function _AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit

4.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit()
5.x _AdvisingScreen.php _AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit()

Constructs the HTML which will be used to display the student's transfer credits

1 call to _AdvisingScreen::build_transfer_credit()
_AdvisingScreen::build_screen_elements in classes/_AdvisingScreen.php
This function calls the other "build" functions to assemble the View or What If tabs in FlightPath.


classes/_AdvisingScreen.php, line 450




function build_transfer_credit() 
  $pC = "";
  $is_empty = true;
  $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_top("Transfer Credit", true);
  // Basically, go through all the courses the student has taken,
  // And only show the transfers.  This is similar to Excess credit.

  $this->student->list_courses_taken->sort_alphabetical_order(false, true);
  while ($this->student->list_courses_taken->has_more()) 
    $course = $this->student->list_courses_taken->get_next();

    // Skip non transfer credits.
    if ($course->bool_transfer != true) 

    $bool_add_footnote = false;
    if ($course->bool_has_been_displayed == true) 
     { // Show the footnote if this has already been displayed
      // elsewhere on the page.
      $bool_add_footnote = true;

    $pC .= $this->draw_course_row($course, "", "", false, false, $bool_add_footnote, true);
    $is_empty = false;


  if ($GLOBALS ["advising_course_has_asterisk"] == true) 
    $pC .= "<tr>
				<td colspan='10'>
				<div class='tenpt' style='margin-top: 10px; padding: 3px;'>
				<b>*</b> Courses marked with an asterisk (*) have
					equivalencies at {$GLOBALS ["fp_system_settings"]["school_initials"]}.  
					Click on the course for more

  $pC .= $this->draw_semester_box_bottom();

  if (!$is_empty) 
