function _Student::get_major_and_track_code

4.x _Student.php _Student::get_major_and_track_code($bool_ignore_settings = false)
5.x _Student.php _Student::get_major_and_track_code($bool_ignore_settings = false)

Enter description here... Returns the major code and trackCode, if it exists in this form: MAJOR|CONC_TRACK Though usually it will be: MAJR|_TRCK Asumes you have already called "load_settings()";

1 call to _Student::get_major_and_track_code()
_Student::get_degree_plan in classes/_Student.php
Returns a student's degree plan object.


classes/_Student.php, line 627




function get_major_and_track_code($bool_ignore_settings = false) 

  $rtn = "";
  $major_code = "";

  if (@$this->array_settings ["major_code_csv"] != "") {
    $rtn = $this->array_settings ["major_code_csv"];

		if ($this->array_settings["major_code"] != "")
		{ // If they have settings saved, use those...
			if ($this->array_settings["track_code"] != "")
				// if it does NOT have a | in it already....
				if (!strstr($this->array_settings["major_code"], "|"))
					$rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"] . "|_" . $this->array_settings["track_code"];
				} else {
					// it DOES have a | already, so we join with just a _.  This would
					// be the case if we have a track AND an concentration.
					$rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"] . "_" . $this->array_settings["track_code"];
			} else {
				$rtn = $this->array_settings["major_code"];
			$major_code = $this->array_settings["major_code"];
		} else {
			$rtn = $this->major_code;

  if ($bool_ignore_settings == true) {
    $rtn = $this->major_code;

  return $rtn;
