function _DatabaseHandler::duplicate_course_for_year

4.x _DatabaseHandler.php _DatabaseHandler::duplicate_course_for_year($course = null, $catalog_year)
5.x _DatabaseHandler.php _DatabaseHandler::duplicate_course_for_year($course = null, $catalog_year)


classes/_DatabaseHandler.php, line 613




function duplicate_course_for_year($course = null, $catalog_year) 
  // Duplicate the course for the given catalog_year.
  // If it already exists for that catalog_year, delete it from the
  // table.
  // In other words, copy all course data from some valid year into this
  // new year.

  $c = $course;
  $course_id = $c->course_id;

  $min_hours = $c->min_hours;
  $max_hours = $c->max_hours;

  if ($c->bool_ghost_min_hour) {
    $min_hours = 0;

  if ($c->bool_ghost_max_hour) {
    $max_hours = 0;

  $res = $this->db_query("DELETE FROM draft_courses WHERE
							course_id = '?' AND catalog_year = '?' 
								AND subject_id = '?' 
								AND course_num = '?' ", $course_id, $catalog_year, $c->subject_id, $c->course_num);

  $res2 = $this->db_query("INSERT INTO draft_courses(course_id,
								subject_id, course_num, catalog_year,
								title, description, min_hours, max_hours,
								repeat_hours, exclude) values (
								", $course_id, $c->subject_id, $c->course_num, $catalog_year, $c->title, $c->description, $min_hours, $max_hours, $c->repeat_hours, $c->db_exclude);
