxSize + $SerieBoxSpacing;

    $BoxWidth = max($BoxWidth, $TitleWidth, $CaptionWidth);

    $XMin = $X - 5 - floor(($BoxWidth -10) / 2);
    $XMax = $X + 5 + floor(($BoxWidth -10) / 2);

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    if ($this->Shadow == TRUE) 
      $this->Shadow = FALSE;

      $Poly = "";
      $Poly [] = $X + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $Y + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $X + 5 + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $Y -5 + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $XMax + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $Y -5 + $this->ShadowX;

      if ($NoTitle) 
        $Poly [] = $XMax + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2 + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $XMin + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2 + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $XMax + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3 + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $XMin + $this->ShadowX;
        $Poly [] = $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3 + $this->ShadowX;

      $Poly [] = $XMin + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $Y -5 + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $X -5 + $this->ShadowX;
      $Poly [] = $Y -5 + $this->ShadowX;
      $this->drawPolygon($Poly, array("R" => $this->ShadowR, "G" => $this->ShadowG, "B" => $this->ShadowB, "Alpha" => $this->Shadowa));

    /* Draw the background */
    $GradientSettings = array("StartR" => $GradientStartR, "StartG" => $GradientStartG, "StartB" => $GradientStartB, "EndR" => $GradientEndR, "EndG" => $GradientEndG, "EndB" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha);
    if ($NoTitle) {
      $this->drawGradientArea($XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMax, $Y -6, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientSettings);
    else {
      $this->drawGradientArea($XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax, $Y -6, DIRECTION_VERTICAL, $GradientSettings);
    $Poly = "";
    $Poly [] = $X;
    $Poly [] = $Y;
    $Poly [] = $X -5;
    $Poly [] = $Y -5;
    $Poly [] = $X + 5;
    $Poly [] = $Y -5;
    $this->drawPolygon($Poly, array("R" => $GradientEndR, "G" => $GradientEndG, "B" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha, "NoBorder" => TRUE));

    /* Outer border */
    $OuterBorderColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, 100, 100, 100, $BoxAlpha);
    imageline($this->Picture, $XMin, $Y -5, $X -5, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X, $Y, $X -5, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X, $Y, $X + 5, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X + 5, $Y -5, $XMax, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
    if ($NoTitle) 
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMin, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMax, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMax, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMax, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $OuterBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMin, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMax, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax, $Y -5, $OuterBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $OuterBorderColor);

    /* Inner border */
    $InnerBorderColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, 255, 255, 255, $BoxAlpha);
    imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -6, $X -5, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X, $Y -1, $X -5, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X, $Y -1, $X + 5, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
    imageline($this->Picture, $X + 5, $Y -6, $XMax -1, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
    if ($NoTitle) 
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMin + 1, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMax -1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMax -1, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $XMax -1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $InnerBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMin + 1, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMax -1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax -1, $Y -6, $InnerBorderColor);
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax -1, $Y -4 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $InnerBorderColor);

    /* Draw the separator line */
    if ($TitleMode == LABEL_TITLE_NOBACKGROUND && !$NoTitle) 
      $YPos = $Y -7 -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin -$HorizontalMargin / 2;
      $XMargin = $VerticalMargin / 2;
      $this->drawLine($XMin + $XMargin, $YPos + 1, $XMax -$XMargin, $YPos + 1, array("R" => $GradientEndR, "G" => $GradientEndG, "B" => $GradientEndB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha));
      $this->drawLine($XMin + $XMargin, $YPos, $XMax -$XMargin, $YPos, array("R" => $GradientStartR, "G" => $GradientStartG, "B" => $GradientStartB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha));
    elseif ($TitleMode == LABEL_TITLE_BACKGROUND) 
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($XMin, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 3, $XMax, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin + $HorizontalMargin / 2, array("R" => $TitleBackgroundR, "G" => $TitleBackgroundG, "B" => $TitleBackgroundB, "Alpha" => $BoxAlpha));
      imageline($this->Picture, $XMin + 1, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin + $HorizontalMargin / 2 + 1, $XMax -1, $Y -5 -$TitleHeight -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin + $HorizontalMargin / 2 + 1, $InnerBorderColor);

    /* Write the description */
    if (!$NoTitle) {
      $this->drawText($XMin + $VerticalMargin, $Y -7 -$CaptionHeight -$HorizontalMargin * 2, $Title, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT, "R" => $TitleR, "G" => $TitleG, "B" => $TitleB));

    /* Write the value */
    $YPos = $Y -5 -$HorizontalMargin;
    $XPos = $XMin + $VerticalMargin + $SerieBoxSize + $SerieBoxSpacing;
    foreach ($Captions as $Key => $Caption) 
      $CaptionTxt = $Caption ["Caption"];
      $TxtPos = $this->getTextBox($XPos, $YPos, $FontName, $FontSize, 0, $CaptionTxt);
      $CaptionHeight = ($TxtPos [0]["Y"] - $TxtPos [2]["Y"]);

      /* Write the serie color if needed */
      if ($DrawSerieColor) 
        $BoxSettings = array("R" => $Caption ["Format"]["R"], "G" => $Caption ["Format"]["G"], "B" => $Caption ["Format"]["B"], "Alpha" => $Caption ["Format"]["Alpha"], "BorderR" => 0, "BorderG" => 0, "BorderB" => 0);
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($XMin + $VerticalMargin, $YPos -$SerieBoxSize, $XMin + $VerticalMargin + $SerieBoxSize, $YPos, $BoxSettings);

      $this->drawText($XPos, $YPos, $CaptionTxt, array("Align" => TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOMLEFT));

      $YPos = $YPos - $CaptionHeight - $HorizontalMargin;

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Draw a basic shape */
  function drawShape($X, $Y, $Shape, $PlotSize, $PlotBorder, $BorderSize, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha, $BorderR, $BorderG, $BorderB, $BorderAlpha) 
      if ($PlotBorder) {
        $this->drawFilledCircle($X, $Y, $PlotSize + $BorderSize, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));
      $this->drawFilledCircle($X, $Y, $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDSQUARE) 
      if ($PlotBorder) {
        $this->drawFilledRectangle($X -$PlotSize -$BorderSize, $Y -$PlotSize -$BorderSize, $X + $PlotSize + $BorderSize, $Y + $PlotSize + $BorderSize, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));
      $this->drawFilledRectangle($X -$PlotSize, $Y -$PlotSize, $X + $PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDTRIANGLE) 
      if ($PlotBorder) 
        $Pos = "";
        $Pos [] = $X;
        $Pos [] = $Y -$PlotSize -$BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $X -$PlotSize -$BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize + $BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $X + $PlotSize + $BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize + $BorderSize;
        $this->drawPolygon($Pos, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));

      $Pos = "";
      $Pos [] = $X;
      $Pos [] = $Y -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $X -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $X + $PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize;
      $this->drawPolygon($Pos, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_TRIANGLE) 
      $this->drawLine($X, $Y -$PlotSize, $X -$PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      $this->drawLine($X -$PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, $X + $PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
      $this->drawLine($X + $PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, $X, $Y -$PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_SQUARE) {
      $this->drawRectangle($X -$PlotSize, $Y -$PlotSize, $X + $PlotSize, $Y + $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_CIRCLE) {
      $this->drawCircle($X, $Y, $PlotSize, $PlotSize, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_DIAMOND) 
      $Pos = "";
      $Pos [] = $X -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y;
      $Pos [] = $X;
      $Pos [] = $Y -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $X + $PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y;
      $Pos [] = $X;
      $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize;
      $this->drawPolygon($Pos, array("NoFill" => TRUE, "BorderR" => $R, "BorderG" => $G, "BorderB" => $B, "BorderAlpha" => $Alpha));
    elseif ($Shape == SERIE_SHAPE_FILLEDDIAMOND) 
      if ($PlotBorder) 
        $Pos = "";
        $Pos [] = $X -$PlotSize -$BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $Y;
        $Pos [] = $X;
        $Pos [] = $Y -$PlotSize -$BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $X + $PlotSize + $BorderSize;
        $Pos [] = $Y;
        $Pos [] = $X;
        $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize + $BorderSize;
        $this->drawPolygon($Pos, array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha));

      $Pos = "";
      $Pos [] = $X -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y;
      $Pos [] = $X;
      $Pos [] = $Y -$PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $X + $PlotSize;
      $Pos [] = $Y;
      $Pos [] = $X;
      $Pos [] = $Y + $PlotSize;
      $this->drawPolygon($Pos, array("R" => $R, "G" => $G, "B" => $B, "Alpha" => $Alpha));

  function drawPolygonChart($Points, $Format = "") 
    $R = isset($Format ["R"]) ? $Format ["R"] : 0;
    $G = isset($Format ["G"]) ? $Format ["G"] : 0;
    $B = isset($Format ["B"]) ? $Format ["B"] : 0;
    $Alpha = isset($Format ["Alpha"]) ? $Format ["Alpha"] : 100;
    $NoFill = isset($Format ["NoFill"]) ? $Format ["NoFill"] : FALSE;
    $NoBorder = isset($Format ["NoBorder"]) ? $Format ["NoBorder"] : FALSE;
    $BorderR = isset($Format ["BorderR"]) ? $Format ["BorderR"] : $R;
    $BorderG = isset($Format ["BorderG"]) ? $Format ["BorderG"] : $G;
    $BorderB = isset($Format ["BorderB"]) ? $Format ["BorderB"] : $B;
    $BorderAlpha = isset($Format ["BorderAlpha"]) ? $Format ["BorderAlpha"] : $Alpha / 2;
    $Surrounding = isset($Format ["Surrounding"]) ? $Format ["Surrounding"] : NULL;
    $Threshold = isset($Format ["Threshold"]) ? $Format ["Threshold"] : NULL;

    if ($Surrounding != NULL) {
      $BorderR = $R + $Surrounding;
      $BorderG = $G + $Surrounding;
      $BorderB = $B + $Surrounding;

    $RestoreShadow = $this->Shadow;
    $this->Shadow = FALSE;

    $AllIntegers = TRUE;
    for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Points) -2; $i = $i + 2) 
      if ($this->getFirstDecimal($Points [$i + 1]) != 0) {
        $AllIntegers = FALSE;

    /* Convert polygon to segments */
    $Segments = "";
    for ($i = 2; $i <= count($Points) -2; $i = $i + 2) 
      $Segments [] = array("X1" => $Points [$i -2], "Y1" => $Points [$i -1], "X2" => $Points [$i], "Y2" => $Points [$i + 1]);
    $Segments [] = array("X1" => $Points [$i -2], "Y1" => $Points [$i -1], "X2" => $Points [0], "Y2" => $Points [1]);

    /* Simplify straight lines */
    $Result = "";
    $inHorizon = FALSE;
    $LastX = VOID;
    foreach ($Segments as $Key => $Pos) 
      if ($Pos ["Y1"] != $Pos ["Y2"]) 
        if ($inHorizon) {
          $inHorizon = FALSE;
          $Result [] = array("X1" => $LastX, "Y1" => $Pos ["Y1"], "X2" => $Pos ["X1"], "Y2" => $Pos ["Y1"]);

        $Result [] = array("X1" => $Pos ["X1"], "Y1" => $Pos ["Y1"], "X2" => $Pos ["X2"], "Y2" => $Pos ["Y2"]);
      else {
        if (!$inHorizon) {
          $inHorizon = TRUE;
          $LastX = $Pos ["X1"];
    $Segments = $Result;

    /* Do we have something to draw */
    if ($Segments == "") {
      return (0);

    /* For segments debugging purpose */
    //foreach($Segments as $Key => $Pos)
    // echo $Pos["X1"].",".$Pos["Y1"].",".$Pos["X2"].",".$Pos["Y2"]."\r\n";

    /* Find out the min & max Y boundaries */
    $MinY = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
    $MaxY = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
    foreach ($Segments as $Key => $Coords) 
      if ($MinY == OUT_OF_SIGHT || $MinY > min($Coords ["Y1"], $Coords ["Y2"])) {
        $MinY = min($Coords ["Y1"], $Coords ["Y2"]);
      if ($MaxY == OUT_OF_SIGHT || $MaxY < max($Coords ["Y1"], $Coords ["Y2"])) {
        $MaxY = max($Coords ["Y1"], $Coords ["Y2"]);

    if ($AllIntegers) {
      $YStep = 1;
    else {
      $YStep = .5;

    $MinY = floor($MinY);
    $MaxY = floor($MaxY);

    /* Scan each Y lines */
    $DefaultColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);
    $DebugLine = 0;
    $DebugColor = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, 255, 0, 0, 100);

    $MinY = floor($MinY);
    $MaxY = floor($MaxY);
    $YStep = 1;

    if (!$NoFill) 
      //if ( $DebugLine ) { $MinY = $DebugLine; $MaxY = $DebugLine; }
      for ($Y = $MinY; $Y <= $MaxY; $Y = $Y + $YStep) 
        $Intersections = "";
        $LastSlope = NULL;
        $RestoreLast = "-";
        foreach ($Segments as $Key => $Coords) 
          $X1 = $Coords ["X1"];
          $X2 = $Coords ["X2"];
          $Y1 = $Coords ["Y1"];
          $Y2 = $Coords ["Y2"];

          if (min($Y1, $Y2) <= $Y && max($Y1, $Y2) >= $Y) 
            if ($Y1 == $Y2) 
              $X = $X1;
              $X = $X1 + (($Y -$Y1) * $X2 - ($Y -$Y1) * $X1) / ($Y2 -$Y1);

            $X = floor($X);

            if ($X2 == $X1) 
              $Slope = "!";
              $SlopeC = ($Y2 - $Y1) / ($X2 - $X1);
              if ($SlopeC == 0) 
                $Slope = "=";
              elseif ($SlopeC > 0) 
                $Slope = "+";
              elseif ($SlopeC < 0) 
                $Slope = "-";

            if (!is_array($Intersections)) 
              $Intersections [] = $X;
            elseif (!in_array($X, $Intersections)) 
              $Intersections [] = $X;
            elseif (in_array($X, $Intersections)) 
              if ($Y == $DebugLine) {
                echo $Slope . "/" . $LastSlope . "(" . $X . ") ";

              if ($Slope == "=" && $LastSlope == "-") {
                $Intersections [] = $X;
              if ($Slope != $LastSlope && $LastSlope != "!" && $LastSlope != "=") {
                $Intersections [] = $X;
              if ($Slope != $LastSlope && $LastSlope == "!" && $Slope == "+") {
                $Intersections [] = $X;

            if (is_array($Intersections) && in_array($X, $Intersections) && $LastSlope == "=" && ($Slope == "-")) {
              $Intersections [] = $X;

            $LastSlope = $Slope;
        if ($RestoreLast != "-") {
          $Intersections [] = $RestoreLast;
          echo "@" . $Y . "\r\n";

        if (is_array($Intersections)) 

          if ($Y == $DebugLine) {

          /* Remove NULL plots */
          $Result = "";
          for ($i = 0; $i <= count($Intersections) -1; $i = $i + 2) 
            if (isset($Intersections [$i + 1])) 
              if ($Intersections [$i] != $Intersections [$i + 1]) {
                $Result [] = $Intersections [$i];
                $Result [] = $Intersections [$i + 1];

          if (is_array($Result)) 
            $Intersections = $Result;

            $LastX = OUT_OF_SIGHT;
            foreach ($Intersections as $Key => $X) 
              if ($LastX == OUT_OF_SIGHT) {
                $LastX = $X;
              elseif ($LastX != OUT_OF_SIGHT) 
                if ($this->getFirstDecimal($LastX) > 1) {

                $Color = $DefaultColor;
                if ($Threshold != NULL) 
                  foreach ($Threshold as $Key => $Parameters) 
                    if ($Y <= $Parameters ["MinX"] && $Y >= $Parameters ["MaxX"]) 
                      if (isset($Parameters ["R"])) {
                        $R = $Parameters ["R"];
                      else {
                        $R = 0;
                      if (isset($Parameters ["G"])) {
                        $G = $Parameters ["G"];
                      else {
                        $G = 0;
                      if (isset($Parameters ["B"])) {
                        $B = $Parameters ["B"];
                      else {
                        $B = 0;
                      if (isset($Parameters ["Alpha"])) {
                        $Alpha = $Parameters ["Alpha"];
                      else {
                        $Alpha = 100;
                      $Color = $this->allocateColor($this->Picture, $R, $G, $B, $Alpha);

                imageline($this->Picture, $LastX, $Y, $X, $Y, $Color);

                if ($Y == $DebugLine) {
                  imageline($this->Picture, $LastX, $Y, $X, $Y, $DebugColor);

                $LastX = OUT_OF_SIGHT;

    /* Draw the polygon border, if required */
    if (!$NoBorder) 
      foreach ($Segments as $Key => $Coords) {
        $this->drawLine($Coords ["X1"], $Coords ["Y1"], $Coords ["X2"], $Coords ["Y2"], array("R" => $BorderR, "G" => $BorderG, "B" => $BorderB, "Alpha" => $BorderAlpha, "Threshold" => $Threshold));

    $this->Shadow = $RestoreShadow;

  /* Return the abscissa margin */
  function getAbscissaMargin($Data) 
    foreach ($Data ["Axis"] as $AxisID => $Values) {
      if ($Values ["Identity"] == AXIS_X) {
        return ($Values ["Margin"]);
    return (0);



Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Modifiers Type Descriptionsort descending
pDraw::drawZoneChart function
pDraw::computeScale function
pDraw::processScale function
pDraw::modulo function
pDraw::drawXThreshold function
pDraw::drawXThresholdArea function
pDraw::drawThreshold function
pDraw::drawThresholdArea function
pDraw::scaleGetXSettings function
pDraw::scaleComputeY function
pDraw::scaleFormat function
pDraw::writeBounds function
pDraw::drawPlotChart function
pDraw::drawSplineChart function
pDraw::drawFilledSplineChart function
pDraw::drawLineChart function
pDraw::isValidLabel function
pDraw::drawStepChart function
pDraw::drawFilledStepChart function
pDraw::drawAreaChart function
pDraw::drawBarChart function
pDraw::drawStackedBarChart function
pDraw::drawStackedAreaChart function
pDraw::getRandomColor function
pDraw::validatePalette function
pDraw::drawDerivative function
pDraw::drawBestFit function
pDraw::writeLabel function
pDraw::drawLabelBox function
pDraw::drawShape function
pDraw::drawPolygonChart function
pDraw::getAbscissaMargin function
pDraw::drawGradientArea function
pDraw::fixBoxCoordinates function
pDraw::drawPolygon function
pDraw::offsetCorrection function
pDraw::drawRoundedRectangle function
pDraw::drawRoundedFilledRectangle function
pDraw::drawRoundedFilledRectangle_deprecated function
pDraw::drawRectangle function
pDraw::drawFilledRectangle function
pDraw::drawRectangleMarker function
pDraw::drawSpline function
pDraw::drawBezier function
pDraw::drawLine function
pDraw::drawCircle function
pDraw::drawFilledCircle function
pDraw::drawText function
pDraw::countDrawableSeries function
pDraw::drawAntialiasPixel function
pDraw::drawAlphaPixel function
pDraw::convertAlpha function
pDraw::allocateColor function
pDraw::drawFromPNG function
pDraw::drawFromGIF function
pDraw::drawFromJPG function
pDraw::getPicInfo function
pDraw::drawFromPicture function
pDraw::drawArrow function
pDraw::drawArrowLabel function
pDraw::drawProgress function
pDraw::getLegendSize function
pDraw::drawLegend function
pDraw::drawScale function